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Messages - SirJasonCrage

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General Questions / Re: About the Paladin...
« on: February 12, 2018, 07:09:42 AM »
You can't use the mage's valor for the temple.

Off the top of my head, these are the things you can do with Valor:

1 Auras
2 Buff sword effect die (which is kinda disappointing, because 12+ is just burn, not daze+burn)
3 Swap Challenge around

That's not even bad, if you ask me.

Auras are cool. It's all sorts of weird that a "Hit you in the face"-mage needs to use his full action for an integral part of his kit. And yes, some of the auras don't exactly blow you away.
An important part of Auras is getting neglected whenever I see them mentioned though: They can't be taken away.
Everything in this game can be taken away, except most Mage traits/abilities. It's a core underlying theme of Mage Wars. Every piece of armor or enchant can be taken away by using just as much mana and actions as your opponent used (Yes, there's some exceptions. You get the point.) Heck, even Conjurations can be nullified by conquer. Creatures and Conjurations can be killed. Traits like Melee+ or Fast can be cursed away.
Auras stay. And that's a lot stronger than you give it credit for.
One more thing: It may cost you a potential Melee attack to equip an aura, but you can just buy another melee attack for 2 mana with radiant breastplate.

Sword effect:
Oh well. It's a way to spend Valor and it's not like it decreases the daze chance in any way. I just wish it was Daze+Burn. Always feels like the priest staff is stronger than the Paladin sword...

The main drawback of Challenge is its dual nature. Yes, you get to hit harder. But so does your opponent. Swapping that thing around for no action at all allows you to play around your weak and strong points in the game, taking guards and crowd control into account.
If you can swap it around next turn, you're no longer forced to oneshot the marked opponent for fear that it's gonna tear you a new one over the course of the next two turns.

Beautiful card, even though you should probably make sure your opponent does not have any hidden enchants underneath him. Can't be dodged or braced himself against, but it's still susceptible to glancing blow, Helm of Fear, Defend Me or Divine Intervention.

That said, I still haven't gotten around to actually making a Paladin and playing him, so take all this with a grain of salt.

I think his main weakness is that he brings nothing at all to the table at the start of the game. No bonus hp, no bonus Melee, no bonus mana, no immediately usable effects except one that buffs you and the opponent by the same amount.

Pray and Slay, my brothers.

Rules Discussion / Re: Armory and Royal Armorer
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:50:39 AM »
I was actually under the impression that crown is actually the one thing that does interfere with the armorer.

Those two are the only things in the game that place armor tokens. If you use crown first, you can't use armorer, since armorer clearly states he can be used on creatures without armor tokens.

Mages / Re: favorite mage
« on: January 31, 2018, 11:20:42 PM »
Our perception appears to vary. To me, Zot and Puddn are dead serious and they don't understand Henry's subtle but elaborate sarcastic joke.

Onto more serious things, I really love my Warlock. Be strong, get stronger, make others weak. Curses can counter anything, even lets you avoid having to roll dice.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best Animal to make the Straywood's Pet?
« on: January 30, 2018, 11:28:44 PM »
Anything that gives the Wolverine more life is good for the Wolverine. I'm finding some real success with joined strength on a pet Wolverine.

Yes, heals cost me my rage tokens. No, why would I need to heal it?

Joined Strength is damage transfer not healing it shouldn't remove rage tokens to my knowledge.

Ah, maybe I was being unclear, but that is exactly why I do it :)

Rules Discussion / Re: Chant of Rage movement
« on: January 28, 2018, 11:23:43 PM »
Aaah, we're checking at every possible point. Thanks Zuberi. That was the detail I was missing.

Rules Discussion / Re: Chant of Rage movement
« on: January 28, 2018, 05:41:48 AM »
Uh, are we sure about having to move as many zones as possible towards the hate marker?

If you take the literal meaning as printed on the card, you're required to move towards it. Nothing less, nothing more.

If the token is two tiles away from me, I interpret the condition met after moving one zone. To me, that means I can move one zone and I'm free to block/attack/whatever, because I have definitely "moved towards" the hate token.

