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Messages - MrSaucy

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General Discussion / Re: Mage Wars on OCTGN
« on: September 29, 2014, 06:29:23 PM »
Can somebody help me get the image packs for the Forged in Fire cards? I have installed image packs before. I have the proxy versions of the Forged in Fire cards. I'm really not sure what the problem is. It says that I have successfully installed them, but when I go to view the cards I don't see images. I'm certain I have all the latest updates from OCTGN and that I am not in the proxy view.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Calling All Adramelech Experts
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:59:22 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys.

So far I have been opening:
1) Pentagram + Harmonize (no reveal)
2) Fireshaper Ring + Lash of Hellfire
3) reveal Harmonize, Dragonscale Hauberk, cast either Nullify OR Circle of Fire on mage

I think I'm going to give up on Sersiryx. I can think of many other ways I'd rather spend 12 mana, and he is just too fragile.

Blood Demons don't mesh well with Adramelech Warlock, but I used them with the old Warlock and they make amazing blood reapers!

Strategy and Tactics / Calling All Adramelech Experts
« on: July 14, 2014, 06:23:39 PM »
I don't want to rush to judgements or anything but the new Warlock hasn't impressed me... yet. Hopefully there are some people out there who have figured her out because I have only managed to win 1 game with her so far. Here are some questions for anyone who has had success with her.

1) How do you typically open? Do you harmonize Pentagram?
2) Are Bloodfire Helmet and Adr. Torment equipment pieces you bring out in the beginning or pieces you wait to bring out until they are useful? I have been using Adr. Torment. Is this too much of a drag on your mana supply?
3) Do you use Sersiryx? If so, do you bring him out in the opening or wait to deploy him from Pentagram? I personally don't like him but I might be playing him wrong. If you use him, is he there to mostly cast curses or to cast fire attacks?
4) Do you swarm with Wildfire and Firebrand Imps (this is what I have been trying) or do you go for the "few big ones" strategy? Is it a waste of points to include Dark Pact Slayer or Blood Demon if you plan on swarming?
5) Do your enchantments focus on fire, curses, or both?
6) Is Combustion as lame as I think it is? For all the benefits you get from Burn conditions I don't see why you would want to remove them.
7) How heavily do you use Fire attack spells?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Openings, pt. 2
« on: July 14, 2014, 06:11:24 PM »
Interesting to see how different people open. I like opening Necromancer with:
1) 20 mana; Death Ring (-5) + Graveyard (-14); 1 mana left
2) 11 mana; Libro (-9) + Harmonize (-2) on Graveyard; 0 mana left
3) 10 mana; reveal Harmonize (-2), deploy 1 Venomous Zombie (-4), harmonize Libro (-4); 0 mana left
4+) Deploy a Zombie Crawler from Libro every round and pump out Venomous Zombies and Zombie Minions from Graveyard when it feels necessary. Also conserve mana by putting on Leather Boots and Leather Gloves.

I am a fan of using both spawnpoints heavily in order to take full advantage of Death Ring.
Definitely interesting stuff! How aggressive would an opponent have to be for you to move away from this 'economic' opening? Against my normal forcemaster opponent, for instance, you'd have been hit for 10 dice on turn 3 and would have very little time to use those zombies! In general, I'd be very scared of an opening that doesn't give you any armour OR any creatures that can guard.

I put on Leather Boots and Leather Gloves turn 4. I also pack my Necro spellbooks with Brace Yourself and Block solely to protect my mage. And with the addition of Disarm and Arcane Corruption Necro vs. FM seems to be more in the Necro's favor.

I don't get how opening in 4 turns is just SO much slower than finishing your opening in 3 turns. Or does everyone these days just go super aggro and kill the fun of the game? It isn't like you can't come back in matches too. Sometimes spending more time to build up pays off later in the game. I can't count the games I have won simply because my opponent didn't spend enough time building up in the beginning. It is like attacking in chess before you even have king safety... if the defender survives you can be in a whole lot of trouble.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Openings, pt. 2
« on: July 13, 2014, 06:29:37 PM »
Interesting to see how different people open. I like opening Necromancer with:
1) 20 mana; Death Ring (-5) + Graveyard (-14); 1 mana left
2) 11 mana; Libro (-9) + Harmonize (-2) on Graveyard; 0 mana left
3) 10 mana; reveal Harmonize (-2), deploy 1 Venomous Zombie (-4), harmonize Libro (-4); 0 mana left
4+) Deploy a Zombie Crawler from Libro every round and pump out Venomous Zombies and Zombie Minions from Graveyard when it feels necessary. Also conserve mana by putting on Leather Boots and Leather Gloves.

