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Messages - Obsidian Soul

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Creative / Re: Vampiress
« on: January 10, 2018, 08:09:40 PM »
The Alternative Forcemaster is supposed to have a temporary Flight ability if I remember correctly, so he can jump over walls quickly, so it is just a variation of that special ability (anyway, it is one of the signature abilities of the Necropian Vampiress).

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 10, 2018, 08:06:46 PM »
I got into it with steelclawgrizzly back at the end of '12.  A local game store had botched my order and they refunded me the $200.  I purchased Mage Wars on a whim after steelclawgrizzly pointed it out, and we ended up playing 20 games over the next week.  We introduced it to our local gaming group and became the nexus of Mage Wars in the area (steelclawgrizzly is the nexus since I left to be with my fiancee). 

The same is faster than it was because of all of the cards that are available.  Combination mages are a possibility now (the warlock and warlord were originally quite weak) and it helped the quality of the game when they castrated the Wizard.  For about the first two years of our Mage Wars experience, we built our spellbooks to kill Earth Wizards first, which are now an extinct species, and everything else second.  With the extinction of the Earth Wizards, now you can build spellbooks without asking 'how can I kill two Wizard's Towers with Spellbound Hurl Boulders before they kill me?'

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: January 10, 2018, 07:58:31 PM »
I tend to disagree.  The game is strategy, then spellbooks, then luck.  While every spellbook has its own particularities, you start noticing enough similarities to play even a strange spellbook well after you play 500 or 600 matches.  While you will always be best with a spellbook you designed, you should be able to win with any decent spellbook.

General Discussion / Re: How to get started
« on: January 10, 2018, 07:54:22 PM »
It is not that straightforward, as you still have to have mana to use the actions.  In general, I find that a spawnpoint saves an action every other turn, but at the cost of the summoned creature being deployed away from your Mage (with the exception of the Necromancer, since he carries his spawnpoint).  It really depends on your opponent.  If you are against a Warlock, forget about the spawnpoint, as he will destroy it with the ballista and the trebuchet.  The same applies for the Forcemaster, though she will just use Force Hammer.

General Discussion / Re: How to get started
« on: January 10, 2018, 06:17:46 PM »
Well, it depends on your play style.  You could just bring out the Ring of Beasts and a Steelclaw Grizzly your first turn, two Mana Flowers on your second turn, and then start buffing and supporting your Steelclaw with Enchantments and level one animals (I would suggest Falcons).  With the arena and academy enchantments, the Beastmaster is capable of having Grizzlies deal 14 dice of unavoidable damage without difficulty.

General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: January 10, 2018, 04:41:05 PM »
I agree that is appropriate.  In my case, it does not matter if my books are posted because they change with each iteration (though some cards always stay the same).

Creative / Re: Vampiress
« on: January 10, 2018, 04:39:11 PM »
Two High Magic Schools cannot be allowed in one Mage unless their highest school is level 3 (for example, the Paladin).  Water fits with the idea of the Darkfen, which seems to be the center of the Dark school around the Peninsula shared with Westlock.  I imagine that a Mummy would be Dark and Earth (and Unliving) while a Banshee would be Dark and Air (and possibly Unloving depending on the metaphysics of Etheria).

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 10, 2018, 10:14:16 AM »
I do not play that much right now, but in my old group with steelclawgrizzly, we would usually have 6-12 creatures in each discard before the end of the game (Beastmasters tended to lose more because of the number of small creatures, so it was not unknown for a Beastmaster to have 12 creatures in his discard while the Priestess or Priest would have only 6 creatures).  I regularly had games with steelclawgrizzly where we would run out of creatures to summon and we would be chasing each other around with what was left (two Steelclaw Grizzlies versus two Guardian Angels and two Knights of Westlock was not an unknown situation).  Depending on the iteration of our spellbooks, we could have stripped all of the enchantments and equipment off each Mage as well.

Creative / Re: Vampiress
« on: January 10, 2018, 10:06:51 AM »
But Vampires in Mage Wars have no particular weakness to Light, just look at the Necropian Vampiress.  In fact, I think that giving any Mage a weakness of that caliber would be unprecedented.

Why?  How?  If MW wants supers, they can make them as level 8's without paying any licensing (and base them off public domain characters without issue).  For example, you could have Victor Frankenstein as a level 8 Arcane creature.  While he would be rather fragile in combat, his special ability would be to reanimate any dead creature in your discard and return it to the arena with a Reanimation token (giving it Armor +1, Melee +1, Life +3, Bloodthirsty +1, and Rage +1).

General Discussion / Re: The future of Mage Wars
« on: January 10, 2018, 07:14:17 AM »
I really cannot image playing a three hour game anymore.  I have usually played 75% of my cards by 60 minutes and I have had plenty of games where both people emptied their books by 60 minutes.  At that point, it usually comes down to Creature superiority, especially since all of the Wands are long gone.

General Discussion / Re: Vampire Necromancer or Vampire Warlock?
« on: January 10, 2018, 07:08:06 AM »
I posted my idea of one in the Creative section.

Creative / Re: Vampiress
« on: January 09, 2018, 11:37:00 PM »
Well, that depends on the type of vampire, and two high magic school is unbalanced, even if one of them is only level two (which would still give her most of the good stuff from Mind like Block, Force Hammer, Invisible Fist, Redirect Attack, etc).  I based her abilities based off the Necropian Vampiress Creature Card, which does not have a Light modifier, and off the AC Warlock, which gets full training in one elemental school.  In order to make her new to the game, I gave her mastery of Water instead of Fire, so she is distinct from either the Necromancer (which is only Dark) and the Warlocks (which is Dark and Fire).

Creative / Vampiress
« on: January 09, 2018, 08:29:31 PM »

The vampiress is a Necropian vampiress who survived long enough to develop the legendary magic of the elder vampires.  She possess trained in the Dark and Water schools and pays triple for spells in the Holy and Fire schools.  She possess a Channeling of 9 and a Life of 38.  She also possess +1 Melee, Vampirism, and Vampiric Flight (when she activates during a turn, she may pay one mana to gain Flying during her action).

General Discussion / Vampire Necromancer or Vampire Warlock?
« on: January 09, 2018, 06:21:14 PM »
I have long thought that it was odd that the Necropian Vampiress has never found a place among the Dark Mages of Mage Wars.  The Necromancer prefers Undead while Warlocks prefer Demons, so the Necropian Vampiress tends to be left out of the majority of Dark spell books that I have seen.  How often do you see the Necropian Vampiress appear in play?

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