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Topics - Diji

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / GenCon 2013 - Oh, that's you?!
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:33:41 AM »
Hey You!

Were you at GenCon 2013 this year?! If yes, post your real name followed by your forum name (and I do realize that it's not just kind of redundant) so everyone knows who everyone is. I'd love to PM you guys my contact info so we can talk tactics. I'll kick us off.

Jerome M. - Dijirati

Also, congrats to all the tournament winners and tournament qualifiers! You guys are awesome! I appreciate you guys allowing me to play a few pick up games with you - next years Con season is going to be no joke.

Special shout out to the Official Rules Archmage, Shadow, for clarifying the most difficult of rule conflicts and steering the tournament ship.

General Discussion / Tome Constitution: Twilight Struggle
« on: July 22, 2013, 01:11:38 PM »
Hello all,

The first article in my Tome Constitution series titled Twilight Struggle is up in the Spellbook Design section of the forum! I didn't want to post the same article in multiple places, however, I wanted to mention it here as the article features a custom spell-book build and also explores some interesting strategies including a Necropian Vampiress swarm. I encourage you to check it out and offer some feedback. It a hefty read, but I think it's a good one. Then, if your inclined to, comeback after reading and breakdown the pros and cons of the strategies mentioned either here or in the strategy section.



Fellow Mages,

Welcome to Tome Constitution #1.

(Tome Constitution is an article series for novice and veteran players of Mage Wars. Articles will feature a custom spellbook, discuss its overall strategy, potential counters and alternate paths to victory. Enjoy!)

As this is my first article I would like to quickly introduce myself. My name is Jerome (or Dijirati if you prefer) and I'm an avid Mage Wars player! ;D I was fortunate enough to be invited to aid Arcane Wonders at this years Origins Game Fair in an ambassador, demo instructor and tournament judge capacity. I demo Mage Wars twice a month at my local game shop in the Southern Indiana area, and I also play test expansions of the game. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance….

These articles are an eyefull, but bare with me and I know we can help each other build the best possible spellbooks.

For your consideration…

Twilight Struggle

Mage: Warlock

Equipment (20)

(2) 1X *Morning Star/ Lash of Hellfire
(5) 1X Sunfire Amulet
(1) 1X Leather Boots (optional)
(2) 1X Regrowth Belt
(2) 1X Gauntlets of Strength
(2) 1X Demonhide Armor (optional)
(1) 1X Ring of Curses
(2) 1X Elemental Cloak (optional)
(3) 1X *Elfic's Life Ring/ Sectarus, Dark Rune Sword

Conjurations (13)

(4) 2X Tanglevine
(4) 2X Mana Crystal
(2) 1X Wall of Fire (optional)
(1) 1X Sacrificial Altar
(2) 1X Idol of Pestilence (optional)

Creatures (12)

(12) 3X Necropian Vampiress

Enchantments (26)

(4) 2X Nullify
(4) 2X Block
(2) 1X Cheetah Speed
(1) 1X Poisoned Blood
(2) 1X Falcon Percision
(2) 1X Mind Shield
(1) 1X Agony
(2) 1X Death Link
(2) 1X Vampirism
(1) 1X Marked for Death
(1) 1X Magebane (optional)
(4) 2X Bear Strength (1X optional)

Incantations (39)

(4) 2X Seeking Dispel
(4) 2X Dispel
(2) 1X Charge (optional)
(2) 1X Dissolve
(4) 2X Battle Fury
(4) 2X *Clear Mind/ 1X Mind Shield, 1X Ghoul Rot (Enchantments)
(2) 1X Knockdown
(3) 1X Purify
(2) 1X Force Push
(4) 1X Teleport
(4+4) 2X Drain Soul

Attack Spells (10)

(4+4) 2X Hurl Boulder
(2) 2X Flameblast

* These spells are promo cards that are not readily available to all players at the time of this articles posting. I have listed alternate spells to consider in the case that you do not have access to them at this time.

(optional) - These are what I like to call "flex spells", or spells that (in my opinion) are not absolutely essential to the success of this book. Feel free to replace these spells with some of your favorites.

Spellbook Design and Construction / God of War (Warlord Spellbook)
« on: July 05, 2013, 04:06:08 PM »
I'll post the build then breakdown some of my favorite opening moves with it.

Mage: Warlord


Morning Star
Colossus Belt
Sunfire Amulet
Dragonscale Hauberk
Elemental Cloak
2X Reflex Boots
Defense Ring


2X Tanglevine
2X Wall Of Thorns
2X Ballista


Goblin Builder
Goblin Grunt
Thunderift Falcon
Dwarf Panzergarde


Reverse Attack
Mind Shield
Rhino Hide
Cheetah Speed
Bear Strength
Poisoned Blood
Armor Ward
Akiros Favor
Hellfire Trap


Seeking Dispel
3X Force Push
2X Purify
2X Dissolve
2X Sniper Shot
2X Dispel
Battle Fury
Minor Heal

Attack Spells...

4X Hurl Boulder
2X Flameblast
Hurl Meteorite

That's my build. I play it incredibly fast and that's what I love about it. Here are some opening moves I like...

Turn 1 - 19 Mana (and this is a strong open in any build, btw)

Hold quickcast. With your full action move one zone to the left and cast Ballista in the zone in front of you, then quickcast the second Ballista in the zone to your left. (-16 Mana) Ballista comes in with one token on it, after upkeep they are properly loaded and ready to fire on turn 2.

Turn 2 - 12 Mana

Now here is where you have options.

