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Messages - Taeru

Pages: [1]
Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: One-core Mana Drain?
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:44:58 PM »
Makes sense - so far, I've only played against creature-heavy decks (the issue with only having one opponent, I suppose), but I can certainly see my deck being much worse against a less creature-focused deck.  I am definitely looking for some sort of control deck, though not entirely sure how to build it - what I've seen is that much of the time if I don't explicitly make time in the first few turns to cast creatures I end up feeling too pressured to actually do so. W.r.t. Essence Drain, as long as it only goes on creatures that cost 8+ I'll get a mana advantage regardless (and it was mainly going on 21-cost creatures).  Speaking of which, I need a better answer to that Lightning Angel.
Beyond this, is there any answer to Dispel other than Jinx? Losing Circle of Lightning basically lost me my last game, for instance.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: One-core Mana Drain?
« on: December 22, 2012, 10:40:07 AM »
Thank you for the advice.
My intent was more of the "taxing" type: as I can play cards like the Obelisk/Orb and then simply play no (or one) creature(s), the effects aren't really symmetrical, and Suppression Cloak is also asymmetrical, yes? Further, there exist Essence Drain, etc.
The reason for the Nullify comment was that I recall seeing a sample decklist for a similar idea on this forum, playing six copies.  This signified to me that it was probably somehow rather important and that it might be worth stating.
The Magic decks I've played that did make use of mana denial were of the Death and Taxes, Prison (Winter Orb), or Stasis types, so I do think I am thinking more along the lines of what seems to exist in this game than just mono-red land destruction (which I have never actually played in Magic, actually.)  Correct me if I am wrong, and either way, thanks for the advice.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: One-core Mana Drain?
« on: December 21, 2012, 06:40:31 PM »
I have three Nullifies to work with, for the record, either there are five in core or he went down to one.
I'm not looking for an optimal decklist, of course that won't be possible, but when rather than advice about what I should do I get "buy more cards", that reminds me of Magic and I honestly don't really want to think about Magic's business model at this time.  As is, I'd like to build some sort of (ideally 1-creature (Huginn)) mana denial/control deck out of what I can, and any advice regarding such is appreciated.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: One-core Mana Drain?
« on: December 21, 2012, 04:30:12 PM »
That... is not a very helpful response, honestly.  From what I could tell before purchasing it, and from even what I've played, it seems this is a very skill-intensive game as opposed to the more common pay-to-win-type models.  Am I wrong?

Spellbook Design and Construction / One-core Mana Drain?
« on: December 20, 2012, 10:20:20 AM »
I like the idea I have seen of a mana denial-based Wizard book, but unfortunately currently only have access to a single core set - and my opponent is using two Nullifies, so only three remain. Given this restriction, how can I build something along those lines?

Thank you in advance for the help.

Pages: [1]