I am a fan of using both spawnpoints heavily in order to take full advantage of Death Ring.

When I think of openings I think the key things to establish are:
1) Spawnpoints
2) Rings
3) Protection
4) Weapons (optional)

Roughly speaking the first 5-6 spells you cast constitute your opening. However many turns it takes to cast these spells depends on how expensive they are.

Conj: 21
2 Garrison Post (2)
1 Construction Yard (2)
1 Barracks (3)
1 Harshforge Monolith (2)
1 Altar of Carnage (2)
1 Atar of Domination (2)
4 Wall of Pikes (4)
4 Wall of Earth (4)

Equip: 14
1 Harshforge Plate (2)
1 Leather Gloves (1)
1 Gauntlets of Strength (1)
1 General’s Signet Ring (1)
1 Ivarium Longbow (2)
1 War Sledge (2)
1 Veteran’s Belt (1)
1 Colossus Belt (1)
1 Regrowth Belt (2)
1 Leather Boots (1)

Creatures: 43 points
1 Talos (0)
3 Goblin Grunt (3)
1 Goblin Builder (1)
3 Goblin Slinger (6)
3 Goblin Alchemist (6)
3 Orc Butcher (6)
1 Gurmash, Orc Sergeant (3)
2 Dwarf Kriegsbiel (6)
2 Dwarf Panzergarde (6)
2 Anvil Throne Crossbowman (6)

Enchant: 15
3 Brace Yourself (3)
3 Healing Charm (6)
3 Block (6)

Incant: 25
2 Defend (2)
2 Power Strike (2)
2 Flank Attack (2)
2 Charge (2)
2 Battle Fury (2)
1 Heal (4)
2 Dispel (6)
1 Force Push (2)
1 Disarm (1)
1 Dissolve (2)

Attack: 2
2 Hurl Rock (2)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Necromancer - Zombie Swarm
« on: July 11, 2014, 10:46:14 PM »
After FiF here is the new spellbook:

Conj: 6
1 Graveyard (4)
2 Wall of Bones (2)

Equip: 14
1 Cloak of Shadows (2)
1 Storm Drake Hide (2)
1 Leather Gloves (1)
1 Death Ring (1)
1 Libro Mortuos (3)
1 Colossus Belt (2)
1 Regrowth Belt (2)
1 Leather Boots (1)

Creatures: 39
6 Zombie Crawler (6)
4 Zombie Minion ( 8 )
4 Venomous Zombie ( 8 )
1 Shaggoth-Zora (3)
2 Unstable Zombie (4)
2 Plague Zombie (4)
2 Zombie Brute (6)

Enchant: 31
3 Maim Wings (3)
3 Marked for Death (3)
3 Poisoned Blood (3)
3 Ghoul Rot (6)
1 Death Link (2)
2 Harmonize (4)
1 Nullify (2)
3 Block (6)
2 Brace Yourself (2)

Incant: 22
2 Zombie Frenzy (4)
1 Seeking Dispel (2)
3 Dispel (6)
2 Force Push (4)
2 Disarm (2)
2 Dissolve (4)

Attack: 8
2 Invisible Fist (4)
1 Force Hammer (4)

Can you do us a favor and put this into the sbb? So new players can use the hover function.  8)

How do you do this?

Spells / Re: Alter of Carnage
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:36:16 PM »
I don't think I would really want to Harmonize the Barracks. I'll Harmonize Gate to Voltari or Lair sometimes, but those Spawnpoints aren't nearly as vulnerable to getting focused down. Flame +2 makes me leery of investing more in the Barracks directly.

