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Messages - cbalian

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Rules Discussion / Re: What happens if Nullify cost is not paid?
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:09:34 AM »
Perfect thanks.  That is what I was thinking.  Since this person seems to like to always trigger Nullify with a buff I shall use their own Bear Strength against them! :)

I really like the idea of quick casting a Reverse Magic in there though.  That would be a nasty surprise for them.

Rules Discussion / What happens if Nullify cost is not paid?
« on: June 22, 2013, 08:11:09 PM »
I know I have to REVEAL Nullify if an enchantment or incantation is cast on me but can I CHOOSE to pay the 2 reveal cost?  And IF I choose NOT to pay the 2 cost that would mean the Enchantment would NOT be Nullified and get through?

So basically I'm asking if the Enchantment will still stick on me if Nullify cost isn't paid.  I know nullify gets destroyed and discarded either way, but does the Enchantment cast on me get destroyed too if I don't (or can't pay) the cost?

I'm asking for 2 reasons:
Reason 1:  If I cast an enchantment on myself that I want to land, I'm assuming Nullify will block me from enchanting myself too?  And if I really want to enchant (or incantation) myself can I just destroy nullify without destroying the enchant/incantation?

Reason 2:  Whenever I cast a mage wand my friend always seems to toss an enchantment at me to trigger Nullify so he can then destroy the wand.  But let's say he casts Bear Strength on me, can I just not pay the mana cost and destroy Nullify but let the Bear Strength land on me?

Just wanted to thank everyone again for the advice!  I finally played my 1st game with the Forcemaster and it was a resounding victory.  With all her control with sleep/charms/mind control + all her defenses and shields I won the game without even taking one SINGLE point of damage!  Nothing got through that stuff.

And with her double strike weapon and being able to attack twice per round doing 10+ dice of damage to the enemy mage per turn for zero mana cost made for quite the stomping of the enemy!

Thoughtspore A) (with Sleep) just put everything to sleep as soon as it was summoned so that took care of every creature so I never had to worry about enemy creatures

Thoughtspore B) (with Forcehammer) was rolling EIGHT dice per round for any conjurations that came out, so squashed Beasties Lair + any mana sources in one hit so didn't have to worry about enemy conjurations

Then giving her unavoidable attacks so she could ignore enemy mage defenses definitely sealed their fate.

I still think overall the Priest is still my favorite mage but Forcemaster seems pretty cool. 

Anyways thanks again for the advice folks!  You all rock.  :)

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Cursing Warlock
« on: June 21, 2013, 09:26:50 AM »
If you are really going with a curse heavy theme the familiar/weapon that casts curse for a free action anytime you do melee damage might be a good add.  You can then cast 3 curses per round, which will be hard for them to keep up with.

Magebane is AMAZING.  Amazing enough I put it almost every deck.  I've done upwards of 20 damage with that card before, very efficient for the mana cost.  Worst case it eats a dispell, which means one less dispell for something else even nastier.

Necroprian Vampiress is SO good.  I'd suggest adding another one of her.  Built in vampire ability plus able to fly (temporarily) is great for flying creatures. 

Drain Life is awesome but you might want to consider adding Drain Soul also (I think it is even better), having both in would be great.

So in summary just my 2 cents worth of advice.

Drop a Lash of Hellfire for the Sword familiar (sorry don't have name I'm at work)
Drop a couple Hellfire traps (you probably don't need 4)
Add a Necropian Vampiress
And I'd probably use a different deflect item then Helm of Fear, there are lower dice checks and the attack is fully blocked, with Fear they can still hit one of your creatures.

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro release?
« on: June 21, 2013, 08:14:47 AM »
Oh true, sorry didn't think of overseas shipping cost.

So for those US peeps that want to get the new cards they are available!

General Discussion / Re: Conquest of Kumanjaro release?
« on: June 21, 2013, 06:49:02 AM »
These decks are available at the Arcane Wonders store.  This expansion has already shipped out, I've already received my decks this past week.  Some fun stuff that is definitely already in my books and I've played with the new Preist who I like.

If you want the expansion you can get it right now (and could have already had that wolfie spider in your deck by now). :)

Here is the link if you want the new expansion -->

I don't think anything needs to be done with EXISTING already IN PRINT cards.  IF HoBS is overpowered (and I personally don't think it is) then the better way to handle it rather than NERFING the EXISTING card is make a NEW card that is effective against it in the next expansion.

That does a couple things...
1.  Most importantly keeps the integrity of the game in tact (ie everyone has the SAME cards, I don't want to see 2 copies of the same card floating around)
2.  Is a potential future money maker for Arcane Wonders (because people will want to buy a NEW card that counters the conjuration).

And didn't they already make cards that counter Temple of Light...walls with LOS blocking,
And didn't they already make cards that counter BOTH Temple and Hand when adding cards with extra damage to conjurations like hurl boulder and whatever that catapult thing is for the Warlord.  So if you are looking for reliable strategies to deal with these so called overpowered cards they exist.

I'm not arguing the Hand or the Temple or even the combo is good, they ARE good but seriously people I've played against temple builds and I've never lost to it.  I don't see what is so overpowered or "too good" about it?

