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Author Topic: Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year  (Read 10283 times)

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« on: August 26, 2015, 07:04:53 PM »
Fenris's Senior Project

I wanted to make a difference. I wanted something in this world to finally make sense. I wanted answers. I wanted solutions.

"You and the rest of the wizards in the world," one of my first teachers had told me, back in my freshman year. That teacher was a forcemaster of much renown, Professor Aria Celtishire. She is now a good friend and semi-mentor of mine, much to the jealousy of nearly every guy in my year. To be honest, I really don't see what the big deal about her is. She's kind of a hardass. I'm kind of glad I'm not a mind mage, otherwise I would have had to take more classes with her. She's a good person, but not the kind I'd want to be apprenticed to after graduation.

Right now I felt like I was channeling her hardass personality, making myself keep working, day and night. If I started to slack off I would imagine her nails on the chalkboard, and get back to work.

What was I working on? Only my most awesome invention ever. The Genie suit. My senior project.

I had learned a long time ago that it was possible to influence and control the flow of another's magic. Wizards could actually reduce the rate at which other mages channeled mana. So I wondered, why couldn't non-mages do this? If the only difference between a mage and a nonmage was that mages had the ability to channel, then could a mage whose channeling was reduced to zero even be considered a mage? Why couldn't we increase the channeling of non-mages? Apparently, according to the research that had already been done, zero channeling was not the same as no channeling. I didn't buy that. Channeling by definition was the ability to gain mana. If someone's ability to gain mana was diminished to nothing, that was no different than saying that their channeling ability was eliminated. Same. Exact. Thing. So why could mages regain their channeling after it had been completely eliminated? Why couldn't nonmages do the same thing?

I hypothesized that they could. It didn't make sense otherwise, unless there was something else to being a mage that had been completely missed over the centuries (which indeed was what many wizards had already concluded a long time ago).

That's where the Genie suit comes in. I haven't actually made a complete version of it yet, I've mostly been working on the blueprints and getting any materials I need. I've also been testing different materials to construct the suit from.

I figured that maybe if I could find a way to fuse multiple spawnpoints with a person, or a suit that a person could wear, it would give them the ability to channel. Studies that involved feeding wychwood seedling pods to animals had been done centuries ago, but I was willing to bet that those experiments had overlooked something. I hypothesized that something about the digestive process prevented the pods from gaining mana, and that was why eating seedling pods didn't normally give someone the ability to channel. I decided to test it. And I knew just who I could count on to help me with that...


"Hey Leafbite, thanks for coming, I have a favor to ask."

"Wait, let me guess. You need to borrow my pet tegu for an experiment. Again."

"How'd you know?" I grinned at him.

"Come on, Fenris, I know you. You've been cooped up in here working on your project all day. And all yesterday too! You should come out and get some exercise!"

I opened my mouth to argue, but my friend cut across me.

"You know just as well as I do that your project depends on having a living non-sapient subject, and without my and Terry's help, you would have had a much harder time making any progress on it. It's not like you have any other beastmaster friends. Terry's not being your guinea pig today. You can do the latest test on him later, like, tomorrow, or better yet, on Saturday. Right now you need to get out of the lab and into the fresh outdoors."

I sighed, and gave Leafbiter a look that clearly said, Do I have to?

"Your girlfriend will be there."

I rolled my eyes. "You know just as well as I do that all the guys just tell themselves that Professor Celtishire is my girlfriend because they're jealous that she's actually willing to give me the time of day, whereas to anyone else she'll just say to get a watch."

"I know," Leafbiter grinned. "But it's still fun to tease you about it."

"Ha. Ha. Ha."

"So are you coming?"

"Yes, yes, just give me a few seconds to put everything away first."

I quickly packed away all of my materials and equipment I had strewn out across the lab table into my bag, and with a snap of my fingers I sent it all back to my dormitory.

Leafbiter seemed so energetic and excited to get outside that he practically skipped out the door. I gave one last look of frustration and longing back at the table I had been working at, and followed him.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 09:26:05 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2015, 08:23:29 AM »
Aldrecht's Nemesis

"Idiot," Fenris muttered to himself as the short, dark and detestable forcemaster passed down the hallway with his latest girlfriend. He went through them like clothes, as cliche as that sounded.

