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Author Topic: Mages that you would like to see in the game  (Read 326423 times)


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2012, 01:35:42 PM »
I like the Technomancer idea.  A steampunk themed mage. Animate mechanical creatures, weapons things of that sort.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2012, 11:55:50 AM »
The Hunter
War/Nature with abilities that buff her if she has no more than one creature in play

The Archmage
Versatile mage that can choose any two schools as trained, the others at triple cost, low powered special ability, lower life, slightly higher channeling (1 point more than the next lowest) more spellbook build points (140?)


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #47 on: October 15, 2012, 09:22:34 AM »
An Elementalist.

He can choose any one elemental school and use the first level spells of the other elemental schools as trained.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #48 on: October 16, 2012, 02:18:20 PM »
From what I have gathered, each expansion will include two new mages with contrasting abilities or philosophies. Here’s my suggestion for such an expansion:

Spirit Weaver: “We are all part of the pattern. You are the threads and we, the weavers, will spin your story. For how can mere threads understand the part they are supposed to play in the greater design?”

Spirit Weavers from ancient legend and are rumored to be as old as the Gods. With the arrival of the Chaos Mages, they have come out into the open once more. While the Chaos Mage tears the pattern apart, the Spirit Weaver binds it together. The Spirit Weaver can turn your creatures to her purpose or summon transient creatures that attack immediately and then vanish. Her foe is never certain of the direction he will be attacked from next; it might even come from his own ranks!

Chaos Mage: “We come to you from a plane called Chaos. We come not to take your world from you, but to bring you into ours. Travel the void with us, free of the pattern, and forge your own destiny!”

The Chaos Mage is only partly in this plane. Dark and mysterious, his creatures can become portals into the unknown plane called Chaos, dragging weak or damaged monsters in that zone with them. When sacrificing his creatures in this all-or-nothing attack the Chaos Mage must exercise perfect timing, and any opponents must be on their toes to survive.

Jake the Dog

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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #49 on: October 16, 2012, 03:15:28 PM »
Quote from: "kaisunset" post=2220
From what I have gathered, each expansion will include two new mages with contrasting abilities or philosophies. Here’s my suggestion for such an expansion:

Spirit Weaver: “We are all part of the pattern. You are the threads and we, the weavers, will spin your story. For how can mere threads understand the part they are supposed to play in the greater design?”

Spirit Weavers from ancient legend and are rumored to be as old as the Gods. With the arrival of the Chaos Mages, they have come out into the open once more. While the Chaos Mage tears the pattern apart, the Spirit Weaver binds it together. The Spirit Weaver can turn your creatures to her purpose or summon transient creatures that attack immediately and then vanish. Her foe is never certain of the direction he will be attacked from next; it might even come from his own ranks!

Chaos Mage: “We come to you from a plane called Chaos. We come not to take your world from you, but to bring you into ours. Travel the void with us, free of the pattern, and forge your own destiny!”

The Chaos Mage is only partly in this plane. Dark and mysterious, his creatures can become portals into the unknown plane called Chaos, dragging weak or damaged monsters in that zone with them. When sacrificing his creatures in this all-or-nothing attack the Chaos Mage must exercise perfect timing, and any opponents must be on their toes to survive.

With that in mind...:

- Shaman vs Technomancer: Primal Nature/Spirit Magic versus Steampunk
- Storm Wizard vs Druid?: two different sides of Nature; the Destructive Force and the Nurturing Force?


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2012, 05:50:56 AM »
I know that someone's already come up with a  Lich lord, but I'd also like to post my own ideas about a lich.

I want the lich to have a really small life (and since he is undead, having a finite life trait by default would make it better).

As for the spells, I think it would be awesome to have a mage with his OWN school of magic. This would also mean that he cannot use cards from other schools and vice versa. School of Forbidden arts may sound cheezy, but it may work for a Lich (sorry, I'm out of names here)

Some cards from his school of magic would also allow him to steal spells from his opponent's prepared cards. A good way to make up for his lack of school choices.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #51 on: October 25, 2012, 10:11:59 AM »
I'll cast my vote for a Chronomancer.

I'd like to see him have haste and slow effects (somehow), a time-based healing effect (maybe a regenerate or basic heal but of the time school; blinks in and out of time to before he suffered the wounds I guess), an actual blink of some sort, make it whatever kind of effect you want, a defense, a teleport, both.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2012, 12:43:14 PM »
I'd like to see some kind of Witch or Cultist.

She would specialise in Dark and Mind spells, but would have forbidden all Elemental schools. She would have low life and fighitng skills.
Like Warlock she could summon deamons and cast curses, but she would focus on mind controll rather than direct combat and attack spells.
She could have some ability focused on cursed items. Another one on charming.
She could have black cat familiar, which would cause bad luck on enemy creatures (something like daze).

I can't think of specific mechanics and I am not attached to those abowe, but I would like to see something in that theme.

