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Messages - Alex319

Pages: [1] 2
Rules Discussion / Re: House Rules to retain realism
« on: September 17, 2013, 07:36:48 PM »
To clarify: Even under the rules as written, Samandriel can still be Healed by the Asyran Cleric. This is because Samandriel has LIGHT immunity, and the Asyran Cleric's heal ability is not a Light attack and does not do Light damage. (The "hand with light coming out of it" icon just says it is a healing ability, it is not the symbol for the Light damage type. The symbol for the Light damage type is an orb of light with no hand, as appears on the card "Pillar of Light".)

General Questions / Re: Clarification of Thorg's Taunt
« on: September 16, 2013, 05:58:56 PM »
The responses above are correct that the creature does not need to attack Thorg if it is not able to at the time.

If the Taunted creature is adjacent to Thorg's zone, it is still required to move in if able, even if it cannot legally attack him when it gets there. (This is stated in the rules.) Once it gets there, it could take any legal action if it cannot legally attack Thorg.

Rules Discussion / Re: Battle Fury & +2 vs X
« on: August 27, 2013, 08:39:09 PM »
This is correct. Note that +2 vs. Flying does not have the "only the first attack of the attack action" clause, so if you have a Doublestrike attack, each of the attacks will get the bonus.

General Questions / Re: Blue Gremlin and Teleport
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
Tarkin84 is correct. This will be changed in the next rules update.

General Questions / Re: Blue Gremlin and Teleport
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:18:00 PM »
In other words, sdougla2 is correct about the three questions he answered, and the answers to the other two questions are:

- He can teleport out of a Tanglevine, etc.
- He is not affected by Hindering, because Hindering only matters if you are actually taking a move action.

General Questions / Re: Blue Gremlin and Teleport
« on: August 26, 2013, 07:16:37 PM »
The next rules update will change some of the terminology about movement related actions, specifically to clarify this type of situation.

The way we are planning to do it is that Blue Gremlin's teleport ability is not actually a move action; it is something you do "instead of a move action". This means that it counts as a move action for the purposes of what actions you can do in a round, but does not count as a move action for purposes of Suppression Orb, Restrained, etc.

Similarly, the use of the "Climbing" trait counts as a full action for purposes of what actions you can do in a round, but also counts as a move action for purposes of Suppression Orb, Restrained etc. (We don't want it so you can climb while Restrained!)

Rules Discussion / Re: Multiple Damage Shields
« on: August 22, 2013, 07:53:53 PM »
This will be clarified in the next rules update. The clarification that will be made is as follows:

- The term "damage barrier" in these rules refers to the effect itself, not to the card providing the effect. (This is necessary, because future effects may give Damage Barriers without the Damage Barrier being tied to a particular card.) Thus the Circle of Fire, for instance is not a damage barrier itself; it is an enchantment that provides a damage barrier.

- As always, if multiple continuous effects affect the same object, they are applied in timestamp order. (Thus, since you can only have one Damage Barrier, the first effect providing a Damage Barrier will function, then the next effect providing a Damage Barrier will fail to function.)

In other words,

- If you put on the Demonhide Armor and then reveal the Circle of Fire, you will have the armor bonus from the Demonhide Armor and the damage barrier from the Demonhide Armor. (If the Demonhide Armor is later destroyed, its damage-barrier-providing effect will go away, so you will then be able to use the Circle of Fire's damage barrier.)

- If you reveal the Circle of Fire and then put on the Demonhide Armor, you will have the armor bonus from the Demonhide Armor and the damage barrier from the Circle of Fire. (Again, if the Circle of Fire goes away, the Demonhide Armor's damage barrier will begin to function.)

The correct answers are as follows:

Scenario 1: When the Panzergarde redirects the attack to itself, from then on it is treated, for all intents and purposes, that the Panzergarde was the target. Thus, the second attack could target the Bridge Troll, but not the Panzergarde.

Scenario 2: The Panzergarde cannot Intercept the attack against the Bridge Troll, since the Panzergarde is not a legal target for that attack, and Intercept specifically states that a creature can only Intercept an attack if it is a legal target of that attack. The fact that Reverse Attack can override the "being an illegal target" is irrelevant to this scenario, because Reverse Attack is not a part of this scenario in any way.

Scenario 3 (the Whirling Spirit one): If the Whirling Spirit Pushes the target away, then the target will not be able to make a Counterstrike (unless the target can somehow get back into the Whirling Spirit's zone before the Counterstrike Step). This is because a Counterstrike must be a melee attack, which can only be performed by a creature in the same zone as the target. In contrast, the target could make a Damage Barrier attack, because Damage Barriers do not have a particular range, so they do not check range (they have their own rules about when you can make them, which still apply here.)

Rules Discussion / Re: Charm and Autonomous
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:48:14 PM »
On an Autonomous equipment, it counts as the equipment making the attack, not the Mage making the attack. So it would not break the Charm.

Rules Discussion / Re: Looking for some clarifications
« on: August 04, 2013, 10:39:14 PM »
1. Does Battle Orders require an action or quick cast to be used, or is a free action?

2. Does Vampirism work on attack spells such as Fireball?

3. Can a Warlock use 2 Fireshaper Rings at the same time?

4. Does Helm of Fear work against an Unavoidable attack?

5. Does a familiar or spawnpoint with a channeling of 1 come into play with 1 mana token, or 0?

6. Do I take damage from Mage Bane if I Steal Enchantment and attach it to his/her mage?

1. Battle Orders says it counts as a quick spell, so it takes a quick action.

2. Vampirism only works with melee attacks. There are currently no melee attack spells in the game. (If a melee attack spell were to be introduced, then yes, it would work.)

3. No, you cannot have two objects with the same name attached to you at the same time.

4. Yes.

5. Zero mana. It gets its mana during the channeling phase.

(Answer to 6 coming soon)

General Questions / Re: Nullify
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:26:32 PM »
Yes. Nullify can be cast on an enemy creature, and it will stop incantations which target that creature, such as a "Heal" spell.

Note that it only stops enemy incantations and enchantment spells. It will not stop abilities which say "as a quick spell" (like Arcane Zap) because although those do count as spells, they do not count as incantation or enchantment spells.

Rules Discussion / Re: Defense + Block
« on: July 22, 2013, 08:33:21 AM »
Force Sword is not affected by stun. The card says that the defense is unaffected by conditions on the creature.

Since Block is a mandatory reveal enchantment, you must reveal it if able. If you want to use a different defense on the attack, you can choose not to pay the reveal cost of Block, and it will be destroyed without effect. You cannot save the Block for a future attack.

Rules Discussion / Re: Restrained creatures with intercept
« on: July 18, 2013, 09:37:18 AM »
Intercept requires a Guard marker. This is already stated in the rules.

Rules Discussion / Re: Restrained creatures with intercept
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:41:59 AM »
I talked to Bryan about this and the decision he made was that Restrained creatures cannot use the Intercept ability. This will be clarified in the next FAQ update.

Rules Discussion / Re: New player, have 2 questions
« on: July 17, 2013, 12:40:18 AM »
It is in the FAQ now, under "Reverse Magic".

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