If I'm wrong, can anyone point me to the passage I am misinterpreting?

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Best Animal to make the Straywood's Pet?
« on: January 21, 2018, 11:30:48 PM »
Anything that gives the Wolverine more life is good for the Wolverine. I'm finding some real success with joined strength on a pet Wolverine.

Yes, heals cost me my rage tokens. No, why would I need to heal it?

General Discussion / Re: Favorite aspect?
« on: January 07, 2018, 06:10:46 AM »
I like the fact that they have strong female characters that play as hard as the male characters.  The Forcemaster is the equal of any other mage in hand-to-combat, especially with the introduction of Academy, and the Priestess is still arguably the hardest mage to kill in Mage Wars.  It is one of the reasons why I think a Mage Wars video game would be so successful because girls and women would have strong female characters that they could identify with.

Is this what you like most about Mage Wars?
Your reason to play this game?

General Discussion / Re: Favorite aspect?
« on: January 06, 2018, 03:26:05 PM »
It's the feeling of scale, for me.
The game's just so authentic in making you feel like there's an actual battle between two powerful Mages going on.

Spells / Re: favorite equipment
« on: December 31, 2017, 05:56:14 PM »
Sectarus. No contest.

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite mage and why?
« on: December 29, 2017, 12:48:23 AM »
I still remember, as if it was yesterday, how I went down into that burning hole of rot and decay to ask Marhask'Gnor for a favor.
Play with demons and the demons will play with you, they say...
I asked him to make people roll shit against me. The glowing eyes glimmered in the dark as the old creature grinned his toothy, smelly grin and worked his magic.
Now, whenever I play Warlock, everyone rolls shit, me included.

So be it. I buckled up, added tankiness and curses for days. With horns on my helmet and a sword permanently whispering sinister cruelties into my soul, I face whoever thinks he can beat my dark favor.

I fucking love being a dark hardass with counters to almost anything in his school. Make them slow, make them weak, take their life, curse their wounds... And then just watch them rot away, even thoigh you could strike them down any time you want.

Spells / Re: favorite enchantment
« on: December 24, 2017, 05:38:04 AM »
When a curse is so damn nice, you sometimes don't even want to kill the cursed creature:

Death Link.

Honestly though, with enchantments, it's really hard to choose, because they do just about anything.
Standard bearer is the reason I play Warlord.
Mongoose makes my solos work.
Enfeeble makes headaches go away.
Barkskin is the reason I play druid.

Still. Death Link takes the cake for me.

Spells / Re: favorite conjuration
« on: December 24, 2017, 05:32:17 AM »
I think the point where you're forced to use a full action to heal is the point you lose control over the game.
As such, I don't really like the spring.
If I'm swarming, my creatures don't usually survive getting hit.
If I'm using big creatures, I don't want to lose pressure by having them walk away and drink.
If I'm solo, I need the actions.

What I really do love is the wardstone.
As a Solo Curselock main, I really love it when people start using Remove Curse only to remove two pf their four curses.
I love how they struggle to find a way around my Mongoose, Savagery, Bear, Cheetah Mage, knowing full well that they can't purge me.

Praise the stones.

Rules Discussion / Re: Legal OP combo?
« on: December 17, 2017, 11:27:25 PM »
So, uh, can we clarify this:

We can stack, for example, Badger's with BattleFury and stack a sweeping or even a whirling strike on top? Meaning, we could have tge hypothetical Izimbila strike 2x2x3 times, spreading those attacks over everyone in the zone?

Another one: Does marked for Death apply to every attack?
Darkfenne Asp: Please don't mind me, just taking away all of your fucking damage with a quad attack.

I understand the rule and why things work this way, but I've got a ton of dumb ideas right now...

Spells / Re: favorite creature
« on: December 17, 2017, 11:56:02 AM »
My favorite creature would be Malacoda.
I never use him, but damn, he looks cool, is strong as fuck and has justified balance in his price and his slow trait.

As for Reddicediaries: Wasn't Ini irrelevant during upkeep phase? I thought either player decides for his own creatures in which order he wants to resolve all the upkeep stuff.

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