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Topics - Millertime

Pages: [1]
League / Tournament Play / Charlotte, NC and nearby areas including SC
« on: September 09, 2012, 10:03:06 PM »
I live in Rock Hill SC just a few miles outside of Charlotte and will be looking to get this game rolling in the area. I'm a member of several local gaming groups from Meetup.com, Facebook, and the local game stores and usually play with a group at least once a week.

Willing to teach/demo too!

Strategy and Tactics / Plus Channeling efficiency and value
« on: September 03, 2012, 07:20:21 AM »
So far I've only played a solo game to learn the rules, and my questions are based on looking over the cards and trying to guess at the values. I don't have any real idea of match length or flow so I could be waaaay off here  B)

I was wondering what experienced players think of Channeling + objects and enchantments, and in particular their value. It looks like most of these cards have a 5-6x exchange rate, for example the Mana Crystal costs 5 mana and Moonglow Amulet costs 6, and each returns one mana per round. These spells in addition to taking up one of your readied spell slots and an action, will take 5-6 full rounds just to break even in mana.

Are these worth taking up space in your Spell Book?


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