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Messages - adanaz

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Rules Discussion / Re: Kraken and guarding
« on: January 08, 2018, 12:26:52 PM »
I guess a 6 dice attack is a bit much for a counterstrike.  In a large number of cases, it would be a stronger attack than that of the aggressor!

Thanks for the replies!

Rules Discussion / Kraken and guarding
« on: January 08, 2018, 10:29:57 AM »
Hey guys,

I guard with the Kraken.  The Kraken is melee attacked.  Where is my quick action melee attack to use as a Counterstrike?  Is it my mistake to guard with a creature that lacks a quick action melee attack and expect a Counterstrike?   

I didn't find it written anywhere that a creature who lacks a quick action melee attack does not get to Counterstrike when guarding.  Although I did find that 'Ranged attacks skip this step' and 'You may not make a full action melee attack or a ranged attack with Counterstrike.'

I think it was an oversight on my part (hangs head and sobs softly).


Rules Discussion / Eye for an Eye situation
« on: January 02, 2018, 03:17:09 PM »
Hey guys,

We had an interesting situation arise last night which we decided to resolve to the best of our knowledge.  However, we would like clarification.  It was quite a complicated turn of events and board state, so here goes...

(Apologies for not linking the cards, I have forgotten how to, and can't find the instructions.)

Two adjacent spaces (A and B) are divided by a Coral Barrier.  In space A is a Knight of the Red Helm with a face down enchantment.  Space B contains a Bed of Urchins and a Merren Harpooner.

The Merren Harpooner attacks the Knight of the Red Helm using the Harpoon attack (4 attack dice and effect die 7+ Snatch).  Wreck of Viridian Lace grants 1 extra attack die, so 5 attack dice and effect die 7+ Snatch.  The enchantment is revealed under the Knight of the Red Helm, it is Eye for an Eye.

The attack dice result in 3 normal damage and 1 critical damage and an 11 on the effect die.  The questions/clarifications are as follows:

i) Knight of the Red Helm received 1 damage (3 armour).
ii) Merren Harpooner received 4 damage (no armour)?  Would armour affect the damage received should the creature have armour?  The confusion lies in the fact that 1 damage was 'suffered' by the Knight of the Red Helm, though 4 damage was rolled.  Would Merren Harpooner only 'suffer' 1 damage too?
iii) Regarding the Snatch - Does each creature pull the other into their starting zone causing a passage attack by the Coral Barrier on each creature, or are the Snatch effects negated? (We carried out the attacks and place swap).
iv) On entry to space B, following the attack by the Coral Barrier, the Knight of the Red Helm was attacked by the Bed of Urchins.

If there are any other details required, please let me know.  Hopefully there is a definitive resolution!  We consulted the example in the rules insert, Codex etc. and it seemed correct.


Rules Discussion / Re: Wreck of Viridian Lace
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:07:27 PM »
Thanks for the clarification Zuberi.

Rules Discussion / Wreck of Viridian Lace
« on: December 26, 2017, 05:14:42 PM »
Hey guys,

Does Wreck of the Viridian Lace grant melee +1 and ranged +1 to all pirate creatures in the same zone as WoVL or to all pirate creatures in the arena?


Events / Re: The 2015 Gen Con World Championship Report!!!!
« on: August 03, 2015, 01:40:30 PM »
Thanks for the report.

Concerning the interview with Mr. Pope, I would hazard a guess that it is a MAY as opposed to a may not... I look forward to it!

General Discussion / Re: Test your Skills... Steelclaws!
« on: July 08, 2015, 01:39:05 PM »
That and a lair :P

Ha ha! Nice one Coshade.

General Discussion / Re: Test your Skills... Steelclaws!
« on: July 08, 2015, 11:39:42 AM »
So, does that mean Steelclaw Grizzly and Steelclaw Matriarch are prerequisites if you want one or more Steelclaw Cubs in your spellbook?

