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Author Topic: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?  (Read 7550 times)

Clobber in time

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2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« on: March 03, 2017, 01:28:41 PM »
Did some of you guys ever test out to start with 2 battle forges?
Is it viable?

You can gear up pretty quickly and save a lot of actions. On the other hand its pretty mana intensive, so in your second turn there are not that may equipment cards you can actually cast.


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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2017, 02:13:34 PM »
I've faced a double-Forge Anvil Throne Warlord. He generally only deployed from 1 Forge each round, though, because it's so mana-intensive... which means he'd might as well play 1 Forge and a Mana Flower instead... but at least it prevents the opposing Mage from taking out his lone action generator (because redundancy).

For 2 Forges, you're paying 16 mana for the Forges on turn 1, so you only have 12+2 mana going into round 2 (assuming channeling 9), and if you're a Dwarf Warlord, you're paying for Runes on most of your equipment, too. It's hard to get 2 equipment out each round unless they all cost < 5 to cast, on average. Often this goes with Cheetah Speed so you can double-move (if necessary) + attack each round, often QC'ing FD enchantments on self (and occasionally revealing them), since you don't have much mana for anything else. This means you rarely have mana for other spells, like Tanglevine or whatever.

In comparison, you could do something similar with 1 Forge and QC a second equipment on yourself each round and be geared up just as fast but saving 8 mana on turn 1 (with double-move + Forge), and maybe keeping a second Forge in your book as back-up in case the first gets destroyed (e.g. by double-Swell).
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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2017, 02:42:02 PM »
If i had 2 forges, I'd play one agressively, to make the enemy target it. then a couple turns later place my second one.
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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2017, 03:03:14 PM »
I used a wizard book with two forges that was effective. For this particular build it wasn't necessarily about getting two pieces of equipment on each turn, it was that I had three elemental wands and three mage wands. I would switch out wands with different spells as needed without it costing me an action to do so. And as I would only use one forge each turn, it also allowed the other to build up mana while the other one was in use. I ran this book a few times- it was fun, but I have since rebuilt this book that includes only one forge.
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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2017, 01:02:28 PM »
I used to have a wizard(pre nerf) that played double forge.
If i remember correctly it played like:

Turn 1 (20 mana)
double battle forge

Turn 2 (14+1+1 mana)
enchanters ring, arcane ring, mana crystal and harmonize(on mage)

Turn 3 (15+1+1 mana)
leather armor, moonglow amulet, second crystal and rhino hide.

But idk what mage/build this would be strong with anymore.
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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2017, 05:44:34 PM »
If only we can have up to 10 rings...


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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 07:08:41 PM »
If only we can have up to 10 rings...

And fly into battle on flying hog steeds!!!! :P


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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2017, 08:49:13 PM »
I have a warlock deck built around this that has had some success. Throw them both out turn one, then pump the smaller equipment out at 3-4 per round for two rounds, then a creature buddy and charge in.

The Academy cards are great for this. Lots of useful, low-cost equipment that stacks nicely and does not present the enemy mage a decent and obvious target for dissolves and crumbles.

A bit vulnerable to a rush or counter rush, but against a medium-speed builder it is quite effective.
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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2017, 03:50:32 AM »
Thank you all for your replies - good thougths in there.

A bit vulnerable to a rush or counter rush, but against a medium-speed builder it is quite effective.

Can you elaborate on this a bit further?
Shouldn't it be pretty good against rush, because you have high armor already on the start of turn 2?
Or am I missing something big.
Keep in mind - I mostyl theorycraft - not much actual game play experience saadly, but I want to learn :)


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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2017, 04:44:59 AM »
Had an Adramelech Warlock that goes:
1) Double battle forge.
2) leather chausses + ring of curses + double mana crystal.
3) fireshaper ring + gloves of skill + hawkeye + magebane

I have this book ready for play, but didn't use it yet. I made it when it was very common to destroy battleforges early in my local metagame, but eventually I found out that if my opponent close the distance and use his actions to destroy my single battle forge (then it was usually with a double surging wave), then that gives me an advantage even greater than having the battleforge, so I usually use just one.


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Re: 2 battle forges. Is it viable?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2017, 06:21:34 PM »
Thank you all for your replies - good thougths in there.

A bit vulnerable to a rush or counter rush, but against a medium-speed builder it is quite effective.

Can you elaborate on this a bit further?
Shouldn't it be pretty good against rush, because you have high armor already on the start of turn 2?

It seems a bit vulnerable because you use almost all mana putting the forges out and then probably some mana generation/banking stuff. Rings of curses and the like. It doesn't really leave much wriggle-room cover if a Beasty comes charging in with a couple of boulders or a teleported bear.

But if you are left alone by about turn 4 you are pretty well kitted out, would have a couple of enchantments face down and will be marching over to lay some smack down with the inevitable blood demon reaper ready to pop out.

In my experience, anyway. It has served well in my current meta.

(a note on my terminology: when I refer to counter-rush I mean a reactive, unplanned rush by the opponent that starts on turn 2, rather than an intended one that goes from turn 1)
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