"He's just as smart and nerdy as you are," said Leafbite. "Just cooler."

"Shut up."

"Are you jealous or something?"

"Jealous? Of him?" Fenris scoffed. "Definitely not. I don't waste my intellect away on supplementing my muscles. I have better things to do with my mind."

"You know what I meant."

"Yes, yes, I know what you meant," Fenris grumbled. "But there are other people here, so I'm going to pretend I don't know what you mean."

Fenris looked back at where Aldrecht had passed and shook his head. "I don't know what all those girls see in him. He's an irresponsible, obnoxious idiot and he's just going to leave them in the end."

"An idiot? Aldrecht?" asked Leafbite, at least a little bit incredulously. "More like his intellect is too big to fit in his head, and he has to let out some of that excess nerdiness, somehow. He is a forcemaster, after all. Are we even talking about the same person here? Better question, why do you care?"

Fenris didn't answer.
Fenris, my nemesis of the past three years, glared at me as I passed, and it felt like a punch to the stomach.   No, not to the stomach. I suppressed the feeling and clutched Rebbi's hand even tighter. I kept walking.

"That was Fenris, wasn't it," she asked me.

I nodded.

"Why don't you guys get along, anyways?"

The bitter rivalry between Fenris and I had been common knowledge since freshman year, and a lot of people wanted to know why. I hadn't talked to very many people about it before, mainly because I usually didn't like to talk about it and few people ever asked.

The expression on my face must have been really awful, because she then said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry..."

I stopped walking and sighed, calming my expression before forcing my gaze back onto the wood-elf's face instead of looking longingly into the distance like I wanted to. "It's alright. Fenris was a childhood friend of mine. An old neighbor. We were best friends. But then I had to move away and because of the...situation, I couldn't stay in touch with him. When we met each other again as freshmen, he was a total jerk to me for no reason. Or at least, no reason that I know of for certain."

"Oh," Rebbi whispered. We continued walking in silence.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 12:37:53 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2015, 08:11:30 PM »

"Good morning, everyone!" said the wizard at the front of the class, Etherian global history teacher, Professor Fritzella Fredricka, enthusiastically. A few students mumbled good morning back to her. Rather than taking attendance, she just got right into things. Professor Fredericka never took attendance. She never had to, since no one would ever miss her class without a damn good reason.

"Today I thought we might go on a little excursion. We are going to visit the ruins of of an ancient dragon's lair. Has any of you ever heard of the "Gautlet of V'tar"?

Five out of the thirty-something students raised their hands.

"Mr. Aldrecht? Why don't you tell us what you know about the Gauntlet of V'tar?"

"The Gauntlet of V'tar was the name of at least several ancient dragon's lairs that were very easy to travel to. Some of them were popular tourist destinations  during the Global Vtorrak Hunt five hundred years ago. many of them are now part of the GTN.

"Very good!" said Professr Fredericka. I turned to Fenris and smirked triumphantly. Fenris glared back at me.

"Now, at least several of the Gauntlets of V'tar in Westlock have had unfortunate cave ins within the past few months. One of these was recently excavated and restored, and all dangerous artifacts and creatures were removed and replaced with illusory replicas. This gives us the chance to go there and see what a real dragon's lair is like, and maybe we'll even get a chance to have our very own practice duels there, to reenact the famous battles of the Global Vtorrak Hunt! Won't that be fun?"

Almost half the class groaned while almost the entire other half cheered. The remaining few students who didn't do either, including myself, stayed silent, obviously.

I propped my chin up on my fist, thinking. This was my chance to get back at Fenris for our last duel. This time I would beat him in front of everyone, fighting in an actual arena. I smiled. If I could, I'd get the Channel in on this. The Channel was the name of our school newspaper, and one of its best reporters was in our class, a Siren named Alysse who I had previously dated for a short time and is now a good friend of mine.