General Discussion / Re: Test Your Skills... Shrink!
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:43:27 AM »
Nice one Schwenkgott, that makes absolute sense. Good news for the [mwcard=MWSTX1CKC08]Gargoyle Sentry[/mwcard] (and any other 'interceptor')!!

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:19:35 AM »
But any (perceived) weaknesses of the game should be pointed out and discussed, especially here in this forum.  I think Arcane Wonders have shown that they care and react to criticism to make Mage Wars a better game.

I agree, very good point.

However, it doesn't make sense to ignore the weak points of the game. As enthusiastic fans, we have a tendency to wear rose-coloured glasses when looking at our favorite games.

Another good point. I'm sure that Arcane Wonders appreciate all of the feedback.

General Discussion / Re: Test Your Skills... Shrink!
« on: July 02, 2015, 07:07:22 PM »
I would expect that by ignoring the guard, due to the Pest trait, the intercept cannot 'trigger'.  From the codex for Intercept:

..this creature may redirect that ranged attack to itself, as long as it can be a legal target for that attack.

The fact that it's guard is ignored by the attacker would make it an illegal target, hence the pest cannot 'redirect that ranged attack to itself'.

I think that it is a good counter for creatures such as [mwcard=MWSTX1CKC08]Gargoyle Sentry[/mwcard].  This guy, with [mwcard=MW1E36]Rhino Hide[/mwcard] has 6 armour when guarding and using Intercept.  It's great for the defending mage and a pain for the attacking mage.  So, Shrink is perfect for this situation (providing that the above is correct, of course).

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 02, 2015, 11:44:25 AM »
Isn't that obvious? If you cannot play the game without making (rule) mistakes, there must be something wrong with the game('s rules).

Well, I wasn't expecting that. I haven't seen much, if any negativity towards Mage Wars in this forum.

I've enjoyed playing, making mistakes, having discussions about rules, checking the codex, rulebook, supplement and posting questions here. It has all added to the excellent experience of playing and feeling a part of such a unique and amazing game.

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: July 01, 2015, 07:59:54 AM »
Umm, yeah. To be honest, a different conclusion came to my mind...

Would you care to elaborate jhaelen?

Events / Re: GENCON 2015 Tournament
« on: June 30, 2015, 10:04:56 PM »
That's great silverclawgrizzly, really admirable and inspiring words.

Here in the UK, we had a UK Championship tournament on May 29th at the UK Games Expo.  It's unequivocal that Mage Wars is nowhere near as big here as it appears to be there in the US.  Arcane Wonders had a small booth in one of the trade halls which was running demo games of Mage Wars.  The tournament started with 30 places available and was cut to 12.  There were 10 participants on the day (one of which was an opportunist who just happened to have a spellbook with him and only took part in one match).  Chris, the Arcane Wonders ambassador, had to run both the booth and the tournament, and did a very good job of it.  We were allocated our opponents by Chris and were pretty much left to get on with our matches.  Chris came to check on times, winners etc. as much as he could.  All of the competitors had high levels of sportsmanship and it was a friendly atmosphere between us all.  Overall it was an excellent experience for me, I had only been playing for three months, against one opponent, and managed to place fifth! (Or fourth, as there was a joint third, however you want to look at it). 

Here are some links:

Info: http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=15521.msg51935#msg51935

Results: http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=15618.msg51928#msg51928

I am Adam, I played John (modified loss), Jonathan (modified loss) and Justin (modified win).

I'm hoping that Mage Wars will grow in popularity here and that next year's tournament will attract more players!

How many players are registered for the GenCon tournament?

General Discussion / Re: Arcane Duels - Domination 3 For All!!
« on: June 30, 2015, 09:36:30 PM »
I haven't played a single game of Mage Wars where either myself or my opponent haven't made some kind of mistake or another.  Even during tournament play there's always a forgotten spawnpoint channelling, a targeting error or something along those lines.  It's not surprising, as there is so much to keep track of and so much going on.  This is one of the features that makes Mage Wars such an amazing game to play; there are so many levels of depth.

As Coshade said:

The possibilities are crazy for this game!

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