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Messages - Korvanus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Randomness
« on: October 18, 2012, 10:43:11 AM »
Thanks for all the Reply's,

SeanDeCoy - I appreciate all the details regarding the thought process involved with designing the game. I understand why it was designed the way it was and respect the designers decision. I will definitely play more matches to see how things go. One thing I was wondering is why the dice were designed in blocks of 2 (2 blanks, 2 ones, 2 twos, 2 criticals)? Why not decrease the variation by going with 1 blank, 1 two, 2 regular ones, and 2 critical ones? Wouldn't this result in less swing between the rolls, but still allow for all the same feelings associated with dice rolling. Just a thought.

piousflea - I will keep that under advisement when I play my next few games. Like I said before, I think I am hardwired to dislike dice when playing cards...

Phaelog - Thanks for understanding what I was attempting to say, I apologize if my posts may have turned your friend off organized play. As with all games like this there are all kinds of people involved and it comes down to finding a group of people you enjoy playing the game with. I hope that she will reconsider.

Nihilistiskism - It was not my intention to start any war between the two of us. I may have over reacted, and for that I apologize.


Spells / Mage's Wand
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:28:50 AM »
I really like the spellbind mechanic that has been designed for this game, but we ran into several scenarios that have made us want to ban the Mage's Wand. Dissolve, Dispel, Sleep, are a few of the cards that break the game once they are in the mage wand. The fact that you can change the bound spell as a quick action for 3 mana and return the previous spell to your hand makes it even worse. Has anyone else run into this issue? Is there a way to deal with the mage wand without it coming down to the player with the last dissolve in their deck holds all the cards?

I should note that we have no issues with the elemental wand as it only applies to attack spells, allowing a nuking mage to be possible.  


General Discussion / Re: Randomness
« on: October 17, 2012, 10:17:33 AM »
Thanks for the Replies Everyone.

While I appreciate your detailed analysis Nihil, anytime you have to preface a statement with I am not intending to be rude generally means you are about to be rude. Perhaps you need to take a step back and reevaluate your approach to talking to people, especially if you are this interested in bring more people to the game. There were one too many condescending statements in there for my tastes.

Irregardless, you are correct that this game might not be for me, which is a real shame. I will play some more games with friends and see how it goes. Its funny, I have no problems with dice rolling in Pen and Paper, Miniatures, and board games, but when it involves cards it just feels wrong.


General Discussion / Randomness
« on: October 16, 2012, 04:47:50 PM »
Hello All,

I just picked up the game last week and I am enjoying it. I am a long time MTG player and have had my hands in the WoW card game since the beginning, up until a few months ago. This game scratches the same itch and I really like the core mechanics of the game, especially the spellbook.

That being said, I am having serious issues with the dice in this game. While I am not opposed to randomness, and would rather have it be in dice rolls than in card draw, I find that the dice in this game are far to swingy. This produces unpredictable results that makes it very hard to gauge how effective your actions will be from turn to turn.

As an example, I was playing a two player game against my cousin who was using the beastmaster deck. I forget which creature he was using, but it had 7 attack dice. He did 9 damage total (11 base), 8 points of which were crits. In another game I was playing the warlock, and had the flame lash and bears strength. I attacked rolling 7 dice and I did only 4 damage total (6 base), 2 points of which were crits.

To me this makes it unplayable. While I understand the designers have said that this is a minatures game with cards, it has a very strong CCG feel (more like an LCG) and would love to be a part of the overall scene.

I know critical hits are important so that having a high armor does not make you invincible, but is there a way to modify the dice rolls (or remove them all together) so that they are less swingy? Obviously this would be a variant rule, as I would not expect the game designers to change their game on my account.

Thanks for reading,


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