As we all filed out of the classroom I pushed towards where she was waking at the back of the class and asked her, "Do you have your scryer on you? I think this will make for some interesting news for the next issue."

"I always do!" said Alysse, flashing her scrying device at me as she winked. Short-range scrying devices had become much more valuable and much less expensive ever since the Global Teleportation Network, (GTN) was built towards the end of the Global Vtorrak Hunt five hundred years ago.

The GTN was a vast network of V'torrak Gates and Teleport Traps that allowed people and goods to be transported across vast distances in the blink of an eye. Mages had to periodically reapply the traps and sometimes the gates as well.  Because of this, GTN maintenance was a very lucrative job, especially for Sorcerors. You couldn't get everywhere by the GTN, since there simply weren't enough V'tar orbs or V'torraks in the world to install enough gates for that. However, you could get pretty damn far.

Of course, there were a few proposed treaties with the Celestians in the works. Help from Angelic portal magic could potentially revolutionize GTN maintenance and vastly extend its reach.

Speaking of the GTN, that's where we were going right now.

There was a V'torrak Gate in the school courtyard. The whole class walked through it, and we found ourselves in one of Westlock's Gauntlets of V'tar.
It was fully intact. It didn't look like it was in ruins. How had it been rebuilt so quickly? Strange.

(The fight scene of this episode is postponed until the forcemaster is playable in Academy.)

The instant I won, a woman leapt out of the shadows and grabbed me and put me in a headlock. A lash of hellfire formed in her hands.

"If you want to live, you will do exactly what I tell you to."

"Fenris!" both Leafbite and Albert cried in alarm.

"All that v'tar you just collected. I want you to use it to find and activate the v'torrak. And then...make it destroy itself.

My eyes widened in fear. How could I get out of this situation?

Think! Dammit think!

"Do it now, or I'll firestorm you all to a crisp!"

i tried to cast a spell to help me escape. It fizzled. The warlock had jinxed me. She jinxed me again.

If you don't do as I say, I'll have to take the v'tar from your burnt corpse!"

"No!" shouted Albert. At the same time as Professor Fredericka jinxed the warlock, he yanked me away from her with a tug of telekinetic force.

I stumbled into Albert, who was knocked over from the power of his own spell. It was a bit advanced, but I'm guessing he didn't realize that the mere force push spell was that powerful. I got off of Albert and we both pushed ourselves to our feet, too shaken to be mortified at the awkward position we had landed in. Meanwhile, Professor Fredericka was fighting the warlock lady, and only barely holding her off. The global history and general research professor of Sistarra Academy clearly wasn't specialized in using magic for combat.

The Westlockian police force arrived just in time. They subdued the warlock and took her away, just as the illusion surrounding us faded. I blinked. The miraculously restored gauntlet of v'tar had gone, and in its place were the ruins of said gauntlet. Wow that was really obvious in hindsight.
As it turned out, that illusion had been meant as a trap for that warlock,  Veronical Caven, who had been among a group of criminals who had been sabotaging the part of the GTN in Westlock for weeks. By the time they had found out that a field trip was scheduled there, it was too late to change the plan, and while there were supposed to be undercover cops around here to protect any visitors, they had to be temporarily called away to give backup somewhere else. They profusely apologized to all of us and offered to have some of them escort us back to school, just in case we ran into any other dangers in any of the GTN waypoints on the way back. Our class almost unanimously agreed.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 09:04:48 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2015, 06:50:29 AM »
Judgment Day Approaches

"Judgment day is nearly upon us."

Asyra's voice resounded throughout her throne room.

"Are you certain?" asked Malakai, trying not to sound nervous.

"Soon a student of the arcane arts will approach us to make a deal, just as the Sortilegian diplomats did almost 500 years ago after the Etherian transportation revolution. We weren't ready before, but we will be ready this time."

A few days later the news broke out, and it was all anyone could talk about: the Angels of Celestia had agreed to support and help to upgrade the GTN.

And in a lab in the basement of Sistarra Academy, a young wizard continued working on his senior project.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 06:23:21 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2015, 01:55:22 PM »
Save the World, Rebbi!

