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Messages - Godofzombies

Pages: [1]
Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Expansions
« on: June 18, 2013, 06:17:49 PM »
How about a chronomage and/or a zodiac beastmaster?
Why a mage who manipulates time and a mage obsessed with the zodiac?
Because there are 12 hours on a clockface and 12 animals in the zodiac.
And why is twelve so important? Because mage wars has a 12 sided die!
You could have special tokens like that random direction token from Forcemaster vs. Warlord, that interact with the effect die. Or spells that specifically use it in new ways:

"Midnight doom" Enchantment: nonmage creature. At the start of your upkeep phase, roll the effect die and add +1 to the roll for each time counter on midnight doom. If the result is 12 or higher destroy the enchanted creature. Otherwise add a time counter to midnight doom.


Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: New Boards
« on: June 18, 2013, 05:52:36 PM »
I was wondering, if u would consider instead of using a cardboard board, to print the gameboard on one or more playmat(s).
This is because mage wars is very easy to take with you, a few spellbooks and a bag full of tokens and dice... It all fits neatly into your average backpack. Except the board... Especially if you (like me) like to keep it in good condition. Now a playmat you can just roll up and cram it in without worries.

Maybe something for a next large expansion? Keep up the good work!

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