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Author Topic: Mage Wars TOON PARTY!  (Read 3390 times)

Sailor Vulcan

  • Secret Identity: Imaginator
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« on: October 26, 2013, 12:43:01 PM »
Life is cut in half for all mages, but ability cards are still the same otherwise. After a mage dies, it comes back to life during the upkeep phase. Each mage has their own possible winning objectives which they choose at start of game.


-MiPet: Summon a creature and make it your pet. Make your pet perform tricks (feats), like "Roll over", "Fetch", etc. Then feed your pet with enemy creatures. If your pet dislikes you, it might run away (if it takes damage equal to its health). In order to do this you also need to give it proper attention by casting spells on it or being in the same zone as it.

-Dance, Dance Evolution: Create a swarm of one subtype of animal creatures (such as cat, canine, bird, etc.) and surround your opponent and yourself. When this happens, it's SIMON TIME! You are now the party animal, and your opponent needs to try to upstage you. Here's how it works.

1. Give the initiative marker to the beastmaster. He or she now has initiative.
2. The player with initiative must make and perform a dance made of three poses. Here is a chart for making mage wars legal poses:

Left arm+hand: Must be Up or Down(must still be visible above the table), and also point, fist, or FIVE
Right arm+hand: Up or Down(must still be visible above the table), and also point, fist or FIVE

So for example, you could make a pose with your left hand pointing up and your right hand in a low five (open hand, palm face-up)

3. The player without initiative has to copy the player with initiative. If a player messes up or the dance is completed successfully by both players, the round ends. If the beastmaster who has chosen this objective messes up twice during rounds that they don't initiative, round ends, and the opponent gains initiative and escapes from the swarm, teleporting to any zone of their choice. If the opponent of the beastmaster messes up twice during rounds that they don't have initiative, they lose the dance-off and the game.


-Checkmate: Make it so that the opposing mage cannot move anywhere without being hindered during their action phase, and there is a creature capable of attacking that mage in the same zone at that time. If the mage cannot move anywhere without being hindered during their action phase and there are no attack-capable enemy creatures in the same zone at that time, the game ends in a draw.

-Barbaric: Make a helmet out of 3 skull pieces. You do this by killing your opponent's mage three times.


-Puppet: Make the opponent your mind slave. You prove your control by moving the opponent to three target zones in a particular order that you announce at the beginning of the game. These zones cannot be adjacent to each other.
-Mental Terrorist: scare and creep out your opponent until they're too freaked out to continue. You can only use your fear tactics when your opponent is up to one zone away from you.


Sermon of Attrition: Have you ever been SO BORED during a church/mosk/temple/etc. sermon that was dragging on for a long time? Now you get to see how fun it is to be performing those sermons! Distract your opponent from the battle by saying dramatically thought-provoking and meaningful things (preferably in a dry and boring voice). Put in a few things that are either grossly inaccurate or that your opponent might strongly disagree with to provoke them into a debate with you. Try to convince them of your point of view (or of the point of view you're pretending to have). You win when they get so annoyed and impatient that they leave the game.


QUIET! PhD in progress: Complete a homework assignment that's worth a minimum of ten points while playing this game. You win if you finish it before your opponent can reach their objective.
(You can write a minimum of one paragraph per planning phase, or answer one short answer or two multiple choice questions per planning phase.)

Defensive: You win if your opponent takes more than 30 minutes to kill your mage.


Evil Overlord: When you kill the enemy mage, laugh maniacally (villain's laugh). If you laugh maniacally before your opponent has the chance to respawn during the upkeep, you win. Whenever your opponent kills your mage, you must make dramatic vows of revenge or say things like "I SHALL RETURN!!!"

Fire Words: Be mean and insult your opponent. Every time you get a negative reaction out of them, you gain 1 cruelty point. Once you gain three cruelty points, you win the game. You can only insult your opponent once during each of their action phases.


Nec-romance: When your mage dies, say a halloween-ish pickup line (like, "Would you like to RIP with me, baby?". If you do this, you win.

Evil Overlord: When you kill the enemy mage, laugh maniacally (villain's laugh). If you laugh maniacally before your opponent has the chance to respawn during the upkeep, you win. Whenever your opponent kills your mage, you must make dramatic vows of revenge or say things like "I SHALL RETURN!!!"


Growth: grow your hair with holy, water, and earth spells and attacks. The amount of inches your hair grows is equal to 1+ the level of the holy water or earth spell that affects you. Grow your hair until it's 50 inches long.

Garden labyrinth race: set up a maze of plants (both conjuration and creature ones). You can jump from plant to plant, but cannot touch the ground. Your opponent can touch the ground, but has to be wary because when you jump on a plant it gains melee +1 until end of round. You win if you can get to the entrance farthest from you at the start of the race before they can get to the entrance farthest from them at the start of the race. If they win the race, you can try again in two rounds.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 04:24:15 PM by Imaginator »
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