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Author Topic: I'm Leaving  (Read 3528 times)

Sailor Vulcan

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I'm Leaving
« on: May 29, 2017, 12:49:35 PM »
I've been looking for people to play mage wars with for the past four years. I've been looking literally everywhere imaginable reaching out a LOT all over the place. I only ever got two people to play with me offline outside of conventions. I have only ever played two games of Mage Wars Arena offline outside of conventions. Until this year Mage Wars was a lot more popular with people in my area, but I couldn't find anyone to play with. Everyone would just drive up north to Hero's Haven where I couldn't transport myself to, and seems to have blatantly ignored all of my attempts to reach out to them. I don't know why this is, but I suspect it's because they just don't like me for whatever reason. But I do not know for sure. If other Mage Wars players just don't like me then why don't they just TELL me that so I can stop wasting my time with this game.

If I don't have anyone to play with on a semi regular basis by the end of this year, and I still don't have any answers to why not, then I'm just going to stop playing. There's no point in investing a bunch of time effort money and energy into a game if no one wants to play with you.

I've only ever gotten to play two offline games of Mage Wars Arena outside of conventions in the past four years despite the fact that this game's local community was still thriving until some time last year. I'm tired of waiting.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 12:54:18 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2017, 12:59:39 PM »
Sorry to hear this!
I must say this isn't the first time you've said your leaving and you haven't so far so I hope you reconsider!
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Sailor Vulcan

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I'm Leaving
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2017, 01:16:56 PM »
Sorry to hear this!
I must say this isn't the first time you've said your leaving and you haven't so far so I hope you reconsider!

Actually I should have better transportation by July because of a waiver, so I might be able to get to heroes haven games at some point. Maybe there might be people there who aren't from Columbus area who still want to play with me. I called heroes haven to explain this situation and they said it was really weird and told me they'd have Justin Emery call me. I'm not going to hold my breath on that though. I've been trying to convince other local Mage Wars players to respond to my attempts to contact them for the past four years and it's not like they ever cared to respond before. I doubt that's going to change just because someone else asks them to on my behalf.

To be honest I suspect that they remember me for my rather poor communication from back when I first joined the forums. Back then I was feeling constantly anxious, crappy and poorly adjusted and I didn't know how to keep that entirely out of my voice when I talked because I lacked awareness of how I sounded to other people.

A while back a very well known Arcane Wonders ambassador messaged me a long tirade personally attacking me for being a poisonous influence to the Mage Wars community and telling me to leave and never come back and never play Mage Wars again not even under a different username.

Since then we've moved past that and became friends, but now I'm thinking maybe most people locally still remember me and haven't moved past the pathetic pile of crap I used to be.

And I bet that no matter how much I improve myself and my conduct it will never be enough for them.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 01:32:19 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2017, 01:49:56 PM »
I hate to say it bro but it's tough to find Irl games in general. I can say that I've had many offline games but the vast majority of them are played with my best friend who just happens to enjoy this type of game. The fact that he got good at it is a plus for me as ive got some good iron to sharpen my own, but i also think my position is relatively typical. Coshade and Intangible only had one another for a while and they just did the best they could and look what they've done for the global meta! Its a tough prospect, but when you lack a means of transportation getting anywhere where there are folks who actually own a copy.

Its not cuz nobody likes you. I think you're a really nice guy for what its worth. Id play with ya but i live in Connecticut (the land of 5 copies of mage wars in total it seems) and you don't. Chin up brother! You're a big part of this community, you've helped us discover new book builds and you're always ready to hemp with whatever's asked of you, hell you've personally helped me re install my image packs after i messed them up somehow. Stick around man. We'd mis ya if you left.
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Sailor Vulcan

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I'm Leaving
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2017, 01:56:21 PM »
I hate to say it bro but it's tough to find Irl games in general. I can say that I've had many offline games but the vast majority of them are played with my best friend who just happens to enjoy this type of game. The fact that he got good at it is a plus for me as ive got some good iron to sharpen my own, but i also think my position is relatively typical. Coshade and Intangible only had one another for a while and they just did the best they could and look what they've done for the global meta! Its a tough prospect, but when you lack a means of transportation getting anywhere where there are folks who actually own a copy.

Its not cuz nobody likes you. I think you're a really nice guy for what its worth. Id play with ya but i live in Connecticut (the land of 5 copies of mage wars in total it seems) and you don't. Chin up brother! You're a big part of this community, you've helped us discover new book builds and you're always ready to hemp with whatever's asked of you, hell you've personally helped me re install my image packs after i messed them up somehow. Stick around man. We'd mis ya if you left.

