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Messages - Taruslar

Pages: [1] 2
Rules Discussion / Attacks against Seedling Pod
« on: January 13, 2015, 08:50:05 AM »
So i`ve searched very long to find an answer for my question. But didnĀ“t found it. Is it possible to attack seedling pods with both attacks (melee and ranged) or do they have the same trait than vinemarkers? So they can only be attacked by melee-attacks.

Rules Discussion / Re: Flying rooted/uprood?
« on: December 12, 2013, 05:22:28 PM »
So, if i understood it right. If a creature with uproot have eagle wings, it wont get rooted again if i reveal eagle wings after i payed the uproot cost?

Custom Cards / The Runemaster
« on: October 19, 2013, 09:53:26 AM »
The Runemaster:

Trained in Arcane and another school of his choice to give his playstyle a direction, all other school costs triple.

Runes are very powerfull and heavy to construct. Normally (all other Mages) you need two rounds (construct and complete) to cast a rune.The runemaster is able to construct a rune with a quickaction and complete it with a free action, in the same round. Also he can use that free-action to complete other incomplete runes in the game which gives him the possibility to construct a new rune and complete the same one or construct a new one and complete another one which was placed rounds before. All other mages need 2 rounds and have to use two quickactions, in each round one, to complete their runes. Incomplete runes are placed face down.

Once per Round, the rune master may pay one mana to give one of his active Runes a magical boost to make it immune against all kind of attacks and all kind of spells. Spells which are used on a boosted rune are discarded with no funktion.

New Underschool from Enchantments and Conjurations: Runes

They work like enchantments but also have a healthpool (with incorporeal trait) so they can be destroyed by attacks or incantations like dispell, purge magic.

They can be placed on creatures, zones, conjurations and equipment. To construct and complete a rune u need 2 rounds. In round one you need a quickaction to construct it, in round two u need a quick action to complete it but u can choose when you use the quickaction to complete the rune.
For Example: Construct the rune in round one and complete it in round six.The Runemaster has other rules which are explained at the top.

As Conjurations they have following traits: Nonliving, Incorporeal, burnproof, zone exclusive.
Powerfull runes are legendary, unique, epic. Powerfull runes could stack other traits.

The runes are designed based on the different schools.

Here some examples:


only one rune can be placed on an equipment.

Rune of Power ( Arcane, Underschool enchantment): This equipment gains the channel+ 1 trait which stacks with other channel traits. If the Runemaster give that rune a magical boost this Equipment gets also immunity against attacks and spells.

Dark school:

Rune of Destruction (Undertype of enchantment): Can be placed only at conjurations. During the upkeep-phase this conjuration takes 2 direct damage.

Rune of Destruction (Undertype of enchantment ): Can be placed at Eqipment. If this rune is completed, this equipment gets a token which starts at three. Every round during the upkeep-phase it looses one token. If there are zero tokens on this equipment it gets destroyed.

Circle of Destruction(Undertype Conjuration): Can be placed into zones. In every round, any living enemy creature who enters that zone or stands in that zone while this rune is completed takes 2 direkt damage.

Holy school:

Rune of Protection: Can be placed only at Conjurations. This conjuration gets 2 armor.
Another rune of Protection: Can be placed on Creatures. This creature gets the Aegis+1 trait, it stacks with another Aegis-trait.

Fire school:

Rune of Fire: This creature gains the fire+ 1 trait. This stacks with other fire traits. Does not work on creatures with fire immunity.

Mind school:

Rune of Illusion ( Zone Conjuration): If a friendly creature enters or stands in that zone while the rune is completed, an Illusion is constructed. This Illusion has no stats and can do nothing. It is destroyed with one attack or leaving the zone, but can built again with entering again that zone with the rune. Take a copy from the existing cardpool for the illusion. 2 Tokens are placed face down on both creatures. Choose your Illusion and place the mark with Illusion face down on the card and on the other one face down with Living Creature. For that rune it would be nice to have a second copy of all mages. If a creatures with psychic immunity will attack u have to tell your opponent which is the real creature.

