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Messages - somaddict

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: druid
« on: December 16, 2013, 03:26:43 PM »
Zero seedling pods with two summoning trees is better imo.

Also, what to do about Adramalech?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Let's talk about the Druid!
« on: December 16, 2013, 03:25:43 PM »
Another thing to consider, what to do when Adramalech happens? Sleep is 12 mana and easily disrupted, and a tanglevine/stranglevine will be smashed quickly. Teleport gets you a turn. Banish gets you a turn. What does a Druid even do with these stalling tactics? Kralathor can hit him but with Bear Strength Adra is swinging 10 dice on him. Galador and the Spider can stall as well, and a few Acid Balls would help. This is all a lot of mana to cook up, and it's not very effective quickly enough. Meanwhile, the opponent is lashing and burning everything.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Let's talk about the Druid!
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:03:48 PM »
If Galador is worth putting in a FM book then he certainly fits here. The main deal is he is mobile and can attack fliers, and he owns holy mages. The daze/stun is a bonus as always. Five points is a bargain, imo. Compare him to some wand and an attack for fliers that gets dissolved.

I also like Electrify here to deal with swarms. I've already played a game with 12+ creatures in the same zone.

Also, Tataree is great at pissing off guards.

The staff is very good, I think. I soft-locked a grow +5 Shaggoth indefinitely, and when he failed stuck rolls I locked down the next big guy too. The only way I can see to stop this is with Wizard's zap or a spell on the vine after deploy.

General Discussion / Re: So it's the 20th...
« on: November 23, 2013, 01:51:01 PM »
I can't find it right now, but in another forum post they answered this same question stating basically they didn't feel he was ready yet and they wanted to get the expansion released already. So rather than delaying things for play testing one dragon, they dropped him. He'll show up later in another product.

I guess that's why he was quickly flipped over in that Gencon interview...

General Discussion / Re: So it's the 20th...
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:51:25 PM »
Ok, that um...

So anyway, where is "this guy"?

General Discussion / Re: So it's the 20th...
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:14:00 PM »
Is there a card stock list? I opened 4 healing wands, one of them being right under the necromancer. Surely this is a mistake.

Rules Discussion / Re: Serious Wording problem with Mind Control
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:11:03 PM »
Yeah, for the record, it appears this was officially cleared as of a week ago.

Rules Discussion / Mind Control
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:50:00 PM »
I can't believe how often this still comes up, but when EXACTLY can mind control be revealed? What is the official ruling by the creators?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster - Grizzlies
« on: November 03, 2013, 05:16:10 AM »
I changed things up a bit. Here's two Grizzlies and a Galador at the end of turn 5, I believe...

The Tegu had just been stunned. I felt sympathy. I didn't have trouble making room for Galador. Turn 1 was Grizzly and Bear Strength. Turn 2 was double move and Hand. Turn 3 was Galador. Turn 4 was Force Ring and Force Pull. Turn 5 was Grizzly #2. Turn 6 was Battle Fury with revealed Bear Strength and +1 melee from Hand. Turn 7 was gg. He was a newer player, but still.

I took a bit of all the advice for the book.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster - Grizzlies
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:59:18 AM »
Replace 2 hurl boulders with jet streams and surge waves. 2 jets and 2 surge is enough.
Replace 2 rhino hides with vampirism enchantments. your bears dont need more armor, they might need healing.
Enchantment transfusion? what is it for? Get more enchantments instead.
Whirling strike remive it. Get atleast 1 falcon prescision to handle defense units.
Get more Bear strengths - they will be dispelled.

Imo you dont have to worry about "creature spam" since you kill 2 low lvl creauters per turn with 2 grizzlys.
If one of your grizzlys die, then you probaly lost right there. Adding a third grizzly is too expensive, so consider adding a minor heal and a block or reverse attack. This along with vampirism enchantment should keep them up.
Another option is to add stuff like sacred ground - this works well with shift enchantment.

Force-grizzly is pretty nice currently.