Put Hurl Boulder in your deck with that many dice in 1 attack AND +2 vs conjurations the temple dies in one hit, so they wasted a turn summoning it you used a turn destroying it I just don't see the big deal.

If you aren't running Hurl Boulder toss a big creature at it and it dies too.

But honestly whenever I've seen hand and hands and temple of light I just kill temple of light (I hate being stunned or damaged).  The hand doesn't bug them 1 extra dice that can easily miss me isn't a big deal, the armor or the healing is nice and all but isn't anything you can't out damage, so I ignore Hand.

So a reliable (has worked for me every time) strategy is destroy temple of light, ignore hand, kill mage, bamn win.  I don't care how many hands or temples they put in their deck and even summon quickly they still haven't won.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Too much defense?
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:57:13 PM »
Thanks all for the advice.  I'm still very new to the game so really appreciate it.  I am still learning balance with my deck building skills.

ANY card and ANY combo has another card or combo or strategy that can counter it or overcome it.  EVERY temple build deck I have played against has LOST, even with 4 Hands of Bim and Temple of Light etc I've found ways around it and honestly it wasn't that hard.  I considered it more of a speed bump than a detriment, sure it might have cost me a round or two to get rid of the temple but better than letting it hit me every round.  It's all about allocating resources.

So yep way to early to nerf ANYthing especially temples which are easily overcome so they can't be that OP.

I would think it would be VERY detrimental to "change" cards after they are printed.  If you changed it and then reprinted the same card you would have 2 different versions of the same card floating around.

Honestly there is a way around ANY card or combo.  So once something exists that "seems" overpowered, really it isn't OP it just means it is something you have to deal with and there is almost always a way to deal with it.

For example if I see a "temple build" combo starting I usually let Hand of Bim go and when the Temple of Light hits I just toss all my resources on that for a turn (or 2 if I have to) and bam the "combo" is no longer a combo and nutrilized.  Hurl a boulder at the temple, it gets +2 vs conjurations and there are other attacks like that, or if not running that toss a couple big creatures at it.

So I would DEFINITELY not reprint/change ANY card, There is NO card that is "too good".  Just find a way around it or in the next expansion come up with a 'new' card that can be used against it.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Too much defense?
« on: June 19, 2013, 08:36:42 AM »
Oh forgot about unavoidable!  That would definitely be bad if my 10+ dice melee attack gets deflected (or reverse attacked).  I did add "elusive" in there so I could get past guards.  Thanks!

Strategy and Tactics / Too much defense?
« on: June 19, 2013, 07:43:10 AM »
Too much defense?

I was going to go with a melee heavy build (with my mage doing a lot of up close attack damage) and wanted to give them adequate defenses to be in the fray of battle, but looking for some advice.

I put in the following to protect my Mage:
7+ (Any) Reflex Boots
7+ (Any) Deflection Bracer
7+ (Any) Cobra Reflexes
8+ (Ranged) Force Orb
8+ (Melee) Force Sword
8+ (Melee) Dancing Scimitar
0+ (Any if counter) Forcefield

I’m thinking that might be too many deflections?  I wanted a back up copy or 2 in case something is dissolved or dispelled but I probably don’t need 7 considering you can only use ONE deflection per attack.  If you had to drop 1 or 2 of the above cards which would you drop?  Also I only have 2 Armor (from a cloak) so I’m leaning towards dropping either the boots or bracer and adding a +1 armor boot/glove.

The reason I mentioned vamparism (one of my fav cards) is it is nice to do melee damage sometimes to conserve mana when needed.  I also thought of all the mages she would be good in melee range with double strike galvitar and I was going to put the double attack ability on thought spore + beef her with +1 melees etc etc.  With forcefields, 4 defenses, defense ring to lower die roll etc she shouldn't get hit much, and if she does that is where the vamp comes in to heal her.  Swinging with like 12 dice of damage per round she should get some healing power out of it.

For the "big creature" issue if the mage hides with guards I tossed in elusive so I could skip guards.  And I don't pull vamp, elusive or other things like that until late after they've exhausted their removal cards.

I don't really care about Hand of Bim but as soon as a temple of light hits the board I knock it down before it knocks me down.  I don't even bother touching the Hand and focus resources on killing the preistess.  The temple build deck preistesses I played died because they relied too much on temples and didn't support/defend them.  But I was running an earth wizard so hurl a couple boulders at the temples and they crash no problem.

Wow thanks red!  Maybe I will like her, and I've made a couple tweaks to the spell book.

I really like the idea of the floating mage wands (thoughtspores) so that is one interesting thing with her.

Do you think it is worth giving them any armor like rhino hide/aegis etc or just toss spells as much as you can and summon a new one when they die?

I'm at work so I don't have my cards but I thought ALL the mind creatures are either invisible or tagged as "pest" so I can't guard with psylocks can I?  Maybe I'm wrong.

For healing (mid to late game if I am taking damage) I generally use Vamparism, since I plan to actually be hitting with my mage this time.  And regrowth + regrowth belt (which I know they don't stack but in case one gets dispelled).  I'm also debating the tree that lets you use a quick action to heal 3 dice + 1 condition each turn, but the tree can get cut down so not sure.

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