"You guys have been fighting for over three years!" I said. "Why don't you just talk to him?"

Albert shook his head. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"It's complicated."

I growled in frustration, and made a very understandably sexist remark.


I stalked off angrily, leaving my boyfriend standing there looking utterly bewildered.

This is my life right now. A normal education. Normal relationship troubles. A normal life, at least for a mage. Nothing that extraordinary.

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rebbianne Treehollow-Gardener, or Rebbi for short. I'm a druid in training and I'm twenty-one years old. My favorite color is yellow, NOT green. According to my friends, I'm too serious all the time and I have a terrible sense of humor. I disagree. I just haven't heard a joke funny enough to laugh at yet.

My boyfriend is Albert Aldrecht, a forcemaster in training. I originally started dating him on a bet with my friend Alysse, a siren who reports for the Channel, our school newspaper. She bet that Albert would stay with me much longer than all the other girls he'd dated, two years at least. I bet that our relationship wouldn't last two weeks. It was a stupid bet. It completely failed to account for the possibility of the relationship ending in less than two years but more than two weeks, as well as the possibility that I myself would want to break up with him before he would break up with me.

Alysse tried to get me to give her the money for the bet after two weeks had passed and he hadn't broken up with me. I told her that it has to be two years first.

It had been almost three months and Alysse was feeling very confident that she would win the bet. So were an increasing number of our classmates. I smirked bitterly. She wasn't winning anything. Neither was I.

To my honest surprise, I was starting to really, truly and deeply care for Albert. Pity he didn't feel the same for me, although he was trying to. I wondered why he was dating me if he wasn't into me. I had cried a lot when I first realized the truth. Now I was just kind of angry. I kept it hidden easily enough, though. If he didn't either reciprocate my feelings or break up with me by the end of the school year, I was going to tell him just how much of an a*****e he was. And then I would dump him myself.

Little did I know that relationship troubles would soon become the least of my worries.
The whole world burned and blurred, charred and fading corpses strewn all across its surface as high in the sky, two great powers fought against each other. The rest of the gods were incapacitated or otherwise helpless to act. Meridia, the world spirit, sobbed tears of despair, and it started to rain as her children fought and died beneath her skies.

Everything was in ruins.

"What...what is this? It's so..."

"You're never going to find a satisfying word for it in any language, even if you shout the worst of swear words into the heavens." said a voice right beside me. I turned around. Standing there was a young man wearing a cloak of shadows over a casual suit, and holding a deathshroud staff. A necromancer. Centuries of feuding between druids and necromancers (oftentimes justified) instantly put me on my guard.

The necromancer sighed. "There's more to necromancy than killing people, you know. We can control disease and animate the empty husks of things that used to be alive. With the Global Teleportation Network, my kind can safely transport diseases away from populated areas, and there are laws in many countries allowing people to donate their bodies to the study of necromancy upon their deaths. I never kill sapient beings if I don't have to, and I'm growing tired of explaining this to you. Shouldn't you have learned this in class?" he shook his head. "It doesn't matter, I'm relaying this message to you through someone else's mind. He gave me permission, of course, but because of the sensitive nature of what I'm discussing with you, he agreed to lock the memory away for now."

"So what exactly is it we're discussing here?"

"Changing the future. I've been reliving the past year again and again, trying to find the path that leads to the least destruction, so to speak. But I've found that history is really complicated, and that I need an entire team of researchers and interventionists if I'm going to change anything for the better."

"Uhuh," I said, skeptically. "And I'm supposed to trust you on all this because...?"

"Can you really afford to take the risk? In the majority of times that you didn't join this endeavor, the world ended up just as badly as what you're seeing now."

"And what exactly is so special about me?"

"The fact that I'm one of if not the only person who continues to stay aware of the time loop, and that I'll be transferring into your class at Sistarra Academy soon, and you're the only druid there who's likely to actually be willing to hear me out and try to help."


