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Messages - ThePoPGod

Pages: [1] 2 3
I am the manager at outpost 2000 and beyond in Crystal and we have a few people that play, just not all the time. Im also an ambassador and would love to help anyone starting out the game. I've been trying to get some sort of league in MN for awhile so if anyone is interested just send me a PM. Im up for meetin up for mage wars anywhere!

Rules Discussion / Armory
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:30:44 PM »
Does it give it's ability to everyone in the arena or just in it's square.

Rules Discussion / Re: Wildfire Imp & Teleport
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:29:30 PM »
Does the mage pay for his mana then? He doesn't make any so I don't get how he uses his ability. Also does he always get +2 against burned objects all the time or only after the teleport?

League / Tournament Play / Re: Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: October 02, 2013, 02:16:57 AM »
Again didn't get enough people this week but everyone that showed up got a promo for there trouble!!

League / Tournament Play / Re: Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:30:45 AM »
Updated the results!! This week was really fun. No one got the league point but we still gave out 8 promos!! We also opened Spell tome 1 this time which had better prizes than last week. Hope to see more people soon!

League / Tournament Play / Re: Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: September 16, 2013, 12:19:37 PM »
We didn't get enough people this week for the Tournament/League but we will try again next week. If we can get enough people then we can break open Sets and we are also giving out promos now. I'll update the top post from now on with how our tournaments are going.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:35:33 PM »
Had 4 people in for our first tournament!!!! Forcemaster won it all. Hoping next week we get a cooler deck to win... like the Warlord.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: September 04, 2013, 12:15:00 PM »
Great!! I'm hoping we can get a huge crowd for tournaments here so the more the merrier.

League / Tournament Play / Minnesota Mage Wars
« on: September 03, 2013, 07:48:58 PM »
Just got a store up and running in Crystal and we are having Mage Wars Tournaments!!

Schedule: Sept 28th Outpost 2000

$5.00 entry with prizes given out

4 people - Spell Tome 1 or 2
6 people - Conquest of Kumanjaro
8 people - Forcemaster vs Warlord 
10 people - Base Set

We open up the boxes and divvy out the cards so everyone can get more cards while having fun!!

We give out Promos as well and everyone leaves with at least one promo!!

For anyone interested in coming to the store, we are at:

Crystal Gallery Mall
5560 W Broadway
Crystal MN 55428

Standings this week:

1st: Luke - Forcemaster
2nd: Andy - Warlord
3rd: Eric - Beastmaster
4th: Brandon - Wizard

League Points:

Steven LP: 5
Eric LP: 5
Andy LP: 5
Luke: 4
Brandon LP: 3

Rules Discussion / Re: rules clarifircation with daze + battlefury
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:57:36 PM »
Why? An attack happened. Then a new attack starts. After an attack you remove Daze. I don't get why this cards ability allows for extra dice in the attack if when it goes off your attack is over. It should either get get extra dice but Daze is removed, or Daze stays but the dies go away. I would like an office rules post about this.

Rules Discussion / Re: rules clarifircation with daze + battlefury
« on: June 08, 2013, 03:33:58 PM »
So then it doesn't have to go through daze?

Rules Discussion / Re: rules clarifircation with daze + battlefury
« on: June 08, 2013, 06:06:21 AM »
This is the problem I'm having in my post as well. In the rules under Attack Ends it says:

"Once any defending counterstrike is complete, the attack is
over. If the attacker is using an attack with the Sweeping
trait, or if this is a Zone Attack, make the additional attacks
now (starting with Step 1: Declare Attack). If not, the
attacking creature’s Action Phase is over.

Since this is the end of the attacker’s Action Phase, you will
now resolve any conditions on it (such as removing a Daze
or Stun marker)."

If that is the case then before the second attack with Battle Fury starts then Daze is gone, unless Battle Fury goes off at the same time Sweeping and Zone Attacks go off. If it does go off during this phase though, why does it also get attack boosts from cards like Bear Strength, Hand of Bim-Shalla, etc.?

Rules Discussion / Re: Sweeping/2 or 3 strikes/Battle Fury and Daze
« on: June 08, 2013, 05:55:46 AM »
Battle Fury is an incantation, so like any incantation its effect lasts until the end of the turn. But you can bind Battle Fury to a Mage Wand if you plan on casting Battle Fury a lot of times in a game.

...That literally had nothing to do with my question. I want to know when in the attack order does BF go off.

Rules Discussion / Re: Sweeping/2 or 3 strikes/Battle Fury and Daze
« on: June 07, 2013, 02:25:38 PM »
OK one last thing. When does a Battle Fury go off? and why does it get attack boosts?

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro - SPOILERS
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:17:19 PM »
Will these cards it this set be legal for gen con? The disclaimer that gets emailed to us didn't say.

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