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Messages - Shimrod

Pages: [1]
Would it be possible to update conditions reference sheet available on website to include also conditions from expansions? Current available version includes only ones from core set.

Additionally I think it would be great if codex updated with information from expansions was also available separately form rulebook as printer friendly quick reference guide. This would make searching for data much easier.


For the future surveys it would be good to have also some comments fields, where you could write explanations. For example currently my favourite wizard is Warlock, as I do not have access to expansion yet, but considering what I've read it will change for sure for Forcemaster...

General Questions / Re: Aegis and zone attacks
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:24:45 AM »
Thanks. That was also my suspicion, but I wanted to be sure.

General Questions / Aegis and zone attacks
« on: April 24, 2013, 11:21:08 AM »
I am new here, so I wanted to say hello  :)

I bought MW recently, and am almost addicted to it now, just after 4 plays. There is one issue which came out in last game, and I'd be grateful for clarification. I looked for it, but without success.

Definitions from rulebook:

Aegis X All attacks made against this objects subtract X attack dice before rolling.

Zone Attack This attack affects all creatures/conjurations in the target zone, without actually targeting them individually.

So does Aegis work also against zone attack? Opinions in my group are divided equally, so I'd appreciate official statement.

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