12-14 October 2018
MAGE WARS from Saturday morning 10 AM - NON STOP - until Sunday evening 18:30 PM
The main idea is to attract new players - so you will be able to come and go as you please
Arena Tournament ideas:
Championship: starts 10 AM Saturday morning. Knockout matches - to the death - likely to have some kind of time limit like 2-3 hours.
Rookie Championship: Rockies and non-experts players. Core set only
We provide spellbooks.
Play all 14 mages.
Beat Keejchen, Biblo (me) or Alexander and get a prize!
Best Mage:
Play up to 4 matches with your favorite mage. Whoever has the best record wins a prize.
Domination and Academy available
We might start more tournaments up and do some spellbuilding workshops.
In general we are just going to have fun and play a lot of Mage Wars