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Topics - Marhem

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / mage wars podcast 10
« on: September 12, 2014, 04:12:22 PM »
Great episode, war sledge works REALLY well for me, but only with bloodwave. Here is the spell book it goes with:
[spellbookname]Hulk smash[/spellbookname]
[mwcard=FWJ01]1 x  Akiro's Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MXSTX2FFJ02]1 x  Altar of Carnage[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ03]1 x  Altar of Domination[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ02]1 x  Archer's Watchtower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ04]1 x  Armory[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ03]1 x  Barracks[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j04]1 x  Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ05]1 x  Construction Yard[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ04]1 x  Garrison Post[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j12]1 x  Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFW01]4 x  Wall of Earth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC01]1 x  Dwarf Kriegsbiel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC07]2 x  Dwarf Panzergarde[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC06]3 x  Goblin Alchemist[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC05]3 x  Goblin Grunt[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC07]1 x  Grimson Deadeye, Sniper[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC07]1 x  Gurmash, Orc Seargeant[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC09]1 x  Iron Golem[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC10]1 x  Ludwig Boltstorm[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC14]1 x  Sir Corazin, Blademaster[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC12]1 x  Talos[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC15]1 x  Thorg, Chief Bodyguard[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE02]1 x  Akiro's Favor[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e01]1 x  Bear Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE04]2 x  Brace Yourself[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWE09]1 x  Standard Bearer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e40]1 x  Vampirism[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ03]1 x  Colossus Belt[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ05]1 x  Dispel Wand[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ03]1 x  Eisenach's Forge Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q07]1 x  Elemental Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q11]1 x  Gauntlets of Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ04]1 x  General's Signet Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ05]1 x  Harshforge Plate[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ05]1 x  Helm of Command[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ04]1 x  Reflex Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ08]1 x  Ring of Command[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ01]1 x  Sunfire Amulet[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ11]1 x  War Sledge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i02]2 x  Battle Fury[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI02]1 x  Conquer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]2 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI04]2 x  Flank Attack[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI06]2 x  Power Strike[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i17]1 x  Minor Heal[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

General Discussion / Siege weapon speculation
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:22:10 AM »
Having just seen the Batista I've been thinking that AW will come out with many more siege weapons and possibly mobile siege conjurations.
This page is also for discussing uses for the siege weapon already out or known to come. (I wouldn't be surprised if the Batista came out in SvP.)

Spells / underestimated akiro's hammer
« on: August 27, 2014, 10:57:33 AM »
Most people think akiros hammer is terrible, and a waste. Here are some uses that might change those peoples minds:
1. really good vs annoying wiz tower/any annoying conjuration: Exp: temple of light, vine tree, walls, moktari tree, etc.
2. Turtling is destroyed by the area affect attack.
3. large hit points.
4. When more siege weapons come, the worth will increase.
5. 2-3 range
6. Standard conjuration range
7. Can be annoying and draw attention
8. If you need time and the opponent turtles, this applies pressure and lets you build up

This by no means is a worthless card, and it will become more valuable  the more conjurations come out.
One common complaint: the 8 die attack can't target creatures. My answer: Its a trebuchet, and those aren't known for accuracy, but range. While a trebuchet can hit a building, it can't hit a single target.
My one complaint/critique is that it doesn't have the indirect trait on the aoe attack. please place arguments if you have them.

I've heard people talk about a ballista, could someone send the link. ;D I love siege weapons, and have more ideas for them.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / repleneshing kit
« on: August 25, 2014, 07:14:46 AM »
Just a suggestion AW, you should make piece replenishing kits for people who loose pieces.

