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Messages - kfzkjunru

Pages: [1]
Strategy and Tactics / Re: Harassing the Mana Crystal - Why?
« on: October 21, 2012, 09:37:46 PM »
I've noticed that attacking mana producers early is a waste but many times devoting a small creature to attacking them during the mid game can be useful. If your opponent has a few big creatures he has to either devote a large creature to defending or have them die after a few turns of attacking. The starting turns are far too important for setting up your board presence to worry about destroying them.

League / Tournament Play / Jacksonville FL Players
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:05:21 PM »
Just got the game and really enjoying it but don't know of anyone or anywhere to play here in Jacksonville FL. Looking for any existing casual games or tournaments or just  people to start a play group. I really think this game has a lot of potential for organized play and looking forward to meeting some other players.

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