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Messages - jmmeye2

Pages: [1] 2
Custom Cards / Re: Sergeant Baras
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:38:53 PM »
I changed the spell to Holy instead of War since it is a Knight.

Custom Cards / Re: Sergeant Baras
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:37:42 AM »
I agree with reddawn, so I added the text to pay the cost for each new target.

Custom Cards / Re: Sergeant Baras
« on: August 05, 2013, 09:12:58 PM »
Horn of Gothos extends the range of the same zone Battle Orders, the built in small boost that the Orc Warlord can give.

This card, Sergeant Baras, extends an incantation command spell, like Battle Fury, and copies it to every friendly soldier.  It cannot copy the Battle Orders skill in the way Horn of Gothos does because that skill is not an incantation.  This means you can benefit from having both cards in play.

I think the ability is very powerful.  With Ring of Command in play, a 1 cost Power Strike gives +2 Melee to many soldiers.  It may be overpowered...

Custom Cards / Sergeant Baras
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:28:00 PM »
Sergeant Baras
Creature - Knight, Soldier
Cost 15
Full Action
0-0 Zone
Level 4 Holy
3 Armor
13 Health
[Attack] melee, 4 dice.
Legendary. Lightning +2.
When Sergeant Baras is targeted by a friendly command incantation spell, you may copy and cast that spell again for each other friendly creature up to one zone away, paying the cost for each new target.

Custom Cards / Re: Shortbow
« on: July 03, 2013, 07:12:56 PM »
Glad for feedback and I like the crossbow idea.

Adding 6 to defense rolls helps the defender and makes the shortbow very weak against defenses at range.

Custom Cards / Shortbow
« on: July 03, 2013, 08:50:48 AM »
Cost: 8
Quick Action
Range: 0-2
Target: Mage
Level: War 1
Equipment Slot: One Hand (Main/Weapon)

ATTACK - "Quick Shot" - Quick Action - Ranged Attack 0-2 range - 4 Dice

When using Quick Shot, add 6 to any defense rolls the target makes for each zone away.

Custom Cards / Re: Giant Snapjaw Crocodile
« on: July 02, 2013, 06:55:18 AM »
Per the codex: "Uncontainable creatures and all conjurations cannot be Restrained."

I added text to prevent moving of unmovable creatures.

For power level balance I added "Beastmaster Only" and reduced the attack dice to 5.

Custom Cards / Giant Snapjaw Crocodile
« on: July 01, 2013, 10:13:38 PM »
Giant Snapjaw Crocodile
Creature - Reptile
Cost 21
Full Action
0-0 Zone
Level 5 Nature
4 Armor
15 Health
[Attack] Snapping Jaws - Quick Action - melee - 5 - d12: 10+ Jaw Lock
Beastmaster Only
As a full action Giant Snapjaw Crocodile may ready his charge (use a ready marker).  On its next turn it has fast and has +6 to the condition roll.

(A Jaw Locked creature is restrained and dazed and is moved along with Giant Snapjaw Crocodile unless it is unmovable. Only one creature may be jaw locked at one time from this creature.)

Custom Cards / Immolate
« on: June 29, 2013, 12:12:12 PM »
Attack (Fire)
Cost: 9
Quick Spell
Range 0-2
Target: Creature
Level 3 (Fire 2, Dark 1)
Ranged - Flame - 3 attack die - Unavoidable.  Direct Damage.  Critical Damage.  Burn for each damage dealt

Custom Cards / Re: Swamp Mosquito
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:47:14 AM »
I intended to make a cheap (1 cost) creature that usually does nothing, but occasionally distracts the opponent or infects with poison which the mosquito happened to be carrying.  This is just a mosquito, not a dangerous, large, or poisonous creature.

The rules state (under Aegis in code): Attacks cannot be reduced below 1 die.

I don't think this means an attack cannot start with 0 dice.  As clarification on my card idea, the attack indicates "no damage".  You cannot Bear Strength the mosquito and expect more out of it.

Custom Cards / Swamp Mosquito
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:33:26 PM »
Swamp Mosquito
cost 1
full action spell
target 0-0 zone
level 1 nature
0 armor (disabled, cannot gain)
1 health
quick action - Bite - melee - 0 damage dice - d12: 12+ rot.  No damage
Bloodthirsty.  Pest. Flying.

