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Author Topic: Hurl boulder/ force hammer  (Read 5006 times)


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Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« on: July 14, 2015, 07:47:46 PM »
Hey folks! Really glad to be a new member of these forums. I have much respect for all the great mage minds that collaborate here and I hope to be a functional member of the pack , so to speak. To that end I have a question for the group. I apologize if it's already been hashed out but I couldn't find it.

I wonder why any mage (forcemaster excludes of course) would choose a force hammer over hurl boulder? I understand that there is a potential one dice difference, but for sheer utility the boulder makes much more sense. If cast flat out the boulder has 7 dice for 8 mana, the hammer has 6 to 8 dice for 9 mana. If you're going to be casting more than one for more than one function (like destroying a spawnpoint, or creature perhaps) then I would personally prefer the boulder. The slam chance is the same on both spells, but hammer costs more and doesn't hit creatures as hard. And if you're not booking a forcemaster it costs everyone but earth wizards and warlords the same SP to book.
Am I missing something or just being a contrarian? Personally I run hawkeye in most of my books, so the 7 usually becomes 8. But that's technically the same situation with the hammer. Can anyone maybe shed some strategic, (or possibly thematic) light on this for me? Its been bugging me for awhile
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2015, 10:04:06 PM »
You make a lot of good points, but there are a couple of reasons why I, at least, tend to take a hammer or two in my books.

1. The hammer only costs 1 more mana, and I'm willing to pay 1 more mana for 1 more die to give me a better chance of knocking down a conjuration. I generally play an Adramalech Warlock that runs Hawkeye a lot too, so 9 dice is pretty enticing.

2. The hammer is ethereal. Incorporeal objects/creatures/rainclouds (man I hate those) can really ruin your day if you have nothing ethereal to deal with them.

Ultimately, I believe it comes down to a matter of preference. I like to run at least one of each, while others may favor the boulder for the general utility you pointed out.
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2015, 10:10:18 PM »
The meta seems to be that attack spells are only for two-shotting conjurations, killing mages below half health, and only rarely for finishing off a creature before it gets an action that round.

and a flameblast for fellella, butterfree(tataree), and raven familiar.

Force hammer is the best attack spell for conjurations, ethereal or not. So that's why people love it.
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2015, 12:41:16 AM »
As others have said, the hammer is better against conjurations, both corporeal and incorporeal. It is also fewer spell points for the forcemaster. Both are good reasons to think about including it. On the flip side, the boulder is better against creatures and fewer spell points for earth wizards and warlords. Good reasons to consider including it. So it boils down to a combination of which mage you're playing and what targets you prioritize. I personally fear conjurations more than non mage creatures most games, but every player and book is different so I won't claim one spell to be inherently superior to the other.


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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2015, 01:04:05 AM »
Perhaps I wasn't placing the proper value on the ethereal trait. Most of the ethereal stuff I run into goes down readily enough from lightning bolts or swats from a mage staff. I usually make certain to have some kind of answer to incorporeal, but my meta is admittedly a bit small, so i don't see the variety in incorporeal objects that more prolific players will.
Arc Lightning and lightning bolt make it into most of the books i make regardless of mage, but that has started to change since I got my Hurl Rock's. Im gonna stop for a sec and go off about how much i love hurl rock. combo'd with hawkeye and elemental wand (possibly) it makes for a CRAZY efficient QC for steady pressure, 1/4 daze chance isnt bad either and with akiros favor (in addition to begging for dispels or a purge) you can really hurt something that you need to have die or if its clear you're not gonna that daze might just come in handy. for 4 mana (without backup of any sort) hurl rock is one of my favorites. As far as efficiency goes, thats gotta be the most cost effective attack so far. IMHO
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2015, 08:20:31 AM »
Lightning spells are lower efficency (except maybe the multi-target ones). I generally don't play them without a specific reason, so Force Hammer gets used a lot instead.
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2015, 10:40:19 AM »
Usually when you want to use a Hurl Boulder, the Force Hammer can get the job done equally (finishing a mage off usually means he has 5 or less life). On top of that the Force Hammer has a lot more options to bring out (dealing with conjurations and ethereal better).

When I run a book that gets messed up by some conjuration I run the Force Hammer (like a deathlock for a sunfire amulet mage). If I am not worried about conjurations, then I would just stick with Hurl Boulder.
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2015, 11:00:56 AM »
I always run both Hurl Boulder and Force Hammer. usually 1 or 2 Boulders and at least 1 hammer. The hammer is only for congurations, or if i need a "3rd Boulder". I also always run Surging Wave primarily to take out a battle forge.

I used Force hammer last thursday to finish off Intangible and CoShade's friend Dan. Becuae I needed a 3 Hurl boulder.
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Re: Hurl boulder/ force hammer
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2015, 01:24:29 PM »
I always run both Hurl Boulder and Force Hammer. usually 1 or 2 Boulders and at least 1 hammer. The hammer is only for congurations, or if i need a "3rd Boulder". I also always run Surging Wave primarily to take out a battle forge.

I used Force hammer last thursday to finish off Intangible and CoShade's friend Dan. Becuae I needed a 3 Hurl boulder.

You beat dan? Sweet :D
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