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Messages - payprplayn

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire building a Warlord
« on: July 07, 2014, 12:12:38 AM »
You mean 1 life less than the old Warlock had after summoning his Dark Pact Slayer Blood Reaper.
Nope. 38-(3+1)=34=32+2 but otherwise  I see your point.

General Discussion / Re: Forged in Fire building a Warlord
« on: July 06, 2014, 10:35:03 PM »
I'm still used to the Warlock being tough, and it's going to take some adjustment to play the glass cannon version well.
I don't get that. Everyone saying the new warlock is it glass cannon, but she only has two life less than the old one does after making a Dark Pact Slayer his Blood Reaper. she has as much life is a force master, or a wizard, or a priestess, and access to all the life gain / healing that the old warlock had. So why do people keep talking like she's fragile?

Edit: it occurs to me the blood Reaper is a healing ability she doesn't have, but still, vampirism, drain life, and drain soul should give her plenty of staying power considering her damage output.

General Discussion / Playing on OCTGN
« on: July 06, 2014, 09:22:04 PM »
So I've had the game for a while, but I'm still a fairly inexperienced player due to the difficulty of finding opponents in my area.  I recently learned about OCTGN, and installed it.  However, when I log on, there are never any open games.  How do I go about finding OCTGN opponents?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: My thought on Seedling Pods
« on: July 06, 2014, 01:01:03 PM »
Casting a mana flower normally and casting it via seedling pod have the same cost, in both mana and time. Consider the cost to the caster:

3 mana for the pod + 5 mana for the flower; however, the mana from the pod pays some of the cost for the flower, so the the druid pays from her mana supply a total of:

(obviously, you would be wasting mana if you cast the flower on a pod with more than 5 mana).

As far as the amount of time to pay off the cost of the flower goes, the two situations are again identical. The pod's channeling is identical to the mana channeled by the flower as far as paying off the casting cost is concerned. By the fifth round, the total cost of the flower to the druid has been paid off either way.

If you need more channeling and have an extra seedling pod lying around, I see no reason not to turn it into a flower. The advantage to seedling pods is the sheer flexibility they give you in allowing you to delay your choice; if you start with a mana flower but your opponent goes aggro, it may hurt you; if you start with a seedling pod, you can turn it into a resource generator or an offensive conjuration/creature, depending on what your opponent does.

You equal the channeling of the pod with the increased channeling to the mage provided by the flower.
Im fine with that.

But you forget that you pay 3 mana + 5 mana for your combo.

Flower only costs you 5 mana only.

So your down 3 mana, or it takes you additional 3 rounds to break even.

The pod doesn't cover the cost of the mana flower because you are missing out on the extra channeling from the flower in the first place.

going mana flower with pod = doom. Except in the rare case where somebody runs heavy heavy mana denial on you, and still I consider it a bad move. 8 rounds to break even is just not worth casting it in the first place.
while this is true, I still think mana flower is a reasonable fallback option for a seedling pod that has been left behind. Mana flowers do best when they're away from the action. So if you have a seedling pod with 5 mana on it and the action has moved elsewhere you might as well convert it into a mana flower. However it's not a good first choice. basically you're paying 3 mana for the ability to decide what you want there later.

Spellbook Builder / Re: Updated Cards with Minor Errata
« on: July 02, 2014, 06:17:19 PM »
Hear hear. This would be super useful.  Almost necessary, given the amount of minor changes that have been made.

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