Suffocate (Condition Marker)
This condition represents a creature being strangled, choked, or unable to breathe. For each Suffocate marker on a creature, or on a conjuration, enchantment, or condition attached to that creature, that creature has Life -2. The Suffocate condition only affects Living creatures. Each Suffocate marker has a removal cost of 2.
Drown: enchantmen, 2/1 mana cost
Upkeep = number of suffocate markers
During each upkeep, add 1 suffocate.
Am I correct that this is how it works?
- Creature with 15 life has 3 suffocate markers.
- During upkeep, the Siren pays 3 mana and adds a suffocate afterwards.
- The creature thus has 7 life left.
- The owner of the creature dispells it for 3 mana.
- The Creature is completely healed
If the creature would die by adding a suffocate marker first during upkeep, you do not have to pay an upkeep cost?