You could put your Barracks in a corner of the arena and use a Garrison Post in the center of the arena to summon your creatures from there. And if you use Wall of Earth to block LoS to Barracks it is difficult for your opponent to do much to it.

Spells / Re: Alter of Carnage
« on: July 05, 2014, 09:34:48 PM »
Altar of Carnage is pretty sweet. If you play the Warlord like me you mix in some weak creatures with your strong dwarves. That is when the altar really shines.

Alright. I overlooked some great cards the first time around (Armory, Construction Yard, Altar of Carnage) so I'll post this new version of the spellbook. The focus has shifted a little away from Harshforge Monolith in favor of other conjurations. I really like the synergy between Construction Yard and Goblin Builders and I prefer using lots of walls to protect my important outposts (securing a possible Altar of Domination play).

Conjurations: 24
1 Barracks (3)
1 Armory (3)
1 Construction Yard (2)
2 Garrison Post (2)
1 Altar of Domination (2)
1 Altar of Carnage (2)
1 Harshforge Monolith (2) - I'm still not going heavy on enchantments so H. Monolith is still viable.
4 Wall of Pikes (4)
4 Wall of Earth (4) - for me this new wall puts Wall of Stone to shame

Equipment: 16
1 Helm of Command (2)
1 Harhsforge Plate (2)
1 Leather Gloves (1)
1 Deflective Bracers (1) - a cheaper alternative to Reflex Boots (which are still included anyways)
1 General Signet’s Ring (1)
1 Ivarium Longbow (2) - can be nasty with the Rune that grants additional piercing, plus it helps against flyers
1 Veteran’s Belt (1)
1 Colossus Belt (1)
1 Regrowth Belt (2)
1 Leather Boots (1)
1 Reflex Boots (2)

Creatures: 40
1 Talos (0)
2 Goblin Builders (2)
4 Goblin Grunts (4)
2 Goblin Slingers (4)
2 Goblin Alchemists (4)
4 Orc Butchers ( 8 )
2 Dwarf Kriegsbiel (6)
2 Dwarf Panzergarde (6)
2 Anvil Throne Crossbowman (6)

I'm not a big fan of Otto Kronig because I would rather just guard important conjurations with Dwarf Panzergarde, and I play with two Goblin Builders out who can repair cojurations when they aren't doing much else.

Enchantments: 17
1 Fortified Position (2) - essentially for the center zone on my side (where I usually deploy creatures)
2 Brace Yourself (2) - a fantastic defensive enchantment
2 Akiro’s Favor (2) - great for goblin alchemists (you can re-roll to ensure Burns/Corrodes)
2 Healing Charm (4)
1 Harmonize (3) - not for Barracks but Construction Yard
2 Block (4)

Incantations: 23
1 Power Strike (1)
1 Defend (1)
1 Perfect Strike (1)
1 Piercing Strike (1)
1 Evade (1)
1 Sniper Shot (1)
1 Flank Attack (1) - really powerful if you play it right
1 Charge (1)
1 Battle Fury (1)
2 Minor Heal (4)
2 Dispel (6)
1 Force Push (2)
1 Dissolve (2)

Attacks: 0

My general opening so far has been:
Turn 1: Barracks in corner, Garrison post in center
Turn 2: Construction yard in other corner + Harmonize (I currently like putting it on Construction Yard), move mage back into starting zone
Turn 3: Deploy a Goblin Builder from Barracks, put on General Signet's Ring and summon an additional Goblin Builder.

This opening is of course subject to change between matchups but the basic ideas are the same.

I usually have one Goblin Builder hold down the center zone on my side since the borders of the zone are typically decent places to construct walls. Additionally, this gives him more options for repairing conjurations. The other builder scampers around and builds any other conjurations I feel are necessary. I think it is best to have 4 outposts out before you seriously consider bring out Altar of Domination (if at all). I am thinking that against Druid you could even have the mobile Goblin Builder build a Garrison Post right smack next to the Druid's zone!


1).  I don't really see the point of a vet belt if your max armor can only ever get to 4 (plate + leathers), and that's if you spend 3 actions to make that happen.  Pretty meh.

