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Messages - zzzPAXzzz

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Unholy Orc
« on: February 11, 2019, 12:59:22 PM »
Hmm where should I start?

First: sentry has 4 basic attack and with armory out and press the attack, you will get 5 dice with pierce 1 and 1 armor. I a m not a big fan of the armory cause it costs 10 mana if not using the building conj.

Second: I don’t think that Baracks needs a mana shart. Outpost are more effective IMO.

Third: you will waste a lot of actions with only command spells. And you can’t counter any DOT with no dispel, disolve or any curse removing incantation.

Fourth: your mage s defense. Not a lot of armor, no vet belt, no halberd (super weapon!)

IMO this deck lacks of flexibility cause of the missing of basic incantations. Command spells are except for bf and overextend not worth the mana cause you could also throw a rock (5 dice, or even 6 -7 with strategy helmet and halbert and Hawkeye ).

I know the advantages of unholy soldiers but I think living soldiers are the better choice cause you can use healing on them or yourself.

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: August 13, 2018, 05:56:45 AM »
I think the wording for this trait is just strange and way too complicated to fully understand. If even “experienced mage wars players” like us misunderstand this trait how could they publish something so confusing. Even if it sounds weird, IMO it would have been better with the simple wording swarms are « non living », take only 1 dmg per Hit (except AoE), roll 1 extra die for each Life left, psy immune ...

Spells / Re: Introduction to Potions!!!
« on: August 13, 2018, 03:43:45 AM »
I sadly agree with you zot  :-\

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Range +X
« on: August 12, 2018, 05:34:17 AM »
IMO it would be OP to have such cards. Ranged attacks ignore most guards (like elusive almost), you may attack flying things and don’t have to be in the same zone as the target (for the most creatures). Adding more dice would be too good. And then there are already cards as: steep hill, arch tower, Hawkeye, battle command from BW warlords

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: August 12, 2018, 04:22:42 AM »
Another one is bees hitting a Water elemental... uhh ahh that hurts screams the water elemental ... stinging water ... 22 mana vs 7 mana ... and expect for guarding he can’t do anything (kills one bee) ... ridiculous

Spells / Re: Introduction to Potions!!!
« on: August 12, 2018, 03:12:42 AM »
Nice seeing you again.

On thinking about this again, I wonder about all of these being Nature school based. Corrosive action seems to be Water, Healing action seems to be Light....

If the issue is that the Academy Druid is supposed to have access to all of these, I'd suggest that he be trained in (whatever he is normally... Nature, at least, presumably) PLUS all potions.

Just thinking.

(I volunteered to help playtest and filled in the paperwork, but no one ever got back with me.)

Totally agree !!! Why should all potions go to the nature school??? Maybe making them novice would help.

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: August 12, 2018, 02:25:48 AM »
I think the swarm concept with only getting 1 dmg per hit if its not a zone attack is a bad idea. Not for acadamy but for areana. Killerbees for 7 mana with 4x1 die critical dmg AND FLYING ... that sucks ... veteran belt is a good solution but once desolved you are fresh meat for them and you can not protect your creatures.

For the fire elemental story:
The bees attack is not ethereal and fire elemental is incorporal so only 1dmgs on the dice count. So far that seems ok that it doesn’t kill the fire elemental so easily...

Zombies killed by little stings? Come on ... Or an iron golem? WTF?  Can you imagine bees trying to sting an iron block?

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: August 10, 2018, 04:20:29 AM »
IMO killer bees are way to OP by the fact that their attach is critical AND melee. Range would have been good enough ... Also that they only take one dmg per attack is ridiculous... with only lifetree you get them to 5 health and you need to hit these FLYING beasts 5 times if you don’t wanna waste a zone attack ....what a waste of actions ... and don’t forget that Dorseus (bypass the finite life) may heal these bastards. Nature school already has soo many good cards. Why on earth do we need more of those cards? Compared to the war school it is hilarious...

I personaly don‘t think that the BW warlord needs an erretra. I played him a lot in the last year and his orders, melee + 1 and veteran tokens are good enough. I personaly think that spells like pillar of rightous flame is OP and that the forcemaster is broken with all those new cards like the orb that lets u escape everything ...

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Rally Cry Warlord
« on: October 30, 2017, 10:13:02 AM »
I also like the new options for the warlords especialy for Bloodwave.
The power of overextend, the strategist helmet, and soldier creatures are just so cool and deadly :D
My bloodwawe warlords kills a lot lately :D and rolls a lot of dices per round with BC /enchantment-transfusion/overextend/galvanize combos ;)

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