Custom Cards / Death Cards
« on: June 24, 2013, 12:28:41 PM »
I would design the death cards to require finite life for full effect.  Thematically, it is the fear of death that is exploited by the dark wizard, and bravery and priest cleansing that is the undoing.  I can imagine the epic battle of good versus light evil, with the tide of battle turning at the fall of the Deathlock (for example).

I think this would make Finite Life much more interesting.

Cost: X+X
Full Action
Range: 0-0
Target: Creature
Level: Dark 3
Target creature loses X life. Then, if it is not destroyed, it gains X life.

Unstable Affliction
Cost: (2)(X)
Quick Cast
Range: 0-2
Target: Living Creature
Level: Dark 3
Dark Mage Only.
X is the level of target creature.
This creature gains Finite Life.
During the upkeep phase this creature loses 1 life.
When Unstable Affliction is destroyed by an opponent place X Rot tokens on this creature.

Cost: X
Quick Cast
Range: 0-2
Target: Non-Mage Living Creature
Level: 1 Dark
X is the level of the target creature. If the creature has finite life, immediately activate and control that creature but take only move actions.

Searing Pain
Cost: 5
Full Action
Range: 0-1
Target: Creature
Level: 1 Dark
If the creature has finite life, place a stun marker on it.

Custom Cards / Wolverine
« on: December 18, 2012, 07:05:56 AM »
Nature 1
Cost: 7
Range: 0-0
Creature: Animal, Weasel
Armor: 2
Health: 6
Beastmaster only.
When Wolverine is targeted by a non-enchantment spell it gains Melee + 3 on its next attack.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: What to Do Against Arcane Enchantments
« on: December 04, 2012, 11:14:17 AM »
For some reason I was in a dramatic mood last week...I could have said the same thing in one sentence.

A positive enchantment such as in my example is much better against Reverse Magic, the same against Jinx, and slightly worse against Nullify.

I would rather not even include decoy in decks where I am unlikely to leave enchantments face down, such as Beast Master.

Strategy and Tactics / What to Do Against Arcane Enchantments
« on: November 30, 2012, 08:29:10 AM »
If you have played a skilled arcane mage this will sound familiar.  The opponent has a facedown enchantment on your mage and on himself.  You want to target the opposing mage, but are unsure you will be able to get past these hidden defenses.  Do you ignore the enchantments and fall into his trap?  Then you remember the reflected curses and lost actions and spells from previous games and you hesitate.  What should you do?

First let's look at the list of arcane enchantments and their effects:

Jinx - the enchantment on your mage might be Jinx.  If you play a quick spell you know you can at least remove it from play, but you will lose that action

Nullify - either enchantment could be nullify.  If you play an enchantment or incantation on either mage then the nullify will leave play, but your spell is lost along with mana spent

Reverse Magic - the enchantment on the opposing mage could be reverse magic.  If you play an enchantment or incantation on the opposing mage the reverse magic will leave play, but your spell and mana are lost and gained by the opponent.

So any of the three enchantments will leave play if you target the opponent with a quick spell incantation or enchantment.  But what should you play.  If any of these enchantments are on the opposing mage there is a good chance your card will have little effect or even backfire.

Backfire.  Here is the key.  What if you could use the backfire to your advantage.  A bad play backfired becomes a good play.  But there is no guarantee for backfire so you don't want to commit too heavily, so an enchantment would be best so you don't have to commit (reveal) fully.  Also two mana is not too much to invest.  So you pull a Rhino Hide from your spellbook and prepare it face down on the table, and before you know it you spend two mana to enchant your opponent with the buff enchantment.  Now the moment of truth.

Did you opponent have Reverse Magic on himself?  If so he would likely immediately pay 5 mana to reveal it.  It would leave play and your Rhino Hide enchantment would attach to your mage.  You smile with satisfaction.

Did your opponent have nullify on himself?  If so he would pay 2 mana, reveal it, and the nullify and Rhino Hide would be discarded from play.  You are still even on actions and up two mana after the play.

Did your opponent have jinx on you?  If so he would pay 1 mana, reveal it and it would leave play and your Rhino Hide would go back to your book along with your mana to your pool.

In any of these situations you have spent only a quick action and a maximum of two mana.  After the play you can feel confident to play any other prepared spell against the opponent (attacks could be still be vulnerable to mind magic, however).  How confident is the opposing mage?  Probably not much.  He is at your mercy.

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