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Author Topic: Apprentice Spellbooks  (Read 3706 times)


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Apprentice Spellbooks
« on: October 13, 2013, 08:15:10 AM »
I am trying to get more people in my area interested in Mage Wars and have decided to use the Apprentice Spellbooks to teach the game. However, the newer Mages lack these handy learning tools, and I know that they would be very popular with players. I have one guy who is absolutely sold on getting the Necromancer, though I'm still trying to convince him that he needs to get the Base Set as well, lol.

Anyways, I am thinking about trying to build my own Apprentice Spellbooks for the Mages that have or will come out with Expansions. Maybe not the Alternate Mages, but definitely the other ones. In tackling this endeavor I was wondering what rules or guidelines I should follow? If the design team wanted to share what thoughts went into the original Apprentices, I would be thrilled, but any feedback from anybody would be appreciated.

Comparing the existing ones to each other, this is what they seem to have in common:
1) All have 30 Cards exactly, with very few duplicates. No card has more than 2 copies included. The books range from 23 distinct spells (Beastmaster) to 26 (Wizard).
2) They range from 56 Spell Points (Warlock) to 69 Spell Points (Wizard).
3) They all include a Chest Piece, a Weapon, and one other defensive piece of equipment. For three of the four, that constitutes the ONLY equipment they have. The Wizard breaks that trend with an extra defensive item and an Elemental Wand.
4) No Conjurations. Well, except for 2 Tanglevines included with the Beastmaster's Enchants.

So, right now I'm thinking that the big thing is that an Apprentice Spellbook should have exactly 30 cards. Just seems like too much of a coincidence that they all have that number in common. It must be some kind of magic number for including the right amount of versatility without overwhelming new players. Spell Points seem to be less important, with the Wizard having over 10 more than the average for the others, but I think I shall still stick to around 60 Spell Points. Maybe set a range of 55 to 65, allowing me some flex within my 30 card hard rule.

Besides that, Versatility seems to be the name of the game. Leave out Conjurations unless I absolutely have to have it, but otherwise include a wide variety with many options. Each Mage should have a Dispel, Dissolve, and Heal or something equivilent.


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Re: Apprentice Spellbooks
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2013, 09:22:29 AM »
So, right now I'm thinking that the big thing is that an Apprentice Spellbook should have exactly 30 cards. Just seems like too much of a coincidence that they all have that number in common. It must be some kind of magic number for including the right amount of versatility without overwhelming new players. Spell Points seem to be less important, with the Wizard having over 10 more than the average for the others, but I think I shall still stick to around 60 Spell Points. Maybe set a range of 55 to 65, allowing me some flex within my 30 card hard rule.

Besides that, Versatility seems to be the name of the game. Leave out Conjurations unless I absolutely have to have it, but otherwise include a wide variety with many options. Each Mage should have a Dispel, Dissolve, and Heal or something equivilent.

A few comments for your consideration.

You may want to search Apprentice on these forums for more discussion about Apprentice Spellbook and Apprentice Mode. There may be other ideas you might want to include.

The Apprentice Mode is meant to reduce the learning curve for new players so limiting a spell type like Conjurations is a good approach. You may also want to consider limiting the spell level. After all, as Apprentice Mage's you would likely not have 'learned' higher level spells yet.

I think using a point limit for the Apprentice Spellbooks is the best since designers already provided us rules to use. I think 60 or 80 spell points are good targets. The Spellbook design rules are meant to balance different spell selections so using the point system is better for balance, then using a set number of cards.

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Re: Apprentice Spellbooks
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2013, 08:09:05 AM »
After searching the forums, doing some research, a LOT of trial and error, I have put a plan in motion to satisfy my goals. Basically, to make things as fair as I can, and since I can't figure out what rules or ideas went into the creation of the original Apprentice Spellbooks, I have decided to start from scratch and build a brand new Apprentice Spellbook for each of the Mages. These probably won't be as well thought out as Arcane Wonders efforts, but they should do the job.

I have modified the rules for building Spellbooks for use in Apprentice Mode in the following ways:
1) 60 Spell Point limit.
2) No Conjurations or Familiars
3) Maximum of 2 Copies of any particular spell.

Otherwise, I shall follow the normal rules for Spellbook Construction. I'm seriously considering constructing "Upgrade" Decks for the Apprentice Books I make as well. That way when players are ready to go to the full game, I can simply hand them a pack of cards to add to their Spellbook and call it done. So that might be a design goal in addition to teaching the game. I'll post the results of my labors here when I have a couple Spellbooks complete.

After thinking about it, I also think I may have posted in the wrong place. Although I am talking about Spellbook design and will eventually post some Spellbooks in the thread, they shall be intended for the Apprentice Variant and will follow my modified creation rules. If a moderator wants to move this to the variant forum, or wants me to repost there, I shall do so.