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Topics - beigemore

Pages: [1]
General Questions / Question about Mana Flower and Wall of Fire
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:15:10 PM »
Just played my first game of this yesterday with my brother and enjoyed it.  There were a couple things we weren't sure about, though, and I had a hard time finding the answers in the rule book.

1) When I place a Mana Flower in a zone, does the regenerate+2 bonus it grants only apply to me and my creatures while in that zone, or does it also apply to the other mage's creatures when they enter that zone as well?

2) If I place a Wall of Fire, are my creatures and I immune to the fire damage since it is my spell, allowing us to pass through it without taking damage?

I played the Beastermaster and my brother played the Warlock, kind of based on the walk through in the rule book.  He stomped me after several rounds because of his flame whip thing and he also used several flying creatures, which I, from what I could tell, had very few ways to counter using the suggested starting spell book.

Looking forward to getting some more games in and getting some expansions!  Also, I would absolutely love to be able to get a second copy of the codex thing in the expansions, as well.  I think the game would go a lot smoother with newer players since they'll both be able to look up what things mean at the same time rather than constantly passing the rule book back and forth.

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