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Messages - Darsul

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Resources and Downloads / Re: Wizard and Wizard's Tower Errata
« on: April 19, 2017, 09:19:50 AM »
Wow... tower nerf was needed but, the school nerf is just dumb.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: paladin deck
« on: February 28, 2017, 12:11:24 PM »
Paladin? New exp?

Rules Discussion / Few question.
« on: September 02, 2014, 07:58:00 PM »
Sorry, I have not dug around the forms for the answers how ever at the time we did scours the books.

1.     Would an elusive creature get hindered by Mangler Caltrops?

(we played as though yes they would because, elusive only said creature doesn't hinder and nothing about conjuration)

2. Would the rings that +X to elemental damage (i.e. Dawnbreaker Ring) add to the effect roll of elemental attack(i.e. Pillar Of Light) as well?

~ On Page 26 damage Modifiers, intuitively if you cast an elements stronger this would add the to effect roll just as if the target had +X to the element (i.e. Light)? (we played for the time being as no, going with the whole book doesn't say it doesn't happen).

3. Does a Bloodthirsty creature get by the guard.

~ Again book didn't say so we played it as no but, intuitively doesn't care if the guard jump in the way or not he wants the blood of the dieing.

TY for your time.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Priestess v 1.0
« on: September 19, 2013, 09:11:56 PM »
A couple of points.
1. You can't run Thoughtspore in a Priestess book. It's Mind Mage only.
2. You probably want a Bear Strength or 2.
3. No Knights of Westlock?
4. Your lack of Dispels leaves you quite vulnerable to a wide range of enchantments.

1. Woops, that changes alot of things. Damn Mind Mage only clause. Thank you for pointing that out.
2. At the time this was writen I was thinking my archers and I need the dps more (hawke enchant) but, things changed.
3. Yes an exlent card how every it a good defender or attack and I wanted a pull out something that would a Great defender or attacker but, a meh attacker//defender. Added one in for the times you need both.
4. Bound dispel to a thoughtspore seemed legit. Every thing has a weakness or two. Mainly I'm most conserned about poison blood. The rest I just have to deal with. I'm up to 2 dispels and 1 seeking what else do I drop for more room.

Thank you for your input.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Priestess v 1.1
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:26:10 PM »
This build has 0 play testing but, I would like to get thoughts on it. (I don't care for the priestess but, to make a long story short I'm in need to make one.)


4 Asyran Cleric 4
1 Brogan Bloodstone 4
1 Guardian Angel 3
1 Knight of Westlock 3
1Samandriel, Angel of Light 5
1 Valshalla, Lightning Angel 5

24 Spell book points

1 Crown of Protection 1
1 Dawnbreaker Ring 1
1 Defense Ring 2
1 Deflection Bracers 2
1 Dragonscale Hauberk 2
1 Elemental Cloak 2
1 Elemental Wand 4
2 Mage Wand 8
1 Reflex Boots 4
1 Staff of Asyra 2
1 Storm Drake Hide 2

30 spell book points

1 Battle Fury 2
2 Dispel 4
2 Dissolve 4
2 Minor Heal 2
1 Perfect Strike 1
1 Resurrection 4
1 Seeking Dispel 2
1 Teleport 4

23 Spell book points

2 Bear Strength 4
2 Block 4
1 Divine Protection 1
1 Decoy 1
1 Healing Charm 1
2 Nullify 4

15 spell book points

1 Battle Forge 4
2 Fog bank 4
2 Hand of Bim-Shalla 2
2 Mana Flower 4
1 Temple of the Dawnbreaker 2
1 Temple of Light 2

18 Spell book points

1 Blinding Flash 2
1 Force Hammer 4
1 Jet Stream 2
2 Pillar of Light 2

10 spell Book points

Total point 120

Priestess seem to not want to "get her hands dirty" and would like to avoid direct combat. With that in mind you have 2 remaining routes to victory, summon/creature damage and/or attack conjuration. Temple builds are/were a thing but, seem very discouraged so I'm going more creature beat down. I'm trying to avoid enchantments do a lack of ways to return when they get taken out, Holy creature lack the bonds that the beastmaster summons I'm looking to incantations to help out (to this end v 1.0 was trying to use Thoughtspore but, that damn pesky Mind Mage Only claws [yes claws, its digging at my heart]). I'm trying to make to the end game were my anglic enforcers beat my opponent into submission.

I know I don't have much exp and would like to hear what any one has to say on this build I have a few thing I'm unsure on. I like to have at lest 2 walls in my books, Fog bank is cheap but, so is wall of thorns. I just want to be tossed in my own wall. Pillar of light is a "cheep" stun but, so is the lighting  lvl 1 spell too and the list goes on. The biggest thing I ask is what do you take out if something is to be add in.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: TEMPLE RUN!
« on: September 18, 2013, 04:04:32 PM »
I like the book ideal but, couldn't you make the same book with an earth wizard just as good or even better?

General Questions / Re: Clarification of Thorg's Taunt
« on: September 16, 2013, 12:12:03 PM »
Building off the O.P. , If you taunt a familiar with an attack spell bound to it (exp. Thoughtspore) does it have to attack Thorg using the attack bar printed on it or may it use the spell bound to it?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Walls
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:47:22 PM »
I played some one a wizard facing  a warlord. I was doing the mana ramp build he came up to zone block me [not with wall but, just conjuration) he put it summoning thing in my right side corner by me. I tossed down the the tower [b-3 area] with fireball so that corner was out of range baiting him to move there. He took the bait and I wall him in there. I then ported in 2 rock  elements (few turns later) beating on him. I had very fun time. Earth mage with surprise.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Flat damage.
« on: September 06, 2013, 07:44:29 PM »
Well Acid Splash coming out in the next set does at least one point of automatic damage if a creature doesn't have any armor, Malacoda does automatic poison damage, Torment of Morlock can do autodamage to cursed creatures.

