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Topics - Myric

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Hi everyone, new to the forum and the game for about 2 weeks and I was looking to iron out my book here. I was going for the flavorful sort of "huntress" playstyle and so far it's been pretty solid. The book s based around getting the mage to top-level archer status and needling the opponent down quick while using spells to hold and slow them.

Johktari Beastmaster

Regrowth Belt
Hunting Bow x2
Storm Drake Hide
Dragonscale Haubrek
Reflex Boots
Mage Wand

Emerald Tegu x2
Giant Wolf Spider x2
Dire Wolf x3
Steelclaw Grizzly
Tarok, the Skyhunter

Mana Flower x3
Mohktari, Great Tree of Life
Mangler Caltrops x2
Tanglevine x2
Tooth and Nail

Block x2
Nullify x2
Teleport Trap x2
Hawkeye x2
Mongoose Agility
Cheeta Speed

Dispel x2
Dissolve x2
Minor Heal
Seeking Dispel x2
Sniper Shot x2
Teleport x2

Jet Stream x4

Basicaly I run to the middle and drop the lair somewhere on the side and Hawkeye on myself right in the beginning(don't flip it yet). Right after that I quickcast my bow and I'm ready to go. (28 mana on the dot without flipping Hawkeye;)

From there I just take shots, get in my first dire wolf when I can, and hold them back. Jet stream is a pretty reliable push-back if they are right on me so I can push them then shoot. Teleport serves the same purpose, be it on me or the opponent. Dire wolves mesh perfect with wounded prey and the spiders are great at holding things down for her to shoot. I've found that even without the bow's bonus pierce.bleed ability, a 6 dice pierce +1 attack just stings everything hard. The caltrops sort of feel out of place but they do what I need them to and feel totally flavorful when people get stuck on them and cant rush me, then I shoot them in the heart. The grizzly is there if I need someone to hang out and guard with my archer, and Tarok is in strictly for fliers. I don't fear fliers too much though since my mage can fight fliers in the same zone because of the rule where flyers are 1 away in the same zone for range attacks.

Gimme your thoughts on what might be able to help the deck or be taken out since I'm still very new, so far the deck has played pretty well for me and I love the flavor of having a bow-wielding huntress send out animals and stalk her prey.:)

General Discussion / Sharing the set.
« on: August 18, 2013, 05:54:31 PM »
Hi everyone, I've been waiting to pick this game up forever, finally did, and absolutely love it. A problem I'm havign though is that with me as the only one of my friends who has the game, it seems difficult to share the cards well enough for everyone to have "even access to customization. I have the expansion and all tomes except the second one which is on order.

How do you all share the cards around? For instance I like to play the Joktairi beastmaster and there are a few specific cards I pull into that deck that other players would want.

At the moment I do a sort of "you take half and I'll take half" if there is a dispute but then its tricky if we want to switch over to another mage. Also it's tricky when I want to show a new person the game because I'm missing some cards to the starter decks and can't quite build them up.

What method do you guys use? do you keep a couple of "self made" starter decks around for new players? Buy more copies of the tomes? Something else? Thanks for the info, I'll probably be hanging out here a bunch, this game is super fun.

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