Maybe even not Witch, but Faerie - more Ntature/Mind than Dark/Mind. Maybe both :)
"I've seen this spell before - sold in alleys, brothels, and taverns. Men want more life. Always, they want more life."
- Rae Ashar, Wench of the Flying Dragon


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2012, 01:43:04 PM »
A Planeswalker would be cool too. Probably Arcane but his MO would be summoning extra-planar beings. Very powerful and not terribly expensive BUT with a steep Upkeep costs (I mean close to standard channeling values steep) so basically have to expend all your efforts to sustain them turn after turn. Alternatively those beings could have a variable upkeep and depending on how much you pay for them (so how much energy you focus on manifesting them in the arena) each turn they would change their stats and shift from stronger to weaker to stronger depending on your needs.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #54 on: October 26, 2012, 04:21:18 PM »
I would love to see a Wild Mage type.

Basically a mage that is insane
Specializes is Mana spells only.
Base Mana: 10
Health: ?
Spell Book: More than average? (to slightly off-set the lack of a specialty school.)

His basic abilities could be that he casts all spells at 2 Mana less (Minimum 1), but must draw his cards randomly each round. Unused cards are recycled back into his Spell "Deck" (Book) each round.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #55 on: November 06, 2012, 05:24:52 PM »
I was thinking about a Wild Mage as well...
Something along the lines of, every spell he casts costs 2 less (to a minimum of 0) and every attack spell is +1...but, whenever he casts a spell he needs to roll 3 dice.  At least 1 critical side must be showing or the spell fizzles (return it to his/her spell book).

Obviously, this would need testing and balancing...I have no idea if these numbers are fair or whatever, but I like the nice bonus with the risk of things just not going off...


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2012, 10:46:30 AM »
I would like to see a Gnomish Mage!

This crafty, pint-sized finger wiggler would have MELEE DEFENSE against creatures >12 health.

Spellbook would be a hybrid between WIZARD "tricks" and BEASTMASTER "animals."


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #57 on: November 11, 2012, 01:23:28 AM »
Warrior - War - All other schools are triple except for their equipments


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #58 on: November 13, 2012, 11:31:01 AM »
I know a Druid is already pared with the necromancer, but I think that a good counter to the druid and other nature based mages would be a Defiler.

The Defilier is a Mage who excels at warping and destroying natural creation, and most of his attack spells deal extra damage to living creatures.

Trained in dark magic, with nature spells costing triple, low life, 9 channeling, and regular spellbook, attack, and armor ratings.

Special ability 1: Aura of death. as a quick action, the Defilier can pay 3 mana to place a rot token on any one living creature in the arena. Alternatively, Defiler can spend a full round action to place 1 rot token on any number of living creatures within 2 spaces, must pay 3 mana for each rot token placed in this way.

Special ability 2: Twist creation. Once per round, when an opponent Mage summons a living creature, you may pay mana equal to the spell's casting cost plus the spell's level to Twist that creature. That creature instead comes into play under the Defiler's control, but gains the non-living trait (plus finite life and psychic immunity), -1 life per spell's level, and -1 attack per 2 levels, holy creatures take double the numeric penalties.

A few of his signature spells would be Envenom (low cost, low damage, good range, high rot chance), Pestilence Carrier (high cost, enchantment, place rot on one living creature, at upkeep it spreads to any living creature in range 0-1 of creature), and Temple of Ruination (med-high cost, spawn point, pay med-high mana to give each living creature in range 0-2 finite life trait and 1 rot token).


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #59 on: November 16, 2012, 02:21:03 PM »
Excuse me for the double post, but its been a few days since anyone last posted here.

Another fun Mage would be a take on the classic Tolkien Ranger archetype.

Ranger, trained in nature and war, fire and arcane cost triple. 120 spell book points, 9 channeling, medium health, no armor.

Herbalism: once per round, when the ranger cats a nature incantation or reveals a nature enchantment, the ranger can heal 1 point of damage.
Ancient Knowledge: once per round, the Ranger can dip into his pool of vast and ageless lore to learn the weaknesses of a creature. He can target any 1 non-Mage creature, pay mana equal to its level +1, and gain all of the following benefits against that creature: range +1, pierce +1, and armor +1.

Archer Training: the Ranger gains +1 ranged on all ranged non-spell attacks.

Arcane Arrow: ranger can pay 3 mana to make a full-action ranged attack of 3 dice. Archer training applies to this attack, despite it having a mana cost, but is not automatically counted in.
Melee attack 2

He would have some unique spells as well, like
Hunt Master's Bow: equipment, ~12 mana cost, regular attack full-action at 5 dice range 1-2, or special attack Snapshot quick action at 3 dice range 1-2, or special attack Volley full-action at 3 dice range 1-1 with triplestrike, Ranger only.
Fore Repel: incantation, X mana cost, push each creature in the zone except for the Ranger 1 space. Pay 3 mana for each creature pushed, must pay an additional 3 mana to push a creature through damaging terrain or walls.
Mysterious Ways: enchantment, 2/4 mana cost, mage bind +2, grant target creature the uncontainable feature.
Assassin Vine: conjuration wall, 8 mana cost, 12 life, fire +2, regen 2, does not block line of sight, passage attack, 2 dice attack, effect 4-10 incapacitate (or whatever it is that tangle vine does), 11+ incapacitate and daze, +2 melee vs. incapacitated creatures. Creatures who are incapacitated as a result of attempting (or being forced) to move through the assassin vine wall stay in the zone where they started their move. Creatures incapacitated by the vine can spend a quick action to attempt to escape, success on 9+.