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Topics - Indalecio

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Alternative Play / 2 vs 2 Apprentice spellbooks or not?
« on: April 04, 2013, 03:09:36 AM »
So I intend to try this game at our next boardgame session and after I carefully read through everything I wonder what kind of configuration we would need to run.

None of us have played this before, and I will be standing for the rules master  B)  However all 4 players have tons of experience of similar games and I expect everybody to learn MW quite fast. I guess I think the only constraint will be to get used to the spells and decide what to pick during the planning phase. But in terms of rules I think we´ll overcome the complexity.

I mean us to play 2 vs 2 on a regular board. I have read multiple threads about whether to use the 4x3 board or extend it but I think we´ll stick to the original setup as we only have access to one board and I don't want the game to drag for too long which will surely happen if we leave more room to the mages to build up. 4x3 should speed up things due to the proximity of basically everything wanting to hurt you.

We may also set our life totals to something more manageable in order for us to finish the game at some point.

However, I am not sure if Apprentice spell books will last long enough for this type of setup. I mean, 30-ish  spells per mage means 15 turns not taking spawnpoints/familars into account. Even if it looks to me like everything will turn into a blood bath due to us having 4 mages (granted they will be in teams) and a small board, it feels like 15 turns is a bit short, forcing you to play spells you don't need and possibly running out of spells too which would be a disaster.

So has any of you tried Apprentice spellbooks in multiplayer? Are my concerns valid? Opting for the standard start spellbooks (I downloaded the new lists) is not a problem for us, but the leap is also bigger for newbies to learn the game even with our experience of card/board games. I guess my players would really prefer the start lists because they would enjoy having more choices, but they do not realize how difficult it can get to ingest it all at planning phase.

A last question: since this is 2 vs 2 and I have access to all 6 possible mages, are there mage combinations that we should try to avoid? Are you games more fun if you mix one aggro mage (with more low level  creatures) and one control mage (relying on conjurations mostly) or does it not matter at all? I guess I just don't want the teams to be too unbalanced, even if I realize the answer to that question will come eventually based on own experience of the game.

Oh and try to explain Flying to Mtg players, lol  :unsure:

Thanks for your input.

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