I haven't checked spoilers for new cards coming out but, I was looking for damage out side of upkeep.

~ As to your specific example there is only a 1 in 243 chance of that happening, that sucks... foxes are wily critters though :P.~

Damn fox bit me for the last time ;), so I thought. Long story short I was to be a victim of either convince(sweeping attack with a forcemage) or humor (was wining a game with a wizard and has some spell on a stick an thought hell why not). I don't remember which was the fox but, either way I was pissed [both times something was to die and didn't].

As for your dice math... (I DON'T WANT A WAR ON DICE MATH HERE ;D) just by glancing at it you not taking into account each dice had 2 "blank" sides. A .004 chance just seems too low for that. No matter that math it was very demoralizing.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Flat damage.
« on: September 06, 2013, 05:17:04 PM »
I love rolling dice but, Really hate rolling 5 of them at fox with 1hp left and rolling a goose egg. It would be nice to have a few attack spell and/or creature that could for sure swing with 1-3 damage. I'm not looking to go over board on this even go as far to make the "trait" Unique. Just for the time when you need that roll to hit.

I'm thinking where an attack would roll normal 6 dice now roll 3[dice] and adds 3 [normal] damage (so, 3 + (the what ever you got from the dice roll)). Your giving up max damage and crit for some flat damage.

General Questions / Re: Sweeping, Battle fury and melee +X
« on: September 05, 2013, 03:26:23 PM »
So any other questions about this?

LOL just one, How did this thread get so out of control? :D I started this tread trying to find out why sweeping [second attack] didn't get the melee +X like battle fury to now a discussion about how much damage a dice can yield?

BTY read the errata to Battle fury... more sad then, a sad panda.. Forget this topic. I'll never need to look forward to extra attack being something I would want to work off of. *"Before Mage Wars released, we intended that bonus melee and ranged would not apply multiple times." said it all.

*[quoted from] http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12796.0

This topic needs no more reply or please move it to new form. This has gotten off topic and I have gotten my answer [sorry my rant mostly started this]. I do thank you all for your replies and taking the time to read the topic here.

~I still find Battle Fury useful, and tend to keep at least one copy in most builds if spellpoints allow.~

I miss wrote " I'll never need to look forward to extra attack being something I would want to work off of."
should be more like I'll never need to look forward to MELEE +X and extra attacks being something I would work off of.

Battle fury is still "good" pox. it's target creature gains Double strike till end of turn(or till use). I might do more on this on another post.

To all this discussion about dice I think your missing my rant point which please DO NOT reply to was more about trying to highlight how the weakness of multi attacks. To put it more simply if a hydra rolled 9 dice in one attack you can get so much more mileage then 3 attack of 3 dice. Yes I realize this is balancing thing but, doesn't mean I have to like it. That's why it was a rant I didn't want to go any where more then it did (get some one to read my frustration).

General Questions / Hand of Bim-Shallla and LOS
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:41:25 PM »
I couldn't find this any where though after reading the text closer It doesn't matter for what i was intending to do (buff the invisible Stalker  ;D) but, still would like to know.

General Questions / Re: Sweeping, Battle fury and melee +X
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:37:14 PM »
BTY read the errata to Battle fury... more sad then, a sad panda.. Forget this topic. I'll never need to look forward to extra attack being something I would want to work off of. *"Before Mage Wars released, we intended that bonus melee and ranged would not apply multiple times." said it all.

*[quoted from] http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=12796.0

General Questions / Re: Sweeping, Battle fury and melee +X
« on: September 04, 2013, 09:05:55 PM »
Thank you for the response. So the key wording is it need to be a new action?

(**warring personal rant**) Sweeping is just as bad as Double, Triple ext. strike. I was thinking this rule is probably in place for "balance issue" [I think it's to give Defense roll trait higher value] I find it any thing but, intuitive. One may look at "Bear strength on a Darkfenne Hydra would be sick if the creature kept the bonus" I look at that the Hydra is weak with out it. Slow, take a full turn to triple swing and your only tossing 3 dice at a time. If I c a hydra I just put on 3 armor and and go about my merry way.(**ok, rant over**)

-X melee currently doesn't exist in the game but, I would hope that it would fall under the same ruling because, if it didn't I would stop playing the this game because, of bad rulings. Their are a 100 other ways to improve the balancing of the game then to make it less intuitive. (Agony is not -X trait).

At the end of the day Melee +X ruling makes me a sad panda.

General Questions / Sweeping, Battle fury and melee +X
« on: September 04, 2013, 06:34:49 AM »
I read some where in the forms that Sweeping gets penalized by the Melee +X rule but, the battle fury affect doesn't. They both start a new combat.

I'm having a hard time with this Melee +/-X ruling. I have a hard time comprehend how I enchanted my creature with say bear strength but, if it attack more then once some how my enchantment loses it power for addition attack then regain it some how... what.  I mean I get how incantation loses it for other attacks but, how do enchantments loses their power.

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