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Messages - silverclawgrizzly

Pages: 1 ... 133 134 [135] 136 137 138
Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Whirling spirit
« on: January 20, 2014, 02:43:29 AM »
I think that's to represent it's bound to the ground like a mini tornado. Just like mountains can block large wind vortexes a wall should be able to block a small one. Besides that creature is powerful enough as is hehe, I'm a big fan.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Beating the Necromancer with the Beastmaster
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:11:37 PM »
Ok here's a few strategies I've picked up. I play primarily Beast Master and one of my best friends is a necromancer.

1. Go with flyers. Turok and the Thunderift Falcon squad. Zombies can't hurt flyers generally speaking. Put a Nullify on to protect from Maim Wings or Drain Life.

2. Cheetah Speed and Mongoose Reflexes. Zombies start swarming you this lets you avoid them better.

3. Get in there and wail the stuffing out of the Necromancer. He'll be busy trying to get out as many zombies as possible.

4. Consider assigning a heavy hitting creature like your pet to start tearing into his Graveyard or other spawn area.

5. Dissolve his evil spawn book. Yeah he can put it back in his spell book but that costs him.

6. Yeah Unicorns are a good idea for countering IoP.

7. Put out your totems and keep those Call of the Wild cards ready.

8. Use cheap walls to slow down his zombie horde. They'll probably break the walls down but that's wasting time on their part. Time they could be using to chase after you.

League / Tournament Play / Re: AWESOME prize system I just thought of.
« on: January 19, 2014, 03:41:18 AM »
Those would be neat prizes for convention tournaments. Don't know how it'd work for say a local gaming stores weekly events but then I guess that's what a league is for. Overall I like the idea. Of course tiny statues of the various Mages would also be cool.

General Discussion / Re: New Mage Wars Promos available.
« on: January 18, 2014, 08:07:19 PM »
I agree in that not having high monetary value prizes is cool, one of the things I enjoy about the game.

General Discussion / Re: New Mage Wars Promos available.
« on: January 18, 2014, 12:16:34 PM »
The cool thing about promos I just found out is when you're playing a friendly game and your opponent pulls one out I tend to go "Oh neat something I didn't expect that's really cool!" Yeah we'll get them in future sets but until then they mix up the local gaming group in my area. I like being kept on my toes as it keeps me interested.
As long as you can proxy the card yourself, they are lots of fun. If it is a case of you have and they don't or vise versa they are not...

For me personally I don't really care if I can proxy it. There are no high stake Mage Wars tournaments like with Magic or Hero Clix. There's nothing on the line in a match. I just got into this game last month with a group of friends and lose more than I win but I'm still having a blast. It isn't worth getting upset over.

Mages / I'd like to see an alchemist.
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:51:18 AM »
I think an alchemist would be an interesting mage to enter the arena. You could make him either Arcane representing the years of magical study they'd have had to of endured or War if you wanted to make them part tinkerer/engineer. There's certainly plenty of RPGs and fantasy settings with alchemist type classes in them.

Ideas for this mage:
-Potions that could put up temporary smoke clouds.
-Poison removal.
-Golems and other homunculi. Maybe a weird patch work man type thing.
-Acid attacks galore! Maybe even an acid wand?
-Wall dissolve.

I get that a lot of this stuff is covered partially(or even fully) with other schools but it's just an idea I had. random musing really.

General Discussion / Re: New Mage Wars Promos available.
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:44:29 AM »
The cool thing about promos I just found out is when you're playing a friendly game and your opponent pulls one out I tend to go "Oh neat something I didn't expect that's really cool!" Yeah we'll get them in future sets but until then they mix up the local gaming group in my area. I like being kept on my toes as it keeps me interested.

Spells / Re: Is arcane too important?
« on: January 18, 2014, 03:05:40 AM »
I'd argue that an arcane mage who relies on nothing but arcane may be in trouble. Without some measure of healing you may end up in trouble. With out some buffs you're at a disadvantage. Curses are also VERY nice little presents as well. Also Arcane isn't much good that I've seen for dealing pure damage like the elemental schools(though of course a Wizard chooses one of those.)

That's not to say Arcane isn't important, because it is, but so are the other schools.

Spells / So encountered my first promo card.
« on: January 18, 2014, 02:59:48 AM »
Went up against an opponent I hadn't faced before at my gaming guild yesterday. He was playing a Necromancer and pulled out a card called Plague. I was very pleased with it. It deals 1 direct poison damage to all living creatures in the same zone as you during up keep. Looked like a good way to slide in a hit against a horde or Force Master. Can't wait to get my hands on it in a future set.

Rules Discussion / Re: Damage and Effect Dice
« on: January 17, 2014, 02:25:39 AM »
Yeah that would make sense.

Rules Discussion / Re: Damage and Effect Dice
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:48:09 AM »
This game is more different than other games I've played than I first realized. With the forums help though I think I'm starting to understand it a bit better.

Rules Discussion / Re: Damage and Effect Dice
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:47:07 AM »
Thank you Baron that's very interesting.

Rules Discussion / Damage and Effect Dice
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:34:06 AM »
Was reading in the rule book about the Damage and Effect stage of combat. Little vague on this but does an attack have to successfully inflict damage in order to get the effect dice roll? For example if I Fireball you but my dice roll no successes do I still check to see if you're Burned?

Rules Discussion / Re: Walls affect own creatures?
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:31:24 AM »
Going back to the OP about Walls, I don't think Unsummon was meant to be aggressive tempo but more an Undo button.

I think Unsummon on controlled objects may be plausible...

Wulfen I totally agree.....though my Bear Strengthed Grizzly really just wants to be your friend.....

Spellbook Builder / Re: New Spellbook Builder beta with DvN cards
« on: January 16, 2014, 11:45:05 PM »
This may seem like a silly question but once I've clicked on a card and it's image comes up, how do I get it to go away?

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