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Messages - sshroom

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I always thought it would be funny to try a book that uses many range 3 attack spells. Erect a wall in front of the enemy mage to keep him in his back row.  Blast from the relative safety from your own. Many thoughtspores facilitate positioning control and corrosion/removal of enemy armor. You really want to get your channeling up to 16 which is enough to teleport you up to 2 spaces so that you have a clear file to the enemy and hit him with a thunderbolt each turn. There's nowhere to hide!

2 Acid Ball
3 Hurl Meteorite
3 Thunderbolt

4 Mana Crystal
6 Wall of Pikes

4 Thoughtspore

Akiro's Favor
4 Block
2 Brace Yourself

Elemental Wand
Mage Wand
Moonglow Amulet

2 Dispel
2 Dissolve
2 Force Push
Minor Heal
2 Sleep
2 Teleport

Plan is
T1 (20): Extended Wall of Pikes right in front of the enemy (-9), Mana Crystal (-5)
T2 (17): Double Crystal (-10)
T3 (20): Crystal (-5), Thoughtspore (-8) (prob a force push to push the enemy around)
T4 (21): Amulet (-6), Thoughtspore (-8) (this could be another enemy control spore, or a teleport one to keep near you to make sure you are always within range 3 for a blast)
T5 (22): Harmonize (-6), play it by ear (spore 3? hawkeye/favor? keeping spores alive? blast?)

This plan of course might be a bit optimistic, but the T1 walls may discourage an early rush by the enemy. Of course actions/mana may have to be used in early turns to keep the spores alive. Walls can be replaced as needed. Pesky creatures that sneak through can be put to sleep. Drop deathlock when the enemy is low on life to seal the deal.

This is obviously not a "tier 1" construction, but more of a casual/fun book. Comments/suggestions/mockery are always welcome. Cheers!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Johktari Blockmaster
« on: October 13, 2015, 01:58:04 AM »
This book uses Fellella and casts many disruptive and defensive enchantments to basically try to cancel anything my opponent does. Since the enchantments are relatively cheap to reveal I should be able to bank enough mana to keep a steady stream of attack spells going with maybe a double Hurl Boulder turn in the mid game somewhere. It focuses on the mage and kills with attack spells ala the Rushmaster but maybe is a bit more stable since it has many protective cards. Ir packs a variety of elemental spells so I can use whatever is most effective. Intercepting guards will be gotten around with Force Pushes and Sniper Shots.

Johktari BM

2 Acid Ball
Force Hammer
2 Hurl Boulder
Lightning Bolt
Pillar of Light
Surging Wave

2 Bloodspine Wall
2 Mana Flower
2 Tanglevine

2 Fellella

Akiro's Favor
6 Block
4 Brace Yourself
2 Fumble
4 Jinx
Mongoose Agility
6 Nullify
2 Stumble

Enchanter's Ring
Elemental Wand
Ivarium Longbow
Regrowth Belt

2 Dispel
2 Dissolve
2 Force Push
2 Sniper Shot

The plan is Turn 1: (19) Fellella + Harmonize
Turn 2: (12) Fellella uses her 2 to drop a Block or Brace yourself on herself. I double Mana Flower.
Turn 3: (13) Fellella drops something on me. I either tool up one more turn (Enchanter's Ring + Hawkeye or Akiro's). Or start attacking as needed. I'll probably be spending my quickcast almost every turn to drop a second enchantment on myself Fellella or the enemy Mage. Already Looking at the list I want 2 more Jinxes. Not sure what to lose for them though.

Thoughts criticism advice or complaints are always welcome. Cheers!


General Discussion / Re: [New Video] Battlegrounds Domination: 2 VS 2 match!
« on: September 03, 2015, 08:26:48 PM »
This is awesome guys! Looking forward to part 3

Mages / Re: The Wizard discussion
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:38:00 PM »
Maybe there should be some kind of limited tourney format where wizard or just wizard's tower are not allowed? We don't allow wizards in our playgroup and I really think the game is fairer and more fun that way.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Control
« on: December 29, 2014, 12:23:02 PM »
Really have never had the problem of running out of spells. My late game actions will be attacking with Galvitar so don't need spells then.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Forcemaster Control
« on: December 28, 2014, 02:08:38 AM »
Thanks for the reply! The reason for selecting Forcemaster as opposed to Wizard is twofold
1) We generally don't play Wizards in our meta as we consider them overpowered
2) Forcefield. If I can keep my opponent with few or no creatures who can attack me effectively forcefield makes me nigh invilnerable. Meanwhile I am striking for 7 dice pierce 2 each action.
By controlling creatures I don't necessarily mean just mind control. I mean rendering them either unable to threaten me (charm or force crush or positional control) or so costly to my opponent that keeping them around prohibits him from threatening me in other ways (essence drain orb obelisk). Mind Control is so costly and necromancers see some play around here so having 2 seems really risky. Another charm might be really nice though.
I expect orb and obelisk will be destroyed and siphon too but time my opponent spends doing this is time I can use to build up to my desired end state. Stalker I would probably only ever summon after orb and obelisk are down so I don't end up eating my own upkeep boosters. Thoughtspores seem like too much work to keep alive. Sleep is an excellent suggestion. I definitely should try to get one or two in.
Thanks again

Spellbook Design and Construction / Forcemaster Control
« on: December 27, 2014, 09:55:18 PM »
Have tried a few different versions of this book with mixed results. This book aims for a long game. With hard mana denial I limit my opponent to only a few creatures which I control.  All the while I am gradually tooling up with the forge. In the end my opponent won't have much out and I'll be in his face with Galvitar and a Forcefield which probably means that I win.


