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Messages - Crow

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Domination
« on: June 05, 2016, 02:54:03 PM »
Domination is virtually the only way I play, 3 or 4 player, sometimes teams.

It's fast, and it changes which Mages are "strong" and which are "weak".  Tons of fun.

Domination / Re: Let's talk Multiplayer Domination
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:13:33 PM »
FWIW, we allow Glaxxus in free-for-all games of 3+ players, but ban it from 2v2 games. 

Haven't tried a larger team game yet, so I can't comment.

General Discussion / Re: Is Mage wars about to fade out?
« on: May 05, 2016, 01:47:58 PM »
I don't understand these threads.

Why does the release schedule tie so tightly to game health in the minds of some?   Is it a CCG/LCG mentality?  Does Mage Wars draw comparison because it is a card game with a similar theme? 

 I don't see them as connected, I play games I've owned as-is for years and years.  Mage Wars is more of a board game than anything ("board" in the sense of traditional tabletop game).  Hell, I played an RPG last week that hasn't released a book in decades, and it was still awesome!

For me, I'll enjoy Mage Wars even if no new products are released.  New stuff is always great, but the absence of the new does not diminish the quality of the extant.  Games that rely on frequent releases to maintain a player base likely have problems with quality of repeat play. 

Note: I don't play online, so I can't speak as to how it relates with releases.

General Discussion / Re: Mage Type Win/Loss Record
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:56:00 AM »
We haven't tracked stats.  Probably should though, now that everyone is semi-finalizing their spellbooks.

Alternative Play / Re: Team Domination, Immortal Mages
« on: April 13, 2016, 05:02:00 PM »
5 V'tarr?   How many points are you playing to?

Of the 4-player maps provided, two have victory thresholds of just 7 V'tarr with the other 11.  At 5, I don't think you'll ever see the option taken.  It's way too large of a gap to overcome.

Try it a few times, see how it works.

General Discussion / Priestess due this month?
« on: April 12, 2016, 09:23:38 PM »
Did I read somewhere that the Priestess is scheduled for release this month (April 2016)?

If so, is this still true?

Is there another place that I'm supposed to post questions like this, or is the whole topic generally considered a no-no?  (If either case is true, I apologize).

General Discussion / Re: domination: 2vs2 and dying mages
« on: April 03, 2016, 11:10:30 AM »
Playing as we have, every match has ended within 1 or 2 V'tarr of each other.

If you try it out, let me know how it goes.

General Discussion / Re: domination: 2vs2 and dying mages
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:33:17 PM »
He loses all his Equipment and any Enchantments on him (good or bad).  He returns next round in the same space he was killed in (though we are debating this point).

One V'tarr is transferred from the team of the dead Mage to the "killing" team.  If the dead team has no V'tarr, we give the killers one from the box.

It looks powerful, but it doesn't have as much impact as you may think.  It usually just serves to give the game a tighter finish.

What about the mana supply of the dead mage? Is that transferred as well?

Yes, he keeps the Mana.

General Discussion / Re: domination: 2vs2 and dying mages
« on: April 02, 2016, 12:58:44 AM »
He loses all his Equipment and any Enchantments on him (good or bad).  He returns next round in the same space he was killed in (though we are debating this point).

One V'tarr is transferred from the team of the dead Mage to the "killing" team.  If the dead team has no V'tarr, we give the killers one from the box.

It looks powerful, but it doesn't have as much impact as you may think.  It usually just serves to give the game a tighter finish.

Alternative Play / Re: Team Domination, Immortal Mages
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:24:47 PM »
Posting in another thread reminded me of something worth mentioning, this variant makes a few Mages more viable in Domination (Forcemage, Warlock, & Wizard).  I'm not trying to say it makes them as strong as the "swarm" types, but it helps a little.

General Discussion / Re: domination: 2vs2 and dying mages
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:22:34 PM »
Convinced of what? Do you think the benefits are too high for the opponent? There needs to be some cost to dying or else the mage would become reckless in the battle and not pay for the reckless behavior.

if the mage has a lot of attached objects on him, he would loose too much, and if he has nothing attached on him he looses nothing.
it pushes to play the second version.

i would prefer to find a way to let the mage come back with all his stuff but loose something els (life from the team? V'Tar from the team?...)

It can be a very stiff penalty, but it can also be pretty light.  It all depends on which Mage and how they have been played up to that point. 

Overall, it leans toward "light", because Mages with lots of equipment/positive Enchantments are more likely to be the ones doing the killing rather than vice-versa. 

General Discussion / Re: New Expansion ? Is original MW dead?!
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:17:42 PM »
The Forcemaster and Wizard are kind of left out of the Donination mode (at least for multiplayer) - but that's OK, as they're certainly competitive in regular Arena.

They are at a bit of a disadvantage in everybody-for-themselves multiplayer (especially the Wizard, IMO), but they actually make "okay" teammates.  As long as your partner can secure the V'tarr, they are decent at disrupting the opposing team.

1-on-1 Domination, I think the Wizard is even worse, but the Forcemaster is pretty good (IMO).

General Discussion / Modes of play (Academy, Domination, Arena)
« on: March 31, 2016, 09:22:22 PM »
So, I'm curious, do most posters here play all three modes ... or do you tend to focus on one or two?

It's no secret that I spend a lot of time on Domination, but I'm wondering about the other regulars.  I definitely see posts for Academy, so I know there is some variety out there.

How often do you play each?

General Discussion / Re: New Expansion ? Is original MW dead?!
« on: March 31, 2016, 09:19:27 PM »
I think the focus on Acedemy and Battlegrounds were business mistakes. It lost a lot of momentum wrt committed players. More energy and money should have been spent on new mages, and rapidly expanding the player base with events and tournaments.

I have to disagree, especially about Battlegrounds.  It's the main reason the game sees so much play in my group, as we are almost always 3 or 4 players.

General Discussion / Re: New Expansion ? Is original MW dead?!
« on: March 31, 2016, 02:53:19 PM »
I find the Academy spells really useful in Arena, and we love Domination.

The release rate is pretty normal for board games.

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