A part of me was kind of expecting something cliche like, "YOOU'RE THE CHOOSEEEEEN OOOONNNNNEEE REBBIIII!!!111!!" But this actually made quite a bit more sense than that.

"So. Wanna help me save the world?" the necromancer grinned and held out a hand, looking at her expectantly.

I sighed. "If it needs saving, might as well."

Reluctantly, I shook his hand, then woke up.

Had that been real? Had I really just struck a deal with a necromancer?

What was I getting myself into?
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 06:27:46 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Re: Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2015, 01:16:13 PM »
Counseling with Yogar

The force professor was a runty old orc and was always just referred to as "Yogar". Nobody knew what it meant, or even if it meant anything. Considering that he was from the tribes of the Bloodwave, it might have meant small. But damn, he was tough.

"Neglected your studies, you have. After class, see me you will."

I stayed after class. When all the other students had gone, Yogar spoke.

"Something is troubling you. Uncertainty. Fear. And romantic troubles? Yes, that too. And no, read your mind I did not. Saw it in your movements I did. Become sloppy, you have. Distracted. School therapist I am, though perhaps an unnecessary one. Solutions around us, always. If one knows where to look and can see what they look at. 'Hindsight is 20:20,' they say. Would you like some?"

It took me a moment to realize he was talking about hindsight.

"Well, if it's hindsight, that means it's already too late, right? I'd rather have some foresight."

Professor Yogar clapped his hands together. "Aha! Learning, you are."

"I'm worried about my future," I told him. "I still don't know what I want to do after I graduate. Most forcemasters become police detectives, diplomats, consultants or soldiers. I don't want to be a detective because it's too much desk work, but I don't want to be a soldier because it won't give me enough time to think about things, plus since we live in a time of relative peace, it wouldn't be a very useful job."

"Looked in library, have you?"

"Yes, Professor. I looked up possible career paths for forcemasters in "Guide to Graduation" by Ba'a Gerais, and "Market Your Magic" by Maggie Markiple. What's with all these ridiculous pseudonyms anyways? Why don't authors just publish under their real names?

"Real names they could be. I know not."

"Oh come on, seriously?"

"As for your future, I can only say: careers are not found, but made. Do what you like and what you value most, and you will find your way."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Call me Yogar, please. By that name, all others refer to me."

"Sure, sure,"

And I left without asking any more questions.

Maybe relationships were just more trouble than they're worth. Whatever the reason I couldn't get myself to have romantic feelings for Rebbi despite her being my type in almost every way, that didn't change the fact that I did not have such feelings for her.

That's because you're already in love with someone else, whispered a traitorous imaginary voice in my head.

No, I'm not!

Okay, that was a lie. I was in love with someone else. But that shouldn't have had anything to do with Rebbi! She was my type in almost every way, and it wasn't like the sapient hominid races of Etheria are monogamous by nature!

Regardless, I wasn't into Rebbi, and there was no point dragging things on.

I would let her down tomorrow. First, I had homework to do.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2015, 10:31:17 AM »
Fantastic Racism

"What is with that Ivanosky guy?"

"He's not serious, is he?"

"He's crazy!"

"I heard he once stood up on a desk wearing only pajamas and asked if the night would marry him."

"What a weirdo."

"Equality for demons? Yeah right."

"Who does he think he's kidding!?"

"Why is he even here? You'd think warlocks would have been banned from the academy a long time ago."

"Well at least his article was entertaining."

I smiled pleasantly at everyone. I made no threats. I made no demands, except for the demand for justice. But I was a warlock. Likely the only reason the Arraxian Crown hadn't had me killed me yet was because I was a little useful for PR and wasn't much of a threat.

That being said, it should have been obvious to anyone with a brain that demons were an entire race of sapient beings. And sapient beings weren't born evil. Demonic infants weren't evil. Toddlers? Maybe sometimes, but usually not through any inherent flaw of their own.

I wasn't sure how many non-demons had ever met the child of a demon. Except for my father. My father was a regular human, while my mother was a half-demon, who thankfully did not ever go to Infernia.

