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Messages - ajbloomie

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Card Organization
« on: March 01, 2018, 07:04:27 PM »
Awesome, thanks. I'll fill out my edition, which appears to be the First Edition (Third Printing), the last of the large form factor boxes. You'll then also have a separate column for at least that edition to add to your sheet.

Also note I found a few errors the last time I tried to reconcile some of the expansions to the AW card lists. If they haven't fixed them yet and found their way onto your sheets, I'll call those out, too. I have pretty much every product released for MW except for some of the old and new editions of the core set, and some of the promos.

General Discussion / Re: Card Organization
« on: February 28, 2018, 03:22:27 PM »
Hey Tom,

I'm working to fill out Card IDs in your sheet. I'll send you what I have when I'm done.

I'm also verifying card counts for all the expansions I have. So far, I've noticed a few discrepancies in the Core Set. I'm wondering if different releases changed a few card counts here and there. I thought I had the 2015 release, but maybe I have one release earlier? I can't figure out how to tell which release I have, though, since the rulebook didn't change with some of them.

General Discussion / Re: Card Organization
« on: February 27, 2018, 09:19:06 PM »
It's not actually different than alphabetical by type, except I've also organized by set, too. Two reasons for this:

1) I almost never play with my physical cards. Maybe once a year, if that? Right now, the cards are really my collection, and I like them organized by release just out of personal preference.

2) When I do play live, I'm often playing with new people for the first time, or at least inexperienced players. It's much easier to introduce and explore the meta as the game was released. It's much easier to introduce the cards in blocks, and each expansion has it's own sort of balance as the game developed.

General Discussion / Re: Card Organization
« on: February 26, 2018, 11:55:47 PM »
Thanks! At least, that will show me how it should be, by set, regardless of coding. It is odd,  though. Would be curious to hear from AW on it.

If anyone was curious, the codes usually follow a rubric: MW leads for Mage Wars, followed by a set identifier (e.g. AWD for Academy Warlord expansion), followed by a letter code for card type (e.g. Q for equipment) and a number. This is on the bottom of every card, including promos. So the Commander's Cape from the Academy Warlord expansion would be MWAWDQ01. Useful for sorting, organizing, and helps you confirm you have everything you are supposed to have in a box, because they are ordered.

General Discussion / Card Organization
« on: February 25, 2018, 08:26:16 PM »
Hi all,

I'm undertaking a big project to organize all my cards by set and type. This is a bit challenging because even the official card lists on the site have mistakes, and I want them in a sortable spreadsheet, anyway.

In sorting by set, I'm using card codes, but came across a weird inconsistency I can't follow. It appears both "BD" and "BG" were used interchangeably on the Battlegrounds: Domination cards. Can anyone help me understand how these codes work??

I absolutely cannot win with minor buddies. My Wizard friend has 2 mana worms out after setup, and combined with minor essence drain, supression cloak, and exiling my fairie (the only way to combat my mana disadvantage), I'm behind in 4 turns. I can sometimes get a creature or two attacking in before I completely get screwed by mana disadvantage that snowballs. I can't beat this. I'm usually running wolves, occasionally get a hog out, and am basically loaded on equipment. Joktari has been no help. Maybe I shouldn't invest in armour or the staff at all? Halp!

Rules Discussion / Re: Poisoned Blood and Barksin
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:00:43 PM »
First, let's remember that not everyone has the Feb 2015 ed. of the rules. As Sike notes above he is working from the version 3.3 online rules so this adds some to our confusion using written messages.

It's moot now, because the 4th edition rules are up. But for what it's worth, "Feb 2015 ed." referred to the date in which I downloaded it, because for whatever reason, I have no idea what editions I'm looking at with my own rulebooks when you guys talk about 3.3, 4, etc. There isn't anything in the actual rulebooks to denote edition that I could find. Anyway, if you want to go back, you can see that I was referring to 3.3. A definition of event was there all along. Regardless, I think we have our answer at this point.

Rules Discussion / Re: Poisoned Blood and Barksin
« on: October 16, 2015, 11:47:47 AM »
Enchantments cannot affect an event that occurred before it was revealed. For example, you cannot reveal a Rhino Hide enchantment after the enchanted creature takes damage from an attack, to reduce the amount of damage it received.

Hold on, here. Regardless of defining "event", Enchantments most certainly can be revealed after a step. "Roll Dice" and "Damage and Effects" are separate steps. You should be able to reveal a Rhino Hide after rolling, but before applying damage, which is functionally the same as trying to reveal a Rhino Hide during the Damage and Affects step (and what this example is expressly trying to prohibit). Where did this example come from? It seems, while technically correct in ruling (can't interrupt a step), it's made completely irrelevant by a clear allowance in the rules to reveal Rhino Hide after damage has been determined, but before it has been applied. Unless the ruling is simply to clarify that if you forgot to reveal after rolling,  it's too late? Kind of a ridiculous example to choose if that's the whole point of saying it.

More importantly, is there a reason we are ignoring the definition of "event" (albeit a bit ad hoc) in the sidebar of page 19 (Feb 2015 ed.)?

Example: you cannot reveal an enchantment on a creature in the middle of its Move Action, or in the middle of rolling dice during an attack. You would have to wait until that "event" (step or action) has finished.

Clearly see "event" being defined as a step or action.

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