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Messages - Diji

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Hey Tim,

I'd LOVE to come but I'm unfortunately out of town that weekend. Matt text me about the event some time ago and I tried to see if he could push it back a week or two so Druid/Necro could get some face time but it wasn't going to work out for the shop. He said he would do another real soon, and I'll make the next one for sure.

Honestly, with the number of people in our combined areas we could get a league going that met something like one weekend a month. I'd make the drive for that. Kick that around at the shop next week and maybe see how many ppl you can get on board. Good luck next weekend brother, and I'll probably make the casual trip up to Indi just to get a few pickup games in. I'll let you know ahead of time to see if your free.

Yea, that was an intense bout! Shame it went to time, I know we both wanted to play it out.

I have to admit you played that Wizard very well and I did not see the renewing spring coming. Great card! Im 0-1, but I look forward to the rematch. Hope your well Tim.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: The wizzly Grizard
« on: August 26, 2013, 04:03:50 PM »
I very much like the book! I played against Hanma's variant and that game went on forever.  ;D After a time, with no path to victory I did concede as we would have tacked on another hour before a proper resolution. Also, a quick aside on OCTGN. I have not used it, but I feel that some of tension in the bluffing element and on those critical die rolls could be lost when playing over the web. Does anyone who plays get that sense?


In the future, against a build like the Grizard or a similar book I will prioritize the destruction of battle forge to end the free actions for all the cheap equipment. From there I solider forward with what attacks are available to threaten the wizard in such a way that each upkeep it is near mandated that the shields come on. In conjunction, I begin cursing and/or attempting to stun-lock with air attack spells. Successful stuns cripple any book build, but they especially diminish the potency of builds that maintain so many high cost creatures. If you opt to exclusively go the curse route, that will also hinder the ability to get larger creatures on the board in the event the opponent chooses to dispel (Wardstone's are also a fantastic addition for this tactic to make each nullify sting a bit more).

In early rounds you may perhaps take a few boulders on the chin while targeting the forge, however without means to make those large attack spells unavoidable (i.e. Sniper Shot, Seeking Dispel), well placed blocks (or better reverse attack) may sway tempo in your favor. In my opinion you simply need to play fast (aggressive) to win, if the game drags on into rounds 4 or 5 without you presenting the threat of serious damage it becomes an uphill battle. My close buddy Andy aka The Dude has a spell book fine tuned to get the fast damage on (Love that book too!).

In any case, its an awesome spellbook - job well done! I only wanted to post some of my snap reactions to the read and give a few thoughts on how players could begin to take advantage of where this book might be punctured. If there is one thing I love about MW, it is that every spellbook under level inspection has a weakness that can be exploited. However, this book has minimized them in good form.

Events / Re: Mage Wars Masters Tournament - Top 4 (Gen Con 2013)
« on: August 22, 2013, 10:44:26 AM »
Congrats guys! Glad I got some games in with a few of you. Look forward to next time!

Spells / Re: What do you think about Ballista?
« on: August 22, 2013, 01:11:32 AM »
LOVE the card! It's just BEAST! However, the consensus (at least among those I have spoken and played with) seems to be that it should be unique and/or have the attack reduced to 4 dice with pierce +2. In either case, absolutely War Mage only.

In the end, Ballista is simply too effective when stacked as it is and if I were a betting man I would go all in on the prospect of the card being altered at some point before general release, but for now - as mentioned earlier...It's just BEAST! ;D

General Discussion / Re: GenCon 2013 - Oh, that's you?!
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:30:38 AM »
@Hanma Ill shoot you a request on FB tonight sometime and message you my cell. I had a Priestess book idea I wanted to talk to you about. I need to double check a few cards I never use but if they read as I think... it could be bananas!

General Discussion / GenCon 2013 - Oh, that's you?!
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:33:41 AM »
Hey You!

Were you at GenCon 2013 this year?! If yes, post your real name followed by your forum name (and I do realize that it's not just kind of redundant) so everyone knows who everyone is. I'd love to PM you guys my contact info so we can talk tactics. I'll kick us off.

Jerome M. - Dijirati

Also, congrats to all the tournament winners and tournament qualifiers! You guys are awesome! I appreciate you guys allowing me to play a few pick up games with you - next years Con season is going to be no joke.

Special shout out to the Official Rules Archmage, Shadow, for clarifying the most difficult of rule conflicts and steering the tournament ship.

General Discussion / Re: A Mage Wars Mission
« on: August 19, 2013, 02:11:35 AM »
Hey All!

Quick update - Mage Wars had a great show at GenCon this year! I'm excited that new players are getting into the game and are already building spell books with new and awesome card synergies! (I played some great games!)

