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Messages - Puddnhead

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Rules Discussion / Re: Defrost
« on: January 03, 2019, 09:20:30 PM »
What I remember from discussions is that Defrost works like Extinguish and is a characteristic of ALL fire attacks (whether they say defrost or not) Therefore, fire attacks would roll one less die and have a -1 to effect for each Freeze condition on the target. I do not recall an official statement of the above discussion.

Rules Discussion / Re: Is Gate to Hell a Zone Attack?
« on: January 03, 2019, 09:18:03 PM »
Hooray! Another Swarm loophole.  The way Gate is written is that it is an un-targeted attack against all creatures. Therefore it hits all creatures, but I would say that the way the Swarm trait is written (RAW) it only does a maximum of one damage to them. I would love to be wrong about this.

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: December 13, 2018, 02:06:40 PM »
I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the trait wording: "...cannot be targeted or affected by non-attack spells that do not specifically target swarm creatures. "

So, chock it up to poor wording, rushed development and almost no legitimate play testing time. Waves of force cannot move little insects.  :P

But it is affected by Etherian Lifetree - because it's not a "spell" but rather a global effect at that point?

Correct, Etherian Lifetree is now an "Object" and not a "Spell". This begs the question of whether objects are also spells since they were once spells, but that has not been officially clarified yet.

General Discussion / Re: Gen Con Academy pre releases
« on: December 13, 2018, 10:01:02 AM »
I'm pretty sure that it has to do with the trait wording: "...cannot be targeted or affected by non-attack spells that do not specifically target swarm creatures. "

So, chock it up to poor wording, rushed development and almost no legitimate play testing time. Waves of force cannot move little insects.  :P

Rules Discussion / Re: force pull through Mind's eye
« on: November 30, 2018, 12:35:22 PM »
Can we take a minute to understand that Force Pull is Force PULL.  Why is it less important that it actually PULLS rather than is relevant to the position of the Forcemaster?!

The only reason Force Pull is worded the way that it is is because they wanted to use the already extant Game Terminology of "push" instead of having to have a separate entry for "pull". Force Pull as a spell is intended to be a quick "yoink". The reason it costs 1 mana is because it is limited in direction and cannot push through passage attacks.

Why does the "yoink" FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE DIRECTION when a Mind's Eye casts it? This is preposterous. Mind's Eye CHANGED the RULES. I contend that PULL is more important to the intrinsic spell-ness of Force Pull than "her" is.

*rant snipped out* My views have been stated and the rules lawyers have spoken -- exit Puddnhead.

Rules Discussion / Re: force pull through Mind's eye
« on: November 28, 2018, 09:36:34 PM »
So the situation we are left with is that if the target creature is between the Forcemaster and the Mind's Eye, a Force Pull can be used to push it away.

Okay then. Glad we sorted that out.

Only if "pushing it away" makes it closer to the Forcemaster.  In which case, why have the Eye in the first place?

I still contend that "RAW" is the wrong choice here and that since we do not get any rulings from the designers anymore we have to decide for ourselves how it is to be interpreted. My FM will use a spell called "PULL" to always "PULL" thank you very much.  Way more consistent.

Rules Discussion / Re: force pull through Mind's eye
« on: November 28, 2018, 04:37:36 PM »

Not disagreeing with you Pudding, but Ini wanted a solid rules foundation.

From FAQ:
"Unless the effect says otherwise, the pushed creature must move one zone away from the source of the Push"

The Force Pull effect overrides the source for the Push effect. It's not a gray area at all really becuase of how force pull is written to always push the creature towards the force master.

I'm in full agreement that a RAW reading of Force Pull (as worded before the idea of Mind's Eye was a twinkle in the designer's eye) is always toward "her". But two points remain

1) First, as mentioned, Mind's Eye wasn't a concept while Force Pull was originally being worded. It still remains that "her" and "source" are interchangeable in RAW understandings of Force Pull until Mind's Eye was created.  Once Mind's Eye hit the field those terms are no longer interchangeable and I definitely believe they deserve a statement of intention. It could be argued that you are no longer using Force Pull in the way it is supposed to be used on either account. Which is the greater part of the intention of Force Pull: That it always closed the gap between FM and target OR That it always PULLS? They are one and the same until Mind's Eye mucks it up for us.

