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Messages - Arkdeniz

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« on: March 12, 2017, 06:21:34 PM »
Thank you all for your replies - good thougths in there.

A bit vulnerable to a rush or counter rush, but against a medium-speed builder it is quite effective.

Can you elaborate on this a bit further?
Shouldn't it be pretty good against rush, because you have high armor already on the start of turn 2?

It seems a bit vulnerable because you use almost all mana putting the forges out and then probably some mana generation/banking stuff. Rings of curses and the like. It doesn't really leave much wriggle-room cover if a Beasty comes charging in with a couple of boulders or a teleported bear.

But if you are left alone by about turn 4 you are pretty well kitted out, would have a couple of enchantments face down and will be marching over to lay some smack down with the inevitable blood demon reaper ready to pop out.

In my experience, anyway. It has served well in my current meta.

(a note on my terminology: when I refer to counter-rush I mean a reactive, unplanned rush by the opponent that starts on turn 2, rather than an intended one that goes from turn 1)

Strategy and Tactics / Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« on: March 07, 2017, 08:49:13 PM »
I have a warlock deck built around this that has had some success. Throw them both out turn one, then pump the smaller equipment out at 3-4 per round for two rounds, then a creature buddy and charge in.

The Academy cards are great for this. Lots of useful, low-cost equipment that stacks nicely and does not present the enemy mage a decent and obvious target for dissolves and crumbles.

A bit vulnerable to a rush or counter rush, but against a medium-speed builder it is quite effective.

Strategy and Tactics / Domination: Anyone ever use the V'Torrak?
« on: February 18, 2017, 09:00:47 PM »
My circle has been playing a fair bit of Domination recently, and not one of us has ever used, nor can see a time when it would be useful to use, the V'Torrak tile.

Our consensus is basically that it is not worth sacrificing a V'tar point unless you are already gaining more each turn than your opponents, and even if you are, you will almost certainly have better things to do with 7 mana rather than summon a Sslak with it.

Are we missing something here? The Domination rulebook seems to think that the V'Torrak is a great thing, very useful, but we can't see it.

Has anyone used the V'Torrak? Under what circumstances would it be worth giving up 10% of your victory points and a large chunk of your round's channelling, to summon a Sslak? 

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