If you believe the opposing mage is foolish enough to end his or her turn in a zone where they are vulnerable to both ballistas (danger zone) without a block, defense or reverse attack then grab hurl meteorite and a random card (that you won't be using) and lay waste for a grand total of 19 dice! Ouch! Alternatively, if they are in range you could opt for sniper shot and hurl boulder if you are concerned about the aforementioned defenses.

Personally, depending on the opponent I will grab either teleport or force push and pair that with enfeeble or akiros favor. Hold quickcast. If the opposing mage is within two zones of my Warlord, I push or teleport them into one of the danger zones then cast enfeeble or akiros favor face down. Afterwards, let loose the bolts of the ballista. If somehow your opponent ends in a zone where one ballista cannot fire on him or her, find another target. (Mana Flower, Hand of Bim Shalla, Battleforge, etc.)  Always fire both if you can.

Turn 3 - Variable Mana

While the two ballista reload we need to keep the pressure up - sniper shot into hurl boulder, or reveal enfeeble during upkeep in an attempt to force a dispel. In any case, keep putting the damage on and moving closer to the mage. In the case of an opposing forcemaster, expect a forcefield - if possible, place mind shield on them after they have cast forcefield face down, most will not see this block coming and on the turn they attempt to resolve it (turn 4) it will cost them time and tempo they don't have. (This obviously also works effectively against reverse attack and block)

Turn 4 - Variable Mana

The name of the game at this point is get them in the danger zone. Once you have resolved this turn you should be in a comfortable position where the opposing mage needs to be considering a counter strategy, or if you've had great rolls, a survival strategy. Either way they will be hurting and if the forcemaster manages a forcefield, a cheaper alternative to dispel that will also deal damage is a force push through a wall of thorns.

Let me know what you guys think. This is the first book I've posted so I would love to hear some effective counters and/or opinions on what to add or remove. And by all means try this book out, it's a blast!

General Discussion / A Mage Wars Mission
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:59:25 AM »
My fellow Mages,

This year Mage Wars was a nominee for best board game at the Origins Game Fair and the Arcane Wonders team did a great job in getting the vote out. Unfortunately, we came just short and Lords of Waterdeep (a great game in its own right) took the top spot. :-[

I'm convinced that this game has one of the better if not the BEST player cores out there. We help each other refine spell books, share new ideas and strategies and then square up in the arena - I might be biased, but I'm simialrly convinced that the game has more to offer than LoWaterdeep and many other games for that matter. And so upon a recent visit to boardgamegeek.com, I noticed that Mage Wars has made the leap from the forties to the thirties (as it concerns popular board game rankings) and that got me very excited. Mage Wars is tracking at 37 overall, Waterdeep is 29. Am I crazy to think that it's within range? (0-8,  8)) I don't know, but in any case I've resolved that my mission is to see them one spot below this clearly superior game of ours.

To be clear, I'm not suggesting or endorsing sabotaging LoW or harassing those with a negative opinion toward Mage Wars. I have a BGG account, I own LoW, I scored it a nine and it'll stay that way. To be the best you have to beat the best and Mage Wars has rightfully earned its placement by proving its value to the board game community. By staying the course we're already poised to accompany the likes of the elite - I hope you will join me in my mission, our mission, to further showcase the greatness of a game we love.


General Questions / Priest, Staff of Asyra
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:03:02 AM »
Simple question....

Can the priest wield the staff of Asyra?

The card reads that it is limited to the Priestess. However it seems the Priest is holding the Staff in his character art.

Methinks the answer is yes, I just wanted to see what the community thinks.

League / Tournament Play / Southern Indiana/ Louisville Area
« on: March 25, 2013, 10:30:19 AM »
If anyone living in or around the Southern Indiana/Louisville area would be interested in participating in a league or just getting together for some casual play give me a shout. To date I have taught 6 people how to play and they all enjoy the game. I would LOVE to get more players together and get some organized play going so Im crossing my fingers in the hopes that there are a few Mage Wars locals out there.

Happy Gaming! ;)

General Discussion / Jet Stream's Push
« on: March 22, 2013, 10:03:50 PM »
Hello All!

A buddy of mine and I having been having a dispute about the push ability generated by Jet Stream.

Here is the situation. Say my Mage is in one of the central zones and his creature or Mage is in a zone directly adjacent - meaning his creature or Mage is with his back against the wall. If Jet Stream successfully pushes him, do I have to bash him against the wall or do I have the option to push him into a legal zone one away from the caster?

For the record, I believe that I have the option as the rules state push gives the caster the option. However if the push only operates in a straight line I could see not being able to push around a corner.

Thx for the help.

Spells / Card Upkeep & Mind Control
« on: March 03, 2013, 11:11:44 PM »
Hello All!

Im a fellow player and huge fan of the game; I registered a few hours ago and this is my first post. Real quick, I just wanted to say to the collective, everyone participating on these forums - you guys are awesome!! I've found many an answer scouring these proud walls of text.

So.... that said, I am unclear about a few things regarding general upkeep as it refers to cards that have the keyword. I do understand that you pay in mana the amount outlined on the card to maintain the spell, my question is can you opt to not pay upkeep in order to cancel any given spell requiring upkeep?

More specifically, if I cast Mind Control on a level 4 creature it will cost me a total of 10 mana (2 to place and 8 [2(4)] to reveal). It then will cost me 4 per round to maintain. Do I have to maintain the spell until Im on mage mana food stamps or will I just have to purposely cast dispel on myself?

And lastly, Mind Control states that you need to be within one orthogonal zone of the creature you are prepping to mind probe in order for the play to be valid. Once the spell has legally been resolved, in addition to upkeep, do you also have to maintain the distance of one zone in order to keep control of the creature?


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