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Messages - wolf88

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I find wands are usually a waste of mana/actions, unless you are ahead in tempo and your objective is to bait a Dissolve.


But here's the thing... read it again.

Ok you managed to confuse me. Did you want to say that I'm right or that I'm wrong?

When you have the opportunity, just make the effort to bring the game to others.  I doubt AW is going to know one way or the other whether you're playing MW on OCTGN, but if you like the game, it's in your interest to encourage people to check the game out, or offer demo experiences.

It's not exactly an easy feat when the game is not yet avalible in my native language. In a few months the situation should change though.

I find wands are usually a waste of mana/actions, unless you are ahead in tempo and your objective is to bait a Dissolve.

The biggest part of Mage Wars is the interaction with your opponents, the doublethink, the tactical feel of the dice. You just don't get that with online play, and I think it would turn a lot of new players off.

I do. The first MW game I played was on OCTGN and I loved it. I actually argue that playing online lets me concentrate on the actual game instead of getting distracted by other stuff.

There is a big fragment of potential players that don't go to the cons, don't have access to a gaming store or to opponents and I'm included in this sample. OCTGN is a powerful tool for us to play without all the inconvenience.

Unless you are an employee with privileged information from FFG, I don't see how you could know if FFG benefits or not. I thought they did, too, but they don't.

Excuse me, how do you know that they don't? It's an honest question.

I have no private information, but I simply figured that they have enough resources to shut down OCTGN if they wanted to. Thus if OCTGN still lives it's because its continued existence gives them some sort of gain.

Wow this build sounds NASTY. I knew that someone would find a way to exploit the Gremlins sooner or later :)

FFG greatly benefits from having its games on OCTGN, i don't see why Arcane Wonders wouldn't

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: July 07, 2013, 10:51:15 AM »
All the Mages so far have been strictly humanoid. I want a four armed Mage!

Strategy and Tactics / Re: 'Wizard's Castle' Turtling Strategy
« on: July 05, 2013, 08:31:14 AM »
the golems will be able to kite because most wizards bind charge magewand.

if you can remember can you tell me the actions he took each turn to get to that setup.
because it looks like a 50+mana setup implying it would take 4 turns at least. I thought you would surely be able to tele in a the cat (or equivalent lvl 4 creature) in turn 2 to disrupt his tempo.

for other mages teleport any elusive/flying creature. use enchantment to achieve this (lord of fire + mongoose agility)

I'm the build's author so i can help you here :)

My "main" setup is 1st turn double crystal,

2nd turn golem, ballista

3rd turn Wizard's Tower (bind hurl rock) if the opponent deployed a flier or an elusive creature into my zone, Turn To Stone or Force hold (depends on the creature) otherwise either hold the mana or harmonize/pendant.

Then it depends on the boardstate.

If my opponent doesn't seem interested in leaving his square I take my time and instead of summoning a second turn golem I double engine the second turn too, with both harmonize and pendant. skip the tower and start summoning 1 golem per turn for 4 turns.

If i see a temple of light i hurl a meteor on it because i hate Temple of Light.

If instead I sense a rush happy opponent i might not use my engine at all and open the game with a Gorgon or Golem + Mage Wand

Strategy and Tactics / Re: 'Wizard's Castle' Turtling Strategy
« on: July 04, 2013, 06:24:54 PM »
back some reverse attacks.

both wizard tower and war machines are predictable, that is you know when they will attack. for machine it is every 2nd turn while tower is when wizard  gets enough spare mans. try to time your siege accordingly

If you are pinned into the golem's nest already, it won't work. Arcane Zap takes care of that.

If you are 2 squares away it doesn't matter because the Ballista won't shoot you unless 100% sure of the shoot being beneficial.

What would help is Nullify to avoid being teleported.

You need position control. The golems cannot kite you because they are slow. Nullify is an excellent choicet to delay being teleported. Even if the Wizard Seeking Dispels it, he loses the second action needed to root you in place after a teleport.

Spellbook Design and Construction / My take on Earth Wizard
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:56:35 PM »
This is my take on an Earth Wizard Spellbook, posted here on suggestion from my latest opponent. Plan is to put an Iron Golem in the enemy's face as fast as possible, pin the enemy mage down and go full beatdown on him. Comments and critiques are appreciated :)

1 Wizard(Earth)

---  Attack  ---
3 Hurl Boulder
1 Hurl Meteorite

---  Conjuration  ---
2 Poison Gas Cloud
2 Tanglevine
2 Mana Crystal
3 Wall of Steel

---  Creature  ---
3 Iron Golem
1 Earth Elemental
1 Gargoyle Sentry
2 Gorgon Archer
1 Darkfenne Hydra

---  Enchantment  ---
1 Force Hold
1 Turn to Stone
2 Nullify
1 Bear Strength
1 Cheetah Speed
1 Jinx
1 Teleport Trap

---  Equipment  ---
1 Mage Wand
1 Elemental Cloak
1 Elemental Wand

---  Incantation  ---
3 Battle Fury
1 Charge
3 Dispel
3 Dissolve
2 Force Push
2 Perfect Strike
1 Purify
1 Rouse the Beast
3 Seeking Dispel
1 Sleep
4 Teleport

Alternative Play / Re: Online Play
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:50:04 PM »
Looks like an OCTGN module is avalible right now

Mages / Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:55:50 AM »
The Hunter
War/Nature with abilities that buff her if she has no more than one creature in play

The Archmage
Versatile mage that can choose any two schools as trained, the others at triple cost, low powered special ability, lower life, slightly higher channeling (1 point more than the next lowest) more spellbook build points (140?)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Online spell book builder?
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:54:43 AM »
I quote everything that Nihilistiskism said.
I use cardgamedb daily to build and tweak my Android: Netrunner decks and it's Awesome. The database handles all deck building rules, uploads finished decks to a lists where they can be sorted, tagged and evaluated by other players, it directly supports octgn decklists exporting for online play, and for every game featured, there are strategy and deckbuilding articles published weekly. The community quality is also excellent.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Online spell book builder?
« on: October 10, 2012, 12:01:17 PM »
I second that, getting featured on will do WONDERS for this game's popularity

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