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Messages - Demyan

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Re: Seeking Dispel vs. stacked Enchantments
« on: May 07, 2013, 06:48:29 PM »
So if I know my opponent is going to cast a Seeking Dispell (against a Wiz which just used his Familiar to look at the Nullify) this would be the only situation were it would make sense to stack a Reverse Magic on the target.

Since the target of the Seeking Dispell can not be revealed (lets still say its the Nullify), the Reverse Magic would trigger normaly, and the Nullify would remain (still hidden) on the target.

Edit: Well nevermind, always remember these spells wrong, wont work since Seeking Dispell targets the Enchantment and not the Mage.

General Discussion / Re: Agony Vs Hydra
« on: January 07, 2013, 05:59:20 PM »
Quote from: "mosa" post=6214
This seems like a counter intuitive considering the way a buff like Bear Strength works....why is it this way?

To balance the tripplestrike of the Hydra. Just think of the damage it would do, if the +2 counts for all attacks. Then add other effects like vampiric, fast and increase its life and armor and you never ever want another creature again.

General Questions / Final Quickcast Phase and Rouse the Beast
« on: December 31, 2012, 04:19:46 PM »
Hey every1,

I have a question regarding the Final Quickcast Phase (FQcP) and the Rouse the Beast Spell (RtB):

Assume my mage summoned a nasty creature this turn and I want to surprise my opponent with the RtB Spell, so it can attack this Game Round. And to make the surprise even more tricky, I wondered if I can cast RtB in the FQcP, and then go back to the Creature Action Phase and use the creature´s action to whatever mischief it can do :)

I quote the manual (p. 13) on the FQcP:
"When all the creatures in the arena have taken their Action Phases (and are now inactive), each player has a final opportunity to use his quickcast action for the round....."

1) if I cast RtB during the FQcP, the Action Phase is obviously over, but since now a Creature is active, do we go back to the Action Phase so the Creature can take its turn. And when it is done, is there a second FQcP ?

2) was the Spell wasted at this point, since the Action Phase IS over and there is no going back?

If case 2 is true, then the last time to play RtB would be after my last Creatures´ Action Phase, which means my opponent might have one last creature ready when I have to cast it and it would ruin the surprise a bit.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Opposite sex mage cards
« on: December 30, 2012, 04:30:30 PM »
I also think this is a great idea, and you really don´t have to overthink it like nihil is doing.
Simply stating that the class is defined by the hero´s original gender would clear things without the need to relabel everything.

And then you just label the other´s gender picture accordingly like:
Witch - Female Warlock
Priest - Male Priestess
and so on.
So the normal written Name defines the class and the italic is to specify the gender.

General Discussion / Wall of Fire or Fog Bank shot down by arrows
« on: December 30, 2012, 04:08:10 PM »
Hey there,

first, congrats on this game! I´ve read its been in development for quite some time, and from what I´ve seen so far (only played it once) the time was well worth it! Since it seems to be really really great!

I just got my own game box (which isn´t easy in europe - please ship more game boxes over here!) and started building my first decks. And since no one else can buy the game, I´m going to make a deck for every class, therefore I´m limited with certain spells.

Walls seem to be pretty handy, esp. for a wizard. We did wiz vs. priestess with the rule book suggest spells as our first match, and her archers were really nasty.

While the Wall of Stone looks fine stat wise, and the Wall of Fire seems to be ok (would be better with at least 10 or also 12 life), the Fog Bank is really pretty weak.
With only 4 life even the incorporeal trait means it wont last longer than one round. The Royal Archer will shoot it down with 2 attacks, with arrows !
Or the Wall of Fire and the Poison Gas Cloud.... shot down by arrows. It´s just a game but still wouldnt it make more sense to give cloud and flame types some form of immunity to non-magical ranged attacks.

While the Wall of Stone takes some time to take down, and will force creatures around it, or hinder their LoS for a while for an investment of 7 mana, the 4 mana for the Fog Bank are a complete waste in my book. Maybe it buys you time if your opponent is ranged only but it seems too situational to be of any generall use.

But maybe I have the wrong picture of walls in this game, since in magic (which I played intensively a long time ago, before the publishers greed ruined their own game) usually a wall was meant to safe your a.. for a while and not just one game round.

So, any1 ever put it to good use ? Because at the moment i think i will give to walls of stone to the wizard, the flame walls to the warlock and the other two will have to do without walls.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Amazon.co.uk
« on: December 30, 2012, 03:23:54 PM »
I´m from austria, and I have similar problems.
Amazon.de does list it but is currently out of stock (altough they charged an insanely €75 for it), as is every other board games retailer I know of. I got the last box and core spell tome 1 from another german retailer though, but it seems the core spell tome 2 didnt even make it to the european market.

In generall, it seems they dont consider europe as a market at all, since I know a lot of people who want to buy this game, and only two (yes I am one of them :) got it. My favorite games shop in vienna had exactly two copies to sell....

So I hope they start shipping more games to europe because I´d really like to get the new mages expansion as well as more card tomes.

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