2 Force Hammer

Battle Forge
2 Enchanter's Wardstone
Mana Siphon
Mordok's Obelisk
Supression Orb

Invisible Stalker

Armor Ward
2 Bear Strength
2 Essence Drain
Mongoose Agility
Falcon Precision
Mind Control
Force Crush
Poisoned Blood
2 Forcefield

Enchanter's Ring
Elemental Cloak
Eagleclaw Boots
Dancing Scimitar
Psi Orb
Wand of Healing
Mage Wand
Regrowth Belt
Gauntlets of Strength

2 Dispel
2 Dissolve
2 Force Push
Drain Power
Battle Fury

The plan is turn 1 (20): Battle Forge (8) in front of me, Enchanter's Wardstone (4) in middle back row
Turn 2: (18 + 1): deploy Enchanter's ring (1+1), Probably drop Orb and Obelisk in back row opposite corners if I think my enemy will summon creatures (16)
Turn 3: (11 + 1): deploy gauntlets (2+1), FD Armor Ward (1), FD Nullify (1). get into position to drop mana siphon turn 4

Play it by ear from there. Invisible Stalker is there just because it's nice to have a little backup at times.
Any feedback would be appreciated. thanks!

I think this is a problem with the game in general. It's a super effective strategy to just undo every enchantment and equipment your opponent casts (ala blasting banker and watergate wizard) and no mage can do this as effectively as the wizard with cheap enchantment removal and mage wands. It's not just the Wizard though. Most spellbooks pack 3 or 4 dispels and dissolves and acid balls. Dispel/dissolve wars is quite a boring game and much flavor of individual mages is lost when they can't keep any of their unique stuff on the board. But maybe this is a topic for another thread.

One other comment: I would really prefer to see damage on stuff represented with the counters rather than dice. It makes it easier to see what's going on. Thanks guys.

Thanks for posting guys. These are very entertaining.

This is a tough matchup for the Bloodwave Warlord. Walls plus pushing/snatching is a very efficient way to deal damage and the Druid does it extremely well. You really want lots of Teleport against this book and Warlords commonly run 0-1. At least the Anvil Throne has the Tough to help avoid being snatched. I think use of Garrison Posts might have been helpful. It really hurt you having your creatures able to be snatched immediately upon deployment. Of course the Druid can set up another Zone of Death next to your Post but then at least his initial summons aren't doing him as much good.

I really think putting on some armor would have been helpful for the Warlord once in the Zone of Death. Attacks in the Zone of Death should have all been focused on the Thornlashers since they are what prevent you from moving away. I wouldn't waste attacks on the walls or caltrops as they are so cheaply replaced.

There were a couple of turns where the Vine Tree was vulnerable to Conquer.  If you run Force Push (you probably should) you could do it without giving the Druid a chance to respond. Activate Mage QC Force Push the Panzergarde into the Tree Zone, move into the Tree Zone, Conquer the Tree. This might have helped or maybe the game was out of reach by the time this play was possible, In general the Vine Tree/Vinewhip staff needs to be dealt with quickly. You really can't allow the Druid to put down 3 vines per turn. Either the tree needs to be killed or the staff Dissolved ASAP or preferably both. I know easier said than done...

There was one turn when a Vine Snapper was guarding but did not take it's counterstrike. It would have meant the Orc Butcher died one action sooner. Didn't really matter much as the match was not really close. In fact I think the Druid could have ended the match much sooner by just focusing attacks on the Warlord and not bothering to kill his soldiers.

Well excellent job guys. Thanks for taking the time to put these up.

League / Tournament Play / Re: Players in the Bay Area, CA?
« on: October 06, 2014, 01:13:39 AM »
Hi there are a couple of players in the east bay (Oakland Berkeley). PM me if you like maybe we can set something up.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Wonders hires new Creative Director
« on: October 05, 2014, 06:10:20 PM »
Another employee means you can produce more expansions quicker, right? I want to give you my money!

You can't ignite something that already has a burn condition a d only the Adremelach Warlock can move burns around. So slamming Ignite won't do much and Combustion will yield at most a two die attack

Solid book and gameplan. Looks fun!

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Shooty Warlord
« on: September 20, 2014, 03:04:51 PM »
No Archers Watchtower because I really want to have a Garrison Post in my zone at all times if possible. Certainly one could be put in and be useful. Really though once you have a few archers walls can be shot down or just ignored in favor of creatures which gain you mana.

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