I think they are many possibilities for the runemaster and with creativity this mage will be very interesting to play.

Rules Discussion / Fireshaper Ring and Explode // Hellfire Trap
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:23:24 AM »
Hi to all,

does the bonus from Fireshaper Ring counts for Explode and Hellfire Trap? It is written for all Attacks that deal Firedamage, but Explode and Hellfiretrap are an Incantation/Enchantment.

Spells / Nullify Clarification
« on: May 12, 2013, 05:52:56 PM »
So i read another post and now im  not sure if i played nullify correct. I thought if i have nullify on my mage, i'm protected against all enemy spells until it has to revealed. Now i found a threat where is written, that nullify counter no dispells against my enchantments. Only spells that targets the mage.

So, please give me a complete explanation of nullify/dispell rule. Sry, but i was so sure i played nullify correct.

General Questions / Mountain Gorilla with Bear strength + Battle Fury
« on: April 30, 2013, 09:03:52 PM »
Hi to everybody,

so if i understand the FAQ right an enchanted Mountain Gorilla with Bear strength and Battle Fury and 3 Rage Tokens on him having following attack rolls:

First Attack: 9 dice (4+2+3)  cause of Bearstrength and Rage +3
Second Attack (Battle Fury): 9 dice again

If the Gorilla also is enchanted with Vampirism he gets the heal for both attacks, but the second attack would have less attackdice cause he lost rage tokens cause of the heal from the first attack?

General Questions / Surpression Orb and all Push- Incantations
« on: April 22, 2013, 02:54:08 PM »
Hello to everybody,

my question is, if all Push-Incantations trigger Surpression Orb?

For Example i have a surpression orb on board and i cast a Force-Push on an enemy creature, does the enemy mage have to pay one mana for that movement?

General Questions / Grimson Deadeye, Sniper and Archer's Watchtower
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:41:25 PM »

my question is how the bonus from Archer's Watchtower works with Grimson Deadeye's full action.

The bonus give him ranged +1. So i understand it like the chainlightning rule. For damage on creatures one zone away he can roll 7 die. Damage on creatures 2 zones away 5 die and damage on creatures 3 zones away 4 die.

Or is it 7,6,5 die?

Thanks for your answers.

Rules Discussion / Voltaric Shild and Damageabsorb (Crit/Normal)
« on: April 04, 2013, 05:31:02 PM »
Hi to everybody

so i hope you can help me. If the Wizard gets damage with an activated voltaric shild, how does it absorb mixed damage.

For example my Wizard has 2 armor and i get 5 Damage, 2 normal-damage and 3 crit-damage. So, can i choose to absorb the 3 crit-damage with my shild and block 2 damage with 2 armor?

Thanks for your answers.

Rules Discussion / Bloodthirsty and Counterstrike.
« on: March 26, 2013, 06:34:42 PM »
Hiho to all,

if a damaged creature attacks a guarding creature with the bloodthirsty trait, does the counterstrike gets the bonus of bloodthirsty?

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: March 26, 2013, 10:59:00 AM »
The Runemaster:

Trained in Arcane and another school of his choice to give his playstyle a direction, all other school costs triple.

Runes are very powerfull and heavy to construct. Normally you need two rounds (construct and complete) to cast a rune.The runemaster is able to construct a rune with a quickaction and complete it with a free action, in the same round. Also he can use that free-action to complete other incomplete runes in the game which gives him the possibility to construct a new rune and complete the same one or construct a new one and complete another one which was placed rounds before. All other mages need 2 rounds and have to use two quickactions, in each round one, to complete their runes. Incomplete runes are placed face down.

Once per Round, the rune master may pay one mana to give one of his active Runes a magical boost to make it immune against all kind of attacks and all kind of spells. Spells which are used on a boosted rune are discarded with no funktion.