Spellbook Design and Construction / hulk smash
« on: August 20, 2014, 12:39:59 PM »
[spellbookname]Hulk smash[/spellbookname]
[mwcard=FWJ01]1 x  Akiro's Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MXSTX2FFJ02]1 x  Altar of Carnage[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ03]1 x  Altar of Domination[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ02]1 x  Archer's Watchtower[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ04]1 x  Armory[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ03]1 x  Barracks[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j04]1 x  Battle Forge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFJ05]1 x  Construction Yard[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWJ04]1 x  Garrison Post[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFW01]4 x  Wall of Earth[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1j12]1 x  Mana Crystal[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC03]1 x  Bloodcrag Minotaur[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC01]2 x  Dwarf Kriegsbiel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKC07]2 x  Dwarf Panzergarde[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC06]3 x  Goblin Alchemist[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC05]3 x  Goblin Grunt[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC07]1 x  Grimson Deadeye, Sniper[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC07]1 x  Gurmash, Orc Seargeant[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC09]1 x  Iron Golem[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC10]1 x  Ludwig Boltstorm[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC14]1 x  Sir Corazin, Blademaster[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWC15]1 x  Thorg, Chief Bodyguard[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFC12]1 x  Talos[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE02]1 x  Akiro's Favor[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1e01]1 x  Bear Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFE04]2 x  Brace Yourself[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWE09]1 x  Standard Bearer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ03]1 x  Eisenach's Forge Hammer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q07]1 x  Elemental Cloak[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1q11]1 x  Gauntlets of Strength[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ04]1 x  General's Signet Ring[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ05]1 x  Helm of Command[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ06]1 x  Horn of Gothos[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ04]1 x  Reflex Boots[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ08]1 x  Ring of Command[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWQ11]1 x  War Sledge[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ01]1 x  Sunfire Amulet[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFQ05]1 x  Harshforge Plate[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i02]2 x  Battle Fury[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI02]1 x  Conquer[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i06]2 x  Dispel[/mwcard]
[mwcard=MWSTX2FFI04]2 x  Flank Attack[/mwcard]
[mwcard=FWI06]2 x  Power Strike[/mwcard]
[mwcard=mw1i07]1 x  Dissolve[/mwcard]
[cost]Total cost: 120 pts[/cost]

I call him hulk smash because if you do it right, he can do sweeping 9 dice a turn and twice with 11(ability +1, Gauntlets +1, bear strength +2, war sledge +4, battle standard +1(power smash +2 optional)), with 3 armor, +7 defense, and gaining 1 life per turn.

League / Tournament Play / Gen con
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:18:19 AM »
Arcane wonders, could you please record the tournament games and post them on the site. ;D

Spells / Gen con promo cards
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:12:15 AM »
These are my guesses when the promo cards will be released and with what mages

angel slayer:sorcerer vs shaman
griffin:paladin vs siren
wolverine:sorcerer vs shaman or paladin vs siren

Arcane wonders, please tell me if I am right.  ::)

Rules Discussion / Steal enchantment
« on: August 11, 2014, 01:56:29 PM »
When you use steal enchantment, does the "this mage only" effect it? Exp: you use it on the opponents force field and replace it on yourself.

Mages / alternate wizard
« on: August 11, 2014, 11:58:01 AM »
will the alternate wizard have something to do with time? She has an hour glass.  ???

Spellbook Design and Construction / Earth wizard
« on: August 11, 2014, 11:33:34 AM »
here is my wizard spell book:
2reverse magic: 4
2darkfenne hydra: 8
stonegaze basilisk: 3
drain power:3
iron golem: 3
force hold: 2
purge magic:3
2mana leech:4
2earthquake:4 (changing when i get promo pack)
seeking dispel:1
devouring jelly:3
reverse attack:4
2essence drain: 4
wizard's tower:2
gorgon archer:4
4mana crystal:4
suppression cloak:2
Earth elemental:5
arcane ring:1
moonglow amulet:1
gargoyle sentry:3
regrowth belt:2
hurl boulder:2
mage wand:2
elemental wand:2
steal enchantment:3
wall of steel:2
surging wave:2
teleport trap:1
2hurl rock:2
turn to stone:3
reflex boots:4

Spells / Plagued
« on: August 11, 2014, 09:02:37 AM »
I really like the new plagued card in the new promo pack and thought of a cool way to use it: give it to the necro and put it on your death fang dog!  :P

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Any chance for a chaos mage?
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:20:25 PM »
One thing I would like to see is is a chaos mage. Think it might happen.

Spells / Don't you think force bash is underrated
« on: July 10, 2014, 10:31:35 PM »
One spell no one ever talks about: force bash!!
A cheap coast to get an automatic 1-2 slams at a time! Does any one have any ideas to stop it other than hurl boulder and hundreds of nullifies?

Mages / Wizard
« on: July 09, 2014, 10:16:51 PM »
Please vote for you favorite wiz build.

Mages / Mage suggestions
« on: July 08, 2014, 02:36:35 PM »
Hi, thought i would make a couple suggestions about mages we might like to see in the arena. Please add other suggestions and critique. :)

Elementalist : Trained in 2 elemental schools of your choice. He would be a mage of variety as his attack spells would have a choice between attacks. It would have 4 attacks, 2 of witch you could use depending on your training. He would also summon elementals, depending on school training choice.

Weapons master: he is trained in the war and arcane schools. Solo mage, like forcemaster, would have very little creatures( floating bows, swords, shields, etc.) and would have many pieces of exchangeable  equipment witch would be cantrip. His theme is power through energy weapons. One special ability is his melee attacks would be ranged 0-1, still having the melee trait.

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