Mage Wars > Mages

the book that the priest is holding in his card art?


Sailor Vulcan:
Is that a holy equipment that hasn't been released yet? It occurred to me just now that he's the only non-academy mage that's holding a book in his card art. So far we've got two book equipments: libro mortuos and mordok's tome. what's with the one in the priest's card art that never appeared in the set and no one ever seems to have talked about or even noticed? Is it an actual spell which we might see in the future?

Well Sike noticed it. The priest "reads from the book of Malakai" when he sets people on fire. I would also be interested in what that is though!

What if that is simply his own book and he won't have to cast it and nobody else is able to?

Sailor Vulcan:

--- Quote from: bigfatchef on July 24, 2017, 03:42:58 PM ---What if that is simply his own book and he won't have to cast it and nobody else is able to?

--- End quote ---

Doubt it. He's the only arena mage with a book in his hands, and other arena mages have spells in their card art. Oftentimes something in the mage card art which wasn't released in it's set gets released in a later set instead. Its too much of a coincidence that the malakai priest, of all the arena Mages, is the only one with a book in his card art.

You know, religious people often have a book. (Bible, Qur'an) It doesn't have to be a magic book. He might as well quote phrases to his opponents while burning them. Condemning them to hell.

Also, not every equipment on mage art is going to be released. ;)


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