The boulders are for concentrated damage. Jets are surge are nice, especially surge, but that is utility. I usually only want to cast them on a roadblock or to finish. I run four battle furies now to deal with getting around guards mostly. Losing a grizzly is real bad. I agree that rhino hides are useless, except for 1 on my mage. That helps with wall cheese, and I can get rid of boots. Two vampiric enchants are  must, and almost better than bear strength to cast first.

Ultimately, the better players ignore the grizzlies and go for the throat. That is the only time I have lost other than losing a grizzly with lots of lucky crits.

I have succumbed to the obelisk/mind control combo. It deals with certain things so well.

Enchantment transfusion is for the jinx hack. You put a jinx and transfusion on a grizzly and stop something particularly game changing/ending. It's a jinx on deck.

The Galador strategy looks mean. Will try it out. That one extra mana on turn three is actually just what I've been needing to get a Hand temple out.

General Discussion / Re: Preorder date
« on: November 03, 2013, 01:49:36 AM »
What if we pre-ordered from a vendor months ago?

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster - Grizzlies
« on: September 29, 2013, 02:16:43 PM »
Thanks for the feedback Deckbuilder. That's a lot of good input.

I do favor the Forcemaster because I have a crush on her, I'll admit it, yet the flexibility of the force pull is key here, I think. I can choose two spells every round knowing that I have force pull available as an option to deal with the unpredictable movement of the enemy mage. Force pull is also very cheap, and this book is mana intensive. That leads to another point. The upkeep spells are too expensive to maintain to keep this book aggressive. I want the opponent to move because then they aren't casting creatures, and the book is designed around dealing with the movement of the opponent. Ideally, I want them on the run and have enough mana free to cast a wand, fire off a boulder with a force pull, two boulders at once with a bear attack or two, etc. I've rolled 30 dice in a round before.

I actually didn't know about the Obelisk/Mind Control cheese. That is something to consider, but honestly I hope this gets nerfed somehow. I don't like it. I agree that another regrowth instead of heal enchants might be a good move, but I do like the unpredictability of the heals that misdirects aggro to the bears instead of my mage. The deflect is also a bonus for my mage that is frequently standing right in the middle of everything with little protection.

The biggest problem I've had so far are roll anomalies. If the opponent hits with a ton of crits on the bears early then I'm in a bad spot. I guess that's the breaks with any game though. Vampiric is probably the way to go here. I will make some adjustments and see how it goes.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Earth Wizard - Control
« on: September 28, 2013, 02:07:23 PM »
Right. I misunderstood Epic.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Forcemaster - Grizzlies
« on: September 28, 2013, 12:47:44 PM »
Two grizzlies out on turn three. Force pull/push and teleport bears to swing with nine dice often. Focus down spawn points immediately. It is quite a steam roller so far. How can it be made better?

Mage: Forcemaster

Hurl Boulder x 3 (Fliers, finisher)

Steelclaw Grizzly x 2

Bear Strength x 2 (On bears)
Charm x 1 (Distract)
Poisoned Blood x 1 (Disrupt panic heals, Holy Mage)
Rhino Hide x 2 (On bears)
Healing Charm x 2 (Bears or Mage)
Enchantment Transfusion x 1
Jinx x 1
Mongoose Agility x 1
Regrowth x 1 (Bear or Mage)

Mage Wand x 2 (Sleep, Fury, Teleport, Push, Minor Heal, Dissolve, Dispel, Shift Enchant)
Dragonscale Hauberk x 1
Eagleclaw Boots x 2 (Disrupt FM, Wall cheese)

Dissolve x 2
Dispel x 2
Seeking Dispel x 1
Battle Fury x 2
Purify x 1
Heal x 1
Sleep x 1 (Fliers, Gorgon Archer, Teleport away)
Force Push x 2
Teleport x 3 (Move bears, enemy mage/creatures, isolate sleepers)
Minor Heal x 2
Shift Enchantment x 1
Whirling Strike x 1 (Deal with BM and Warlord spam)
Piercing Strike x 1 (Deal with Iron Golem, Brogan, etc.)

Suppression Orb (Deal with creature spam)

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