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Topics - metadust

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Upkeep +X on mages?
« on: April 04, 2013, 03:10:59 AM »
I have just had Force Hold cast on my Warlock, and at first I was like does that really mean if I can't pay the upkeep my mage dies? So it has to be dispelled or else.

Effectively channeling takes place before upkeep, so all it really does is act as an effective -3 to Channeling. Is this really allowed completely? Even though at the moment it doesn't seem possible to not be able to pay the upkeep, there is no option to refuse upkeep without committing suicide. Thoughts?

Rules Discussion / Upkeep Phase: Order of Effects
« on: April 03, 2013, 01:18:44 AM »
So in a game today, Beastmaster Vs. Warlock, we had ended a round with 2 Burn on a creature, while the creature also had Regen 2.

The beginning of the next round initiative had passed to the warlock, but during upkeep there was a bit of a problem with what effects would be accounted for in what order.

Would you always calculate damage before other properties during upkeep?

I couldn't find anything about it in the codex, as to whether or not damage takes priority over healing properties during upkeep. This creature had 2 Life left and would have a much better/worse chance of surviving depending on whether it could regenerate before/after taking possible burn damage.

I had ruled that the damage takes priority because it is the Warlock's priority, it would seem to make more sense to have all damage be accounted for during upkeep so as to increase their effectiveness. I'd contest Regen 2 can be a pretty big deal on a 10+ hp creature, so it only seems right that status effects aren't gimped in the only situation they can be partially effective, which is negating regenerative effects and possibly killing someone before they get a chance to recover proper.

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