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Author Topic: Universal Spell  (Read 5374 times)


  • Jr. Mage
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Universal Spell
« on: January 12, 2013, 05:09:11 PM »
are their any plans to add a keyword or school for spells that belong to all mages. for example being able to destroy equipment and spells is a basic necessity for all mages. IMO dispel and dissolve should be considered in school for all mages.

maybe remove the novice keyword and replace it with

Universal - All mages may add Universal spells to their spellbook for x spell points, where x is the spells level. even if they are not trained in that spell's school of magic.


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 11:31:12 AM »
I was thinking about this universal "school" but it makes not much difference.

Dispel and Dissolve is good to be school specific. If everybody could have for the same than everybody would put 6 copies. The Wizard plays with magic, so Dispel is his type of spell.

There could be other spells wich are similar but too much similarity kills the mages individuality.


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 04:28:27 PM »
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this in the game, but don't Novice keyword spells already work this way?


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 06:19:20 PM »
They do work that way, yes.  You are understanding the Novice spell concept perfectly correct.


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2013, 02:45:45 AM »
Quote from: "Koy" post=6714
They do work that way, yes.  You are understanding the Novice spell concept perfectly correct.

actually novice doesn't work the same way as i am suggesting.

Basic apprentice spells. All mages may add Novice spells to their spellbooks
for 1 Spell Point, even if they are not trained in that spell’s school of magic.

pulled directly from the rulebook. this means any spell irregardless of level or school that is tagged with the novice keyword will cost you 1 point. that's not what i am ask for. im ask for a keyword that makes a spell be considered in school.


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2013, 10:17:59 AM »
Quote from: "residualshade" post=6723
Quote from: "Koy" post=6714
They do work that way, yes.  You are understanding the Novice spell concept perfectly correct.

actually novice doesn't work the same way as i am suggesting.

Basic apprentice spells. All mages may add Novice spells to their spellbooks
for 1 Spell Point, even if they are not trained in that spell’s school of magic.

pulled directly from the rulebook. this means any spell irregardless of level or school that is tagged with the novice keyword will cost you 1 point. that's not what i am ask for. im ask for a keyword that makes a spell be considered in school.

I would have a fear of mages developing a samey feel.


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Re: Universal Spell
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2013, 12:16:59 PM »
true, but their are going to be must have spells unless they make flavorful versions in other schools. for example i don't know of anyone who doesn't put at least 1 form of enchantment and equipment destruction. Teleport is an auto include in all my books. some form of anti flying and anti avoidance is a also a must have. lucky their are many viable variations of those two effects.

they have kind of done this with equipment using explosion and steal, but their costs are way to high to be a viable alternative to the basic dissolve.