I would freely admit to anyone who asked that the Infernian civilization, the realm where demons generally came from, had a lot of very serious issues. For one, it was a dictatorship. For another, the beings that inhabited it were brainwashed to hate everyone else from a very early age. And perhaps worst of all, they hadn't modernized. Like, at all. They weren't even stuck in the Middle Ages, oh no. They never even made it that far. They were quite isolationist, due to the fact that their realm was always completely on fire all the time. No one would ever have wanted to go to Infernia for a vacation, even with dragonscales covering every inch of their body. And the Infernians almost never bothered to learn to innovate. And because they barely innovated, barely had any trade outside their own realm and suffered from a severe lack of natural resources, they instead stole and maimed for their survival. It was said that the higher ups in the Infernal government had some sort of life extension thingy going on with the Dark God Taranis. I didn't doubt it, considering that Adramelech had been the ruler of Infernia for as long as anyone could remember.

Interplanar politics was oftentimes a mess. It was a wonder that the universe wasn't at war with itself all the time. The gods weren't going to fix Infernia. If they were they would have done it already. No, if anything was to change, it had to be from the inside. To start with, I needed to find a way to encourage demons to move to Etheria without putting its other denizens in any danger. That likely meant reeducation and assisted integration for demons into Etherian culture and society.

And of course, the very first step to accomplishing that was to make more people aware of the issue.

This was why I was a regular contributor for the Channel, Sistarra Academy's school newspaper.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 06:32:56 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2015, 07:05:38 PM »
The Lost Letter

The following letter was destroyed years ago before ever reaching its recipients, due to concerns that it might have been poisoned.

To Mr. Albert Aldrecht and Mr. Fenris McKay,

I am truly sorry for your loss. If I were capable and could do it without consequence, I would undo what I did. But I cannot. It was her wish, you see. The two of you might not realize it, but you had just contracted a fatal illness. I was passing through the area at the time you boys first started displaying symptoms. You live in a small town near the border of Westlock, with no V'torrak gates or Asyran churches anywhere nearby. There was nothing to do but disguise myself as a priest, quarantine the disease in you, its first victims, and try to prevent its spread until it either starved from lack of flesh or a healer arrived from elsewhere.

Lisara Albrecht had a natural affinity for the necromantic arts. She recognized your symptoms early and begged me to save your lives. She said she knew I wasn't really a priest, otherwise I would have offered to heal you as soon as I arrived. She had deduced that I was somehow keeping the disease from spreading, and that I was therefore a necromancer. I told her of the price and that she should never pay it unless she was absolutely certain. That she was still only a child, and should not even be thinking of self-sacrifice.

She continued to beg me anyways, and I knew that I could not in good conscience refuse. Two lives saved for the price of one. If I refused this chance, would I not refuse others? If I was indecisive, even more would succumb to the dark oblivion of nonexistence. It did not matter that she was only a child. The two of you who she cared about most each respectively deserved to live just as much as she did. And yet the choice I made still felt like murder. Perhaps any choice I could have made would have felt like that. I wish the world was a fairer place. But it's not. I could only do my best, and it wasn't enough.

I'm sorry.

Tino LeBog
« Last Edit: September 25, 2015, 12:55:45 PM by Sailor Vulcan »
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.

Sailor Vulcan

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Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2015, 07:47:38 PM »
The Haunted Embassy

I noticed a new student, a necromancer who looked strangely familiar, sitting in the back of the class. Apparently, he had transferred in from another school.

Professor Fredericka clapped her hands together. Good evening everyone! As you know, tonight is Halloween*. In the spirit of this spooky day, I thought we could visit the dwelling of an actual spirit, and learn about Pre-GTN Etherian history from someone who actually lived through it! Won't that be fun?"

Professor Fredericka gave a spooky chortle.

Oscur Ivanosky suppressed a yawn. Professor Fredericka seemed not to notice.

She always seemed oblivious to the fact that most of her students were only there for the GE credit so they could graduate. Why  was she making us go on this trip as a homework assignment?

We all took the GTN to a huge official looking building in the middle of the Straywood. It looked like a log cabin, but much bigger, and with many open window spaces. It would have made more sense to call it a log mansion.

