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Messages - HealingAura

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: July 15, 2013, 05:41:08 AM »
Death Link makes it a bit confusing to resolve the upkeep effect.

It creates two separate effects on two different creatures (the warlock and the enemy creature) - it heals the warlock and only then deals damage to the creature according to the amount healed.

If I understand it correctly, then the result depends on who is has initiative.

If the warlock has initiative:
1) Warlock at 1 hp, enemy creature at 1 hp
2) Death Link resolves: Warlock at 3 hp, enemy creature dies
3) IoP resolves: Warlock at 2 hp

If the opponent has initiative:
1) Warlock at 1 hp, enemy creature at 1 hp
2) IoP resolves: Warlock dies, enemy creature dies

General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:20:59 PM »
"each upkeep phase, the controller of Death Link may heal up to 2 damage from his Mage..."
my mage is a creature so I get to choose if I want to healed first or be dealt 1 damage

"...and place it on this creature as direct damage, regardless of distance or LoS."

the opponent chooses that his creature will to dealt damage by IoP first.

so I heal and then dealt damage. and the enemy creature is dealt damage by IoP only. correct?

Im not sure how Death link acts during upkeep phase.

I would like an official response on when the creature is damaged. When the warlock (darkmage) resolves Deathlink or do the creature owner still get to trigger other effects such as regeneration even if the warlock has initiative?

The effect for Death link is different than idol of pestilence is because it Works for both mages and only if the owner choose to let it resolve.
How do I get an official response?

General Questions / Re: Upkeep question
« on: June 16, 2013, 05:19:56 PM »
"each upkeep phase, the controller of Death Link may heal up to 2 damage from his Mage..."
my mage is a creature so I get to choose if I want to healed first or be dealt 1 damage

"...and place it on this creature as direct damage, regardless of distance or LoS."

the opponent chooses that his creature will to dealt damage by IoP first.

so I heal and then dealt damage. and the enemy creature is dealt damage by IoP only. correct?

General Questions / Upkeep question
« on: June 15, 2013, 04:54:10 PM »
An opponent has a living creature with 1 health left. My Warlock has 1 health left.
I have an Idol of Pestilence in one of the zones (during the upkeep phase, each living creature receives 11 point of direct damage).
The creature with 1 health left has Death Link face up attached to it (each upkeep phase, the controller of Death Link may heal up to 2 damage from his Mage and place it on this creature as direct damage, regardless of distance or LoS).

What is the order of resolving these effects?
If Death Link resolves first then the enemy creature will die and my Warlock will be at 1 hp left. If Idol of Pestilence resolves first then both the enemy creature and my Warlock will die.

Pages: [1]