We've taken a temporary hit on BGG falling from just inside the top 30 to 32  :(, however I'm confident that once our new players get acclimated (and we get Druid v Necro out this October) we will ascend beyond our peak of 29  ;). I have never been more energized to get out and show the game to new players in my local shops and am already planning some demo events! Keep sharing and encouraging your group to try out Mage Wars - we already know its dope, it everyone else that needs informing.

General Discussion / Re: A Mage Wars Mission
« on: August 10, 2013, 06:07:50 AM »
Quick aside...

...If you haven't heard, Mage Wars successfully surpassed Lords of Waterdeep on BGG and is ranked 30th overall! In less than two months this community made it look EeeeeeZ!

It'll certainly be a difficult position to maintain but at this moment, today - Mage Wars Mission Accomplished!

Shout out the the Mage Wars community... lets go crack top 25. See you @ GenCon!

Thx for the feedback guys!

@Arlemus - You make a good point about opposing creatures. Quick example, I played against a Beastmaster which used a similar big creature strategy using multiple Steelclaw. We both were doing the same thing. However, as the rounds progressed and I had more mana to maneuver with I was able to heal and deal damage simultaneously with Drain Soul. This put me in a very advantageous situation life-wise when factoring in the Sunfire. Also, guard is extremely effective with the NV - by putting the NV's on guard they effectively weaken each Steelclaw while remaining at near full life and protecting your Warlock. Overall though, I agree that the climb is much more difficult when dealing with other large creatures in multiples.

@Ahlano - Glad you like the spellbook, let me know how it works out for you and if there are some additions or subtractions that would make it even better. To answer your question, I'm going to level with you - Forcemaster is no joke! Her defenses make her a serious problem. My strategy against the Forcemaster is to cast the curses on her quickly (Agony, Marked For Death, Magebane, throw a Ghoul Rot in), forcing her to dispel rather than buff herself. Then move to Tanglevine to swing the defensive roll success average further away from her and let loose with the attack spells. Flameblast is unavoidable, burns are a bonus - she also cannot roll a defense (or use her Forcefield) to protect her from Drain Soul. Between two Drain Soul and two Flameblast you will average 20 damage, 12 of which cannot be healed and the Warlock will also gain 12 life (plus the possible burns). Not bad! In following turns if you are concerned about the defenses play the Knockdown spell into Hurl Boulder. Playing this way you rarely will end your turn in the same zone as the Forcemaster - and if you do, consider that you begin with a 6 life advantage and one of the primary functions of this deck is to compound more and more life on top of that. Even with a Sunfire of her own she will still trail you by a significant margin and that will be the edge you need to inch out the victory.

Thanks again for reading and commenting guys, it means a lot.  ;D

General Discussion / Re: A Mage Wars Mission
« on: August 02, 2013, 10:39:56 AM »
Yea, it's disappointing that we didn't make the top 50 list for July.

That said, I'm confident that this years GenCon will get this game in the hands of many new players and I'm excited about that.

Also, what a leap on BGG! I look away for one second and WE ASCEND FROM 35 TO 32! Like. A. Boss.

Oh, and here's the thing - why did the collective whole rest on AmeriTrash as a descriptive reference for board games in the first place? Even if its not meant to be malicious, if I called someone's mothers cooking MamaTrash (say it with a smile) then I don't know how anyone could take that as not offensive in a small way. Jussayn!

General Discussion / Re: A Mage Wars Mission
« on: July 31, 2013, 02:31:22 AM »
It's crazy to believe that in a month we've covered so much ground on BGG. Not for nothing, but I want to shout out and recognize any and everyone who has been an active part of making that happen. This community is awesome! Lets keep this thing going! Gen-Con 2013 on deck. Hope to see you guys out there.

And with that said... From 35 to 34! (Right on top of Summoner Wars!) We're kind of a big deal - jussayn! ;D

but I'd love a new casual sparring partner.

Very happy to walk through the system.


Ring, I like that! The beauty of retaliate is in the fact that it is not a forced reveal enchantment. 

Guarding is cheaper to do, but as you mentioned you dont get to double dip with the attack. I would say a 4 mana cost for 5 dice with vampiric is well worth it.

Shame you can't make it to the show this year brother! Hopefully, we'll see you out next year.

I must confess, I have not yet ventured into the Mage Wars OCTGN circuit, but I'd love a new casual sparring partner. I will download the components later this evening and PM you my cell so we can set something up later this week. You'll have to slow walk me through the OCTGN mechanics ;D, but I look forward to it!

I’m sure that we will have some wild books to test between the two of us! No doubt that together we will work out some crazy synergies - and with some luck, before GenCon.   

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