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Topics - silverclawgrizzly

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Mages / Ok so I went to the Darkside, tried out Warlock
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:44:58 AM »
So after my Beast Master got turned into mince meat by my roommates Force Master(whom I have named Darth Spiral) a few times I decided to go over to the forces of evil and try out a Warlock as I heard you could set people on fire with it and frankly that seemed very enticing after my animals kept getting turned into fur coats. Oh boy was this ever fun! Wee Wall of Fire! Wee Fireball! Hooray for Cloak of Shadows! Hahahaha burn stupid Thoughtspores burn!

I have since adjusted my Beast Master with new spells that should hopefully keep me from getting gutted on the arena floor, but I'd just like to say I loved the warlock so much he's now my official secondary Mage and I look forward to offering up my opponents mage soul for whatever dark diety is feeling hungry. I'll post the spell book later.

Strategy and Tactics / Interesting use for walls.
« on: January 08, 2014, 02:21:59 AM »
So last couple of games my roommates been beating me to death with his Force Master through use of the Battle Forge spitting out Equpiment left right and center. Is there anything that would stop me from casting a LoS blocking wall around the thing so that it couldn't cast the equipment spells as it wouldn't be able to see the Force Master? He generally leaves it on the back wall near his starting zone. Barring that I'm gonna create a penalty box, teleport his mage inside of it, then go smash the forge. I'm sure there are better ways of going about this but this is what came to mind.

Hello all first I'm loving Mage Wars. Been playing just under a week with my roommates and friends. Currently I have access to the core set, Druids VS Necromancers and Forcemaster VS Warlord. We all decided to focus on different mages so I choose Beastmaster. This is my current spellbook and I'd love some constructive feedback. Note Battle for Kumanjaro is coming to the apartment soon.

Staff of Beasts
Ring of Beasts
Mage Wand
Lightning Ring
Elemental Cloak
Elemental Wand
Moonglow Amulet
2 Mana Flower
Tooth & Nail
3 Timber Wolves
2 Bitterwood Foxes
2 Thuderift Falcons
2 Feral Bobcats
Steelclaw Grizzly
Spitting Raptor
Fellella, Pixie Familiar
Redclaw, Alpha Male
Emerald Tengu
Tarok, the Skyhunter
Cervere, The Forest Shadow
Sosruko, Ferret Companion
2 Rhino Hides
2 Bear Strengths
2 Cobra Reflexes
Cheetah Speed
Bull Endurance
3 Call of the Wild
Rouse the Beast
2 Agony
2 Fog Banks
2 Bloodspine Walls
Poisoned Blood
Group Heal
2 Minor Heals
3 Tanglevines
Lightning Bolt
Chain Lightning

Once I get some more cards an extra Ring of Beasts is getting put in for sure. Also Harmonize is being used by the roommates or else it'd be in here too.

Thoughts and suggestions? Like I said I'm brand new at this game. Right now I'm fighting a Priestess and Forcemaster a lot. The Necromancer is also being used.

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