2) What happens now that the Forcemaster is able to target herself with Force Pull through Mind's Eye? Nothing? OR Any direction you choose?  Doesn't it make more sense to force (pun intended) the pull to move in a certain direction..i.e. Toward the source?  Which is now Mind's Eye.  Should changing the Source of Force Pull have ramifications other than range as it does with other spells?  Reverse Magic, Revese Attack will affect the Eye rather than the Forcemaster (or Thoughtspore) when using other spells.  Why does it not change the effect of Force Pull?

Slightly more frivolously, it could be construed that "her" is a very unclear term in that it could be referring to any "her" in the arena.  ;)

I know you and I have been around the block a few times with this one and I respect your rules knowledge and interpretive ability. I am just convinced that the "proper" way to play Force Pull + Mind's Eye is to actually make the Eye cast the spell instead of the Forcemaster and thus BE the "her" to which Force Pull is referring.

Rules Discussion / Re: force pull through Mind's eye
« on: November 28, 2018, 01:18:31 PM »
All throughout playtesting, I well as those with whom I playtested, assumed that Mind's Eye becomes the place toward which the target is pulled... I.E. the Forcemaster's ability gets reworded to "...pulled one zone toward the source".

Force Pull had no historical reason to be worded in the above manner and it is simpler "plain English" to just say "her" instead of "the source" because "her" IS the source...until Mind's Eye comes along.  All of a sudden you've divorced "caster" from "source" and now there's a grey area. Rather brilliant that this is the ONE thing that causes problems with Mind's Eye's wording.

Now, I'm not the designer and I don't know the intent.  I always prefer intent over "Rules As Written" and that may be a shortcoming of mine.

Most of the time Mind's Eye is used to cast Thoughtspore spells in my experience, but the potential to pull anywhere is what makes the spell actually interesting and fun to play.

As the official Rules Codex and Supplement has not been updated on this item it falls to the community to decide how to rule it. I know of at least two tournaments (both of which I've been involved in running, so take this with a grain of salt) that rule the way I have up above. By no means am I the arbiter of your enjoyment of this game, but tradition interprets grey areas and there's a tradition started with both this spell and with Disciple of Radiance and I would counsel to go with tradition.

General Discussion / Re: Most Interesting Academy Expansions for Arena?
« on: November 26, 2018, 11:25:21 AM »
Forcemaster and Warlord are my favorite Academy sets. Priestess and Warlock have some strong cards in them. And I would totally pick up Elementalist if you like Siren at all.

Mages / Re: MW Academy Druid and Elementalist announced
« on: November 17, 2018, 09:21:19 PM »
Is the incorrect text on the Frost tokens one of those? I got two of each set at GenCon. I noticed the error on the Frost tokens as I’ve played a few times since then. If so I’ll be happy that it’ll be corrected in the regular release.

I'm not sure if they are going to reprint them. They certainly should. Freeze tokenz from those prerelease sets are definitely misprints. Freeze should only be removed at the rate of one token after each of the affected creature's activations.

Mheg has elusive and gets his 5dice at the beginning. He can use battle fury, ehren cannot. Mheg has 3 armor to ehren's 2. Extra actions from your mage is more costly than 6 life initially. It makes sense, but the deception is that by the end of the game, the 6 life is more costly than the actions.

In my experience Drokarr is "Kill on Sight" for my opponents and it never gets a chance to be awesome.

Gator toughness!

Spells / Re: Buffs and Counters to Killer Bees
« on: October 31, 2018, 09:17:07 PM »
The pushes and ports are for the triple striker.

Spells / Re: Buffs and Counters to Killer Bees
« on: October 17, 2018, 08:36:07 PM »

The targeting rule re ET has been confirmed in the Rules Supplement:

"The enchantments must be moved to a legal target creature (a target you could cast the enchantments on as if you were casting each enchantment again on the new target)."

I am so relieved!

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