2).  I love creatures, but you have way too many, I think.  A good move with your book, since it doesn't run any zone/arena buffs that goblins/orcs rely on, is to just go Dwarves and drop all the goblins and orcs (except the alchemists). 

Dwarves don't really need buffing outside of incantations and you already have plenty of those :P(maybe too many considering you have the helm).  It would also make more sense to use them since you don't have any higher cost conjurations and would have more mana to spend on individual creatures, but I guess that's just my view on it.

3).  If you decide not to dump all the orcs/goblins, you should probably swap out that heal for a group heal.  There will undoubtedly be times where most of your guys have damage and you need a action/cost efficient way to heal them all.  It's caused huge swings for me, pretty awesome to have.

4).  Just because you have the monolith doesn't mean you shouldn't include enchants.  You give up so much that it doesn't make any sense in the majority of games I would think.  I won't list all the great enchants you give up, but not at least including standard bearer seems pretty suboptimal to me; especially with all those creatures.

5).  More attacks? At least something to extinguish with, an acid ball, etc.  Seems ill-advised to run an elemental wand when the only thing you can bind to it is hurl rock, which you have multiple copies of anyway  :-\...and besides, you run so many creatures I'd imagine it that 99% of the time it would be better just to power strike, etc, one of your troops instead...

My over feel with the build is that it gives up too much utility in certain areas (enchants/attacks) for excessiveness in others (creatures/incantations).  If you're going to stay with such a creature heavy build I think I'd recommend switching over to the Bloodwave Warlord for Veterans; The AT Warlord seems much better with a battleforge.

Veteran's Belt with 4 armor can still be pretty annoying for an opponent to deal with.

I think people underestimate goblins and orchs. Gurmash is a must-include for this and if you mix in goblins and orchs with your dwarves they aren't as awful as they appear. Sure 1 Goblin Grunt or Slinger isn't great but I am using other creatures.  Keep in mind that this build emphasizes using lots of command incantations. You wouldn't enchant a Goblin Grunt since they are so squishy but as long as you are sure a Grunt will survive to attack then you can't go wrong pumping them up with temporary buffs.

I disagree about Dwarves not needing buffing. The whole point of buffing your dwarves is that you make them stronger. Defend on Dwarf Panzergarde and Power Strike on Dwarf Kriegsbiel before he uses his sweeping can be pretty effective imo.

I may swap out 1 heal for group heal. Have to see which will be more effective. I didn't think to include it because I tend to spread my creatures out, especially now since Garrison Post works with Barracks and not just your mage.

If I ran more enchants then Monolith would be less desirable. I don't want to be starving myself of any mana if possible. 1 or 2 mana can really make a difference in the end. I realize Standard Bearer and Fortified Position are great spells but if I included then I would have to take Monolith out, especially since Warlords only have 9 channeling.

I don't feel like I need attacks outside of having to deal with flyers. I have got Goblin Slingers and Anvil Throne Crossbowman to deal with fliers. Wand + Hurl Rock is there for backup, and if I am not going to use Rune of Power on Helm of Command or Horn of Gothos I would like to at least have SOME way to use the rune. Attacks aren't really that necessary if you have enough creatures. Creatures are better in the long run.

I see what you are saying. Yes, this build isn't very versatile, but it sacrifices versatility for a tight focus.

Version 2.0

Conjurations (no change, 12 points)

Equipment: 16 points
1 Helm of Command (2)
1 Harshforge Plate (2)
1 Leather Gloves (1)
1 Ring of Command (1)
1 General Signet's Ring (1)
1 Elemental Wand (2)
1 Veteran's Belt (1)
1 Colossus Belt (1)
1 Regrowth Belt (2)
1 Reflex Boots (2)

Creatures: 48 points
4 Goblin Grunt (4)
4 Goblin Slinger ( 8 )
2 Goblin Alchemist (4)
4 Orc Butcher ( 8 )
1 Gurmash, Orc Sergeant (3)
2 Dwarf Kriegsbiel (6)
2 Dwarf Panzergarde (6)
2 Anvil Throne Crossbowman (6)
1 Ludwig Boltstorm (3)

Enchantments: 6 points
2 Brace Yourselves (2)
2 Healing Charm (4)

I know these are enchantments, but they are enchantments I plan on using quickly and that I don't expect to last until the next upkeep phase (i.e. they shouldn't hurt me if Harshforge Monolith is out).

