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Topics - adanaz

Pages: [1]
Rules Discussion / Kraken and guarding
« on: January 08, 2018, 10:29:57 AM »
Hey guys,

I guard with the Kraken.  The Kraken is melee attacked.  Where is my quick action melee attack to use as a Counterstrike?  Is it my mistake to guard with a creature that lacks a quick action melee attack and expect a Counterstrike?   

I didn't find it written anywhere that a creature who lacks a quick action melee attack does not get to Counterstrike when guarding.  Although I did find that 'Ranged attacks skip this step' and 'You may not make a full action melee attack or a ranged attack with Counterstrike.'

I think it was an oversight on my part (hangs head and sobs softly).


Rules Discussion / Eye for an Eye situation
« on: January 02, 2018, 03:17:09 PM »
Hey guys,

We had an interesting situation arise last night which we decided to resolve to the best of our knowledge.  However, we would like clarification.  It was quite a complicated turn of events and board state, so here goes...

(Apologies for not linking the cards, I have forgotten how to, and can't find the instructions.)

Two adjacent spaces (A and B) are divided by a Coral Barrier.  In space A is a Knight of the Red Helm with a face down enchantment.  Space B contains a Bed of Urchins and a Merren Harpooner.

The Merren Harpooner attacks the Knight of the Red Helm using the Harpoon attack (4 attack dice and effect die 7+ Snatch).  Wreck of Viridian Lace grants 1 extra attack die, so 5 attack dice and effect die 7+ Snatch.  The enchantment is revealed under the Knight of the Red Helm, it is Eye for an Eye.

The attack dice result in 3 normal damage and 1 critical damage and an 11 on the effect die.  The questions/clarifications are as follows:

i) Knight of the Red Helm received 1 damage (3 armour).
ii) Merren Harpooner received 4 damage (no armour)?  Would armour affect the damage received should the creature have armour?  The confusion lies in the fact that 1 damage was 'suffered' by the Knight of the Red Helm, though 4 damage was rolled.  Would Merren Harpooner only 'suffer' 1 damage too?
iii) Regarding the Snatch - Does each creature pull the other into their starting zone causing a passage attack by the Coral Barrier on each creature, or are the Snatch effects negated? (We carried out the attacks and place swap).
iv) On entry to space B, following the attack by the Coral Barrier, the Knight of the Red Helm was attacked by the Bed of Urchins.

If there are any other details required, please let me know.  Hopefully there is a definitive resolution!  We consulted the example in the rules insert, Codex etc. and it seemed correct.


Rules Discussion / Wreck of Viridian Lace
« on: December 26, 2017, 05:14:42 PM »
Hey guys,

Does Wreck of the Viridian Lace grant melee +1 and ranged +1 to all pirate creatures in the same zone as WoVL or to all pirate creatures in the arena?


Rules Discussion / Bear Strength and Counterstrike
« on: June 26, 2015, 05:43:52 AM »
Hey guys,

I have read a lot about melee +x affecting only the first attack of a triplestrike etc.  It may exist and I just have not found it, though I have made a fairly decent search of the rulebook, supplement and forum, but I just want to clarify:

a) Does [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard] grant a melee +2 to a creature's counterstike when guarding?

b) Does the [mwcard=MW1C09]Darkfenne Hydra[/mwcard] get the melee +2 from [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard] when attacked when not guarding?

I'm not 100% sure but think that they do in both instances.


Hello guys,

If I use Force Wave on some flying creatures, who are still flying - no guards, no attacks made etc., and push them into an adjacent zone which is divided by a wall (any wall), would those flying creatures avoid the wall as they would under normal move circumstances and be pushed into said adjacent zone?

I believe that they would, but would like some clarification please.


Hey guys,

I've spent quite a while searching for an answer for this one (and read some very interesting discussions while doing so).

I can't see any reason why this is not legal and am quietly confident that I am right.  However, if I am wrong, I will have no problem accepting that.

Can a freshly cast [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]Wizard's Tower[/mwcard] fire off it's spellbound attack spell e.g. [mwcard=FWA04]Hurl Boulder[/mwcard], straight after it has been cast?  Note: this is not during either of the QuickCast phases.

Scenario - I move two spaces with my mage and QuickCast a  [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]Wizard's Tower[/mwcard].  I spellbind the [mwcard=FWA04]Hurl Boulder[/mwcard] and immediately use it to attack a wall.  All mana costs were paid, ranges were checked, immunities etc.

As always, thanks in advance.  The information from the fellow users and administrators of this forum are invaluable to us all!

Hey guys,

Is it possible to cast any enchantment, conjurations such as [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02]Wizard's Tower[/mwcard] and/or incantations such as [mwcard=MWSTX2FFI05]Ignite[/mwcard] on the other side of a wall which blocks LOS?


Rules Discussion / Burn token on a living conjuration
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:56:01 PM »
Hey guys,

I've done some searching, but haven't found anything thus far.  Can you place a burn token on a living conjuration such as [mwcard=DNJ02]Corrosive Orchid[/mwcard]?

I think the answer is yes, and my opponent and I agreed.  However, we would like some clarification.


Rules Discussion / Daze and Quickcast Attack Spell
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:02:37 PM »
A priestess has a daze marker at the beginning of the round.  As a quickcast spell, she wants to cast a Pillar of Light Attack spell.  Does she have to roll a 7 or more to make the attack?  Or, is the fact that it is a quickcast spell and not an action, make the priestess exempt from rolling a seven or above to escape the daze condition?

Please could somebody clarify this.  Thanks a lot.

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