Mage Wars > Rules Discussion

ERRATA - Temple of Light

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Can you purchase these new cards anywhere so we can replace our old cards?

Changing a card that is already in print seems like a bad idea.  What about the thousands of cards that are already printed?  Do they get replaced with new ones or do players just know and remember they changed it?

I never thought Temple of Light or Hands of Bim Shala were that overpowered to begin with.  I've played several temple builds and sure they are good but I've still never lost to one (there are so many ways around the temple of light even with hands out) so it was never a big deal.

I think it would make sense in the future to add NEW cards in new expansions that would add balance or counter these cards if the playtesters or powers that be find a card is out of balance.  Because that way it will make people want to buy those new expansions even more so they can beat existing cards that may be out of balance.  No need to change old cards, just make new ones to bring the game back in balance.

First reaction is that they've gone too far with the Temple nerfs.  They basically gutted them. 

I like how the Warlock has won two tournaments and nothing was changed, but Temple build wins one and the sky is falling and we have to nerf stuff NOW!  Overreaction IMO.

Well, I guess if the Warlock players can't beat 'em, they'll have 'em errata'd!!!!! 

KOZ the rules team had been talking about most of these change since late May. It took this long to come up with the correct wording and balance. (after seeing what I had talked about with the power of HoB in action it was moved to the forefront of the rules team talks) I was part of all these talks and I understand the reason behind them.

Of all the changes this was the one I was most concerned with but after many weeks. I do understand the reason for it. Some things may not be clear at first but they have been made for the health of the game.   


--- Quote from: cbalian on July 19, 2013, 06:46:55 PM ---Changing a card that is already in print seems like a bad idea.  What about the thousands of cards that are already printed?  Do they get replaced with new ones or do players just know and remember they changed it?

--- End quote ---

Agreed: This is one of the many reasons that these took so long to announce, trust me when I say this was talked about time and time again. I have not heard the final plan as to what is going to be done. I wish I could give you more info at this time but alas even I am not privy to that info.

The mana cost is not much of a problem, it still does its job, and I REALLY like the option to be able to choose the effect.

Overall, I am happy with this change. Paying one mana per turn to use its attack is still effective IMO.


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