If that's the case why have I gotten almost no responses from Columbus Ohio Mage Wars players in the past four years? I mean I know they exist. I called Hero's Haven games and they said some of the players were coming from the Columbus area. And the game was doing pretty well around here until last year. I asked one of the game stores a couple years ago and they all said it was selling really well. I asked Arcane Wonders at the time too and they confirmed this. The problem isn't that there haven't been enough players near me. There have been other players near me and unless I'm misunderstanding something there still are. It's just that the ones who do live here don't want to play with me for whatever reason.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2017, 02:16:21 PM »
We all got lives dude. Leave if you want. I said what i said and i meant it.  But at the end of the day mage wars is a game. An awesome game that we all love but a game nonetheless. It will always take a back seat to anythimg important, family, significant others, bills, work, and sleep will always win. Stick around or don't man, but gaming is a hobby and a tough expensive one at that.
  • Favourite Mage: Wychwood Druid
I love this game. Its awesome!

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2017, 02:21:30 PM »
We all got lives dude. Leave if you want. I said what i said and i meant it.  But at the end of the day mage wars is a game. An awesome game that we all love but a game nonetheless. It will always take a back seat to anythimg important, family, significant others, bills, work, and sleep will always win. Stick around or don't man, but gaming is a hobby and a tough expensive one at that.

Thank you I really appreciate it. Also I already know all that. But I'm just talking about people who live near me who are already playing Mage Wars but don't want to play with me. I know everyone has lives. But when everyone having lives is a reason for everyone offline to avoid me almost all the time, it starts to seem less like they can't and more like they just don't want to—which is okay! Nobody is obligated to like me or spend time with me. But I think it's really unfair that they're not going to tell me honestly to my face instead of leaving me hanging.

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  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2017, 02:22:42 PM »
some people don't like us... a lot of people don't like complicate games... accepting that, it can be dificult to find MW-partners.
If it can help you I have a solution: I made a kid a teach him to play! (at the moment building a warlord to kill him!!!)

sory for you. take a break if you're tired to look for players, but don't sell your boxes, somebody could apear in your neighborhood with some spellbooks to challenge you!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 02:24:15 PM by exid »

Sailor Vulcan

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I'm Leaving
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2017, 02:58:40 PM »
Edit: I just spoke to someone it turns out I misunderstood. There *aren't* currently any Columbus Arena players besides myself and sharkbait technically but he doesn't really have time to play anymore and he's already got his hands full with community-building stuff.

Edit2: it turns out sharkbait and I are the only Mage Wars players in Columbus Ohio who are really into it and have been all along for the last four years. Everyone else is just playing casually with their friends every once in a while. I didn't realize sharkbait was the only person in the area who was really into Mage Wars besides myself all along for the last few years. And casual gamers usually don't play in game stores. I thought we had more people here at some point, but I guess we never did. That was all just people confusing northcentral Ohio for central Ohio again. I guess I was worrying for nothing then lol.

I'm glad I finally know what's going on here because this question has been plaguing me for the past several years.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2017, 03:16:41 PM »
I think it wouldn't hurt to just start hosting Magewars gatherings at your local store once a week or biweekly too.  Maybe try and find new players.  It's difficult I know but finding players in Mage wars is difficult.   Also maybe just announcing a tournament may get people outside of your area or just to drive a little further would also work.  Again glad to hear it was miscommunication.
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Re: I'm Leaving
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2017, 09:35:00 PM »
agreed. and did we not see you post about going to gencon and possibly origins?  dude.

not sure why all the drama just before all of this.

why must you conclude the worst case reasons for finding opponents?   though this sort of attitude breeds its own downward spiral and self fulfilling status. be mindful and indeed pep up. i am sure it is not because of anyone not liking you.

be an ambassador for the game. gomtomthe local stores and help teach it to new players. help them along. do not dream crush them out of the gate by playing advanced books or tactics. just easy to play books and let them get there organicly. being excited about this game in the presence of others does have its own gravity and will get others interested. excitement is contagious. people like it, and will gravitate towards it. be consistent in going and try to work on timing things to meet upmwith the others who show the interest.

yes slow. yes tedious. worth the end result.  then try to make as many events for live play as you can. then find out about those players and what how they play outside of the event.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2017, 09:43:37 PM by zot »