Incantations: 36 points
4 Power Strike (4)
4 Defend (4)
2 Perfect Strike (2)
2 Piercing Strike (2)
2 Evade (2)
2 Flank Attack (2)
2 Charge (2)
2 Battle Fury (2)
2 Dispel (6)
1 Dissolve (2)
2 Minor Heal (4)
1 Heal (4)

Attacks: 2 points
2 Hurl Rock (2)

I too am working on a Warlord build with 0 enchantments. I'm thinking of making it a Bloodwave Warlord, although I tried it with an Anvil Throne Warlord, and I'm still debating running Barracks and Battle Forge or just Barracks.

I have thought about Battle Forge but I think it is too slow for this spellbook.

I really like Reflex Boots with the Rune of Shielding. It's a bit expensive to get down, but it's tremendously helpful against big attacks. You might want to include a piece of equipment that gives a defense so that you can use the Rune of Shielding.

I think I will try this. I didn't include Reflex Boots at first since they are expensive but with the Rune of Shielding it seems like they could be very helpful.

I'd rather use the Rune of Power on Elemental Wand with Hurl Rock than on Helm of Command simply because it lets me try to kill things efficiently during the first quickcast phase. Plus it lets me attack flying creatures, whereas there aren't good orders to support a ground force attacking flying creatures. Sniper Shot is not exciting if your target doesn't have a defense.

I am thinking that Helm of Command is something I am going to save specifically for Forcemaster matchups (bind Perfect Strike and use Rune of Reforging to give the Helm cantrip). Otherwise I think I am going to pass on Helm of Command and Horn of Gothos all together with the Anvil Throne Warlord. Horn of Gothos works better with Bloodwave Warlord in my opinion. Rune of Power on Elemental Wand is a pretty good suggestion. It wouldn't be that hard to squeeze in one Elemental Wand and one Hurl Rock.

I need to try Goblin Slinger now that Armory and General's Signet Ring are out. I didn't like them before, but I can see them potentially being decent now. So far I really like Goblin Alchemists though. They're probably slightly better with the Bloodwave Warlord though, since stripping creatures of armor is more exciting when you can't give a bunch of Piercing with Battle Orders.

I have actually always liked Goblin Slinger. Now since you can spawn creatures from Barracks to your Garrison Posts I like putting them on the corners of the arena. As far as commands go they can be an easy way to activate the Flank Attack command. Goblin Alchemists are neat but there limited range is the only thing preventing me from putting in tons of them.

I'm not a fan of your opening, since you don't start playing creatures very quickly in order to make the General's Signet Ring efficient.

This is true. I think it is best to start bringing out creatures and Gurmash turn 3 (which I tried today when I tested the spellbook).

With Barracks based play, I'm focusing on smaller creatures rather than Bloodcraig Minotaur, Sir Corazin, and Thorg. General's Signet Ring is more efficient if you cast creatures often, and it doesn't have much of an impact on the efficiency of creatures that cost ~15.

I will probably be ditching the more expensive creatures because I have also noticed that. Anything level 4+ will most likely be omitted. As much as I love the warlord's expensive creatures this build is meant more for bringing out a level 1 - 3 creature at least once a round and applying consistent pressure.

I'm still skeptical of Goblin Grunts, although there is enough additional support for soldiers now that they may be okay.

I only use Goblin Grunts when my opponent has more pressing creatures to deal with. They may be flimsy but they can easily be boosted with command incantations. I also like throwing Goblin Grunts under the bus by having them defend my more powerful creatures  ;D

When in doubt, Orc Butcher seems to be the go-to-creature. I just wish they had more armor.

Rules Discussion / Re: can "Conquer" target spawnpoints?
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:17:55 PM »

I believe some 1 mentioned it would in theory be possible for a warlord to have 2 barracks if facing another warlord and using conquer.

Sweet! I haven't used Conquer yet but it looks promising. Even if the conjuration you use to replace the destroyed one isn't that great the ability to basically auto-kill a conjuration in the first place looks to be very helpful.

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