New Underschool from Enchantments and Conjurations: Runes

They work like enchantments but also have a healthpool (with incorporeal trait) so they can be destroyed by attacks or incantations like dispell, purge magic.

They can be placed on creatures, zones, conjurations and equipment. To construct and complete a rune u need 2 rounds. In round one you need a quickaction to construct it, in round two u need a quick action to complete it but u can choose when you use the quickaction to complete the rune.
For Example: Construct the rune in round one and complete it in round six.The Runemaster has other rules which are explained at the top.

As Conjurations they have following traits: Nonliving, Incorporeal, burnproof, zone exclusive.
Powerfull runes are legendary, unique, epic. Powerfull runes could stack other traits.

The runes are designed based on the different schools.

Here some examples:


only one rune can be placed on an equipment.

Rune of Power ( Arcane, Underschool enchantment): This equipment gains the channel+ 1 trait which stacks with other channel traits. If the Runemaster give that rune a magical boost this Equipment gets also immunity against attacks and spells.

Dark school:

Rune of Destruction (Undertype of enchantment): Can be placed only at conjurations. During the upkeep-phase this conjuration takes 2 direct damage.

Rune of Destruction (Undertype of enchantment ): Can be placed at Eqipment. If this rune is completed, this equipment gets a token which starts at three. Every round during the upkeep-phase it looses one token. If there are zero tokens on this equipment it gets destroyed.

Circle of Destruction(Undertype Conjuration): Can be placed into zones. In every round, any enemy creature who enters that zone or stands in that zone while this rune is completed takes 2 direkt damage.

Holy school:

Rune of Protection: Can be placed only at Conjurations. This conjuration gets 2 armor.
Another rune of Protection: Can be placed on Creatures. This creature gets the Aegis+1 trait, it stacks with another Aegis-trait.

Fire school:

Rune of Fire: This creature gains the fire+ 1 trait. This stacks with other fire traits. Does not work on creatures with fire immunity.

Mind school:

Rune of Illusion ( Zone Conjuration): If a friendly creature enters or stands in that zone while the rune is completed, an Illusion is constructed. This Illusion has no stats and can do nothing. It is destroyed with one attack or leaving the zone, but can built again with entering again that zone with the rune. Take a copy from the existing cardpool for the illusion. 2 Tokens are placed face down on both creatures. Choose your Illusion and place the mark with Illusion face down on the card and on the other one face down with Living Creature. For that rune it would be nice to have a second copy of all mages. If a creatures with psychic immunity will attack u have to tell your opponent which is the real creature.

I think they are many possibilities for the runemaster and with creativity this mage will be very interesting to play.

Rules Discussion / Agony on Hydra
« on: March 25, 2013, 07:35:08 PM »
Hi everybody,

does Agony affect all 3attacks of the hydra triplestrike, so only one die is rolled per attack?

Rules Discussion / Re: Target Enemy,friendly Creature
« on: March 12, 2013, 05:31:14 AM »
kk, so if nothing  spezified is writen, i can choose.

For example surpression Orb means also my own creatures.

"Whenever any non-mage creature takes a move action, its controller must pay 1 mana."

Rules Discussion / Target Enemy,friendly Creature
« on: March 11, 2013, 06:52:09 PM »
Hi Again,

On some cards it is definied if Spells attack only enemies or friendly creatures. But sometimes i am not sure if i understand the rules right. For Example, Chain Lightning there is no definition on the Card witch targets are hitten. So does chainlightning hitting my own creatures also if they are in range.

Thanks for help

Rules Discussion / Is Counterspelling with walls possible?
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:52:00 AM »
Hi to everybody,

does somebody know if it is possible to counterspell with walls?

For Example:

A Mage is casting a range Attackspell on me, like Fireball. After step one at the casting-phase i want to cast a wall of stones, wall of fire or fog bank to block LOS. Is the Fireball cancelled? Or will it go through the walls of fire and the wog bank and hits me, the wall of stones blocking complete? Or will it all time damaging the walls?

Thanks for helping me to understand the rules.

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