There was a doorlady in the front waiting to greet us with a somber, silky voice.

"Welcome to the Straywood's one and only historic preservation, the Old General Foreign Embassy. You will find the ghost of Mikal McKay in the conference room on the ground floor. He will give you a tour. Enjoy."

The front door creaked open, and we all filed inside.

The door shut behind us.

"Oh my Gods! It shut behind us on its own! Just like in plays! This place really IS haunted!" whispered someone who was either joking or too stupid to breathe. I looked over to who had spoken. It was just Ivanosky. I rolled my eyes. He undoubtedly knew just as well as everyone else here that ghosts could not open or close doors.

Or wait, some of the other students were looking a little spooked after what Ivanosky said.

You've got to be kidding me.

It obviously wasn't locked. Life was not a horror story.

As if he had read my mind, Fenris turned to Ivanosky and said, "You do realize that we're on the ground floor, and the windows are just large holes in the wall that you can easily climb through, right?"

"Of course I did," said Ivanosky.

It was very cold. Much chillier than it was outside. The inside of the building (or at least the lobby) wasn't any fancier than the outside. Everything was made of logs, there were tree stump tables, even the front desk was made of logs. Down the hall past the front desk there were entrances to different rooms, and at the far end of the hall there was a ladder to the next floor up.

We all headed for the hallway, and saw the doorway immediately past the front desk had a plaque above it which read, "Straywood Conference Room".

We entered the room. Sitting there in one of the chairs was the spirit of an elderly beastmaster, and a very famous one at that.

Mikal McKay.
It was a commonly known fact of "nonliving" biology, that ghosts were astral projections made of very cold air surrounded by a very very thin membrane of ice. Many researchers over the past five hundred years had wondered how ghosts were able to retain their shape instead of having their mass evenly distributed, like in a balloon. There was clearly magic involved, if you were a Mage you could sense it in the presence of a ghost. Only deceased living beings could have ghosts. A rock would never have a ghost. Many speculated that all ghosts were summoned by some sort of spell, and yet for some reason some ghosts were able to maintain their form for centuries while others dissipated, sometimes reappearing somewhere else and sometimes not. Not everyone who died became a ghost, though.

Leafbite elbowed me and indicated the ghost, who had just finished giving a short lecture to the class. Something about the GTN?

"What did he say?" I whispered to my friend as we all followed my undead ancestor out of the conference room.

"Basically just that he doesn't like the GTN because it causes a lot of natural environments and species to get mixed up and displaced."
At the end of the tour, the new student, the necromancer who I had recently contracted with, lagged behind the rest of the group and turned around to face the haunted embassy. He stared at that log mansion for a moment, before following the rest of the class, smirking  back at us or maybe just at Al as he left through the portal that would take him back to school.

"Rebbi, I need to talk to you about something."

I turned to my boyfriend and said, "I know."

This, for some reason, caused him to freak out.

"Please don't tell anyone! If word got out that I was...was..."

"Oh, give me a break. I don't care about that. I was just saying I know you have something to talk to me about. Although it's good to know you finally are willing to admit what it is you need to talk about. You used me."

"That wasn't my intention."

"I know."

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are. So are you going to talk to Fenris soon or what?"

"I don't know."

I sighed wearily. "Let's head back."

Author's note: I don't know if Etheria ever celebrated something like Halloween in canon, but if it is, I'm not sure what it would be called. I'm using the word Halloween as a placeholder.

Don't forget to review!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2015, 06:09:39 AM by Sailor Vulcan »
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Re: Mage Wars Academy: Senior Year
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2015, 09:46:21 AM »
Author's note: I updated the story to conform to canon and elaborated on a few things. You might want to go back and reread the parts I already posted so that you're up to speed.
  • Favourite Mage: Salenia Forcemaster
I am Sailor Vulcan! Champion of justice and reason! And yes, I am already aware my uniform is considered flashy, unprofessional, and borderline sexually provocative for my species by most intelligent lifeforms. I did not choose this outfit. Shut up.