Mage Wars > Creative

Alternative Necromancer


32 Life 10 Mana

Soul Collector: Whenever a Living Creature dies, necromancer gets a "Soul Fragment"
The  necromancer can remove an Soul Fragment" to get 1 mana or pay one mana to get +1 Life it bypasses finite life.
"The necromancer steals souls to extend his life."

he / she should have another attribute... something with ghosts maybe?

Dead Bond: the necromancer does not need to pay any upkeepĀ“s for undead creatures.

Depending on how you define upkeep costs, this version of the Necromancer might even be able to use [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC10]Sardonyx, Blight of the Living[/mwcard] without committing suicide...

That's one of the reasons why I think that the new necro needs such an ability.

Obsidian Soul:
I think that a good alternate Necromancer would be a Reanimation Master.  One of her special abilities would be that when she directly kills a creatures, she could spend the casting cost of the creature immediately to reanimated it as a Zombie with -(level) Life.  The other special ability would be that she reconstruct one die worth of damage on a Zombie in her